Adora's Blueberry Summer Grow

Hi Adora, I'm late to your journal. Your blueberry looks fabulous. Awesome on the flip, and I look forward to the flower show! I hope it's smooth sailing and without bug issues.
Hi Carmen! Glad to have you here now. I started my way through your journal, and I've still got to get caught up on yours (I'm still on page 6).:p

Neem oil thats the way to go. I ordered mine a couple days ago just waiting to hit my girls up with the neem...

Lovely plant you got there... I like the training.

:thumb: :thumb:
Hey danishoes21, welcome to my grow. It took me a while to get over the smell of neem, but I've been spraying it on everything, indoors and out.:)

Omg I think we may have found our CarCanopy Queen?!

What do you think @Carcass?
I am so super in awe
I think you both are doing a fantastic job...
As @Trala says- It makes me big smile that I helped a bit!
OMG! She's so gorgeous. You truly are the Canopy Queen. :adore:
Thanks guys :) Omg I'm blushing!! :love::green_heart:

Thank you kindly :) yup your Canadian alright but do you have the Boston creams?!
:laugh: I haven't had one of those in years, I am a freak who doesn't eat sugar...

I've never used neem for watering plants though it may work. I would recommend mosquito dunks for gnats per @Carcass' instructions:
I am using the mosquito dunks exactly like @Carcass now and I believe changing the dunk every 3 weeks instead of monthly is helping reduce the gnats. At least I want to believe.:nerd-with-glasses: They are definitely still floating around though.

As Baked mentioned, you bought personal care neem rather than neem for plants. If it's 100% cold pressed then it should probably be mixed using the instructions on the bottle Baked posted.

I buy whatever is at Home Depot, and that is a breeze to use.
Neem products for plant use are banned in Canada that I'm aware. None of the products mentioned are available to buy here - I can only seem to find pure neem oil. Not that I mind having to add an emulsifier, but if I'm missing out on some extra killing power that sucks.
Blueberry Update (Day 64, flip Day 8)

She's near flowering. I’m taking pics every day so I can go back through and decide which day I think she actually started to bloom...


I sprayed one of her clones with 1:9 STS last Thursday. It needs to be sprayed again tomorrow. It's under a small 45 w grow light in my kitchen and then in a cupboard at night for 12 hrs. There’s a timer on the light, but I have to move the clone in and out of the cupboard for the dark period and I keep forgetting. Yesterday it actually spent the entire day in the dark cupboard while I was out shoppin’ at greenhouses… big oops. I set alarms on my phone so I can get into the habit of moving it. I'm also going to self-pollinate a branch of the Blueberry and a Gorilla Cookies auto that just started flowering.


Looking a little bit wizzled after the STS spray.




I need to go get myself caught up on your guys' journals! :green_heart: :bong:
Damn, Adora- she's beautiful-
And sooo many budsites... can't wait to see her in flower! :oops:
And good luck with the pollen/seed making project:goodluck:
Blueberry Update (Day 64, flip Day 8)

She's near flowering. I’m taking pics every day so I can go back through and decide which day I think she actually started to bloom...


I sprayed one of her clones with 1:9 STS last Thursday. It needs to be sprayed again tomorrow. It's under a small 45 w grow light in my kitchen and then in a cupboard at night for 12 hrs. There’s a timer on the light, but I have to move the clone in and out of the cupboard for the dark period and I keep forgetting. Yesterday it actually spent the entire day in the dark cupboard while I was out shoppin’ at greenhouses… big oops. I set alarms on my phone so I can get into the habit of moving it. I'm also going to self-pollinate a branch of the Blueberry and a Gorilla Cookies auto that just started flowering.


Looking a little bit wizzled after the STS spray.




I need to go get myself caught up on your guys' journals! :green_heart: :bong:
Oh. My. Fucking. God!

She is AMazinggggggg!

I’m so happy for you! She’s gonna be budilicious once you turn those lights down babe!
Hi Adora, your canopy and bud sites are spectacular. Good luck with the STS project.
still on page 6).
Don't worry to read all of the journal. I gave an update a couple of days ago and that kind of sums up where I am in relation to where I started. It's too much to catch up the whole thing :)
Neem products for plant use are banned in Canada that I'm aware. None of the products mentioned are available to buy here - I can only seem to find pure neem oil. Not that I mind having to add an emulsifier, but if I'm missing out on some extra killing power that sucks.

Hi Adora.

I bought unrefined neem oil from Windy Point Soap.
@Trala Sent me here. Go look Deeve, go look. Im sure theres some punishment if I dont come take a seat. Im still waiting on her to tell me what Ive one* for  voting I mean supporting one her grow girl crews. Shes not the easiest friend Adora, but shes my favourite still. Its her fault Im here.

I weighed it up. Im an active member of 8 journals. Two are mine. Two are Tralas. Inactive on about 10 more. Will this be 9 or 11? Its all a bit much really.

Then I read through. I think ive used amazing, great job, looks good, wow, jelly, go girl, and pretty. All at your grow of course, nothing inappropriate.

Anyhow any of those mumurings above you can use as a sign I liked it and will take my seat up the back. For the love of God my sake dont return the favour and sub in, between my rants and poor summer grow Id be ashamed.

Ill just sit back and watch the magic happen. Good show.
It’s probably good that you don’t sugar is a double edged sword my friend! I really like your photos they are beautiful! Keep hydrated
Thanks dewd. Remember to drink a glass of water sometimes too! :cheesygrinsmiley: and I much prefer stevia... I've grown it from seed alongside my weed plants and would eat it while tending my plants lol.

Damn, Adora- she's beautiful-
And sooo many budsites... can't wait to see her in flower!
And good luck with the pollen/seed making project
Thanks Carcass! I would've liked less, but bigger, budsites, but I broke off a couple of the main branches and a bunch of smaller tops came up in their place. At least I got several good clones :p

Oh. My. Fucking. God!

She is AMazinggggggg!

I’m so happy for you! She’s gonna be budilicious once you turn those lights down babe!
Thanks Trala! I am so happy with how she's turned out so far! :love:

Hi Adora, your canopy and bud sites are spectacular. Good luck with the STS project.

Don't worry to read all of the journal. I gave an update a couple of days ago and that kind of sums up where I am in relation to where I started. It's too much to catch up the whole thing :)
And miss something? No way!! A couple coffees and bong rips later and I'm all caught up. :)

@Trala Sent me here. Go look Deeve, go look. Im sure theres some punishment if I dont come take a seat. Im still waiting on her to tell me what Ive one* for  voting I mean supporting one her grow girl crews. Shes not the easiest friend Adora, but shes my favourite still. Its her fault Im here.

I weighed it up. Im an active member of 8 journals. Two are mine. Two are Tralas. Inactive on about 10 more. Will this be 9 or 11? Its all a bit much really.

Then I read through. I think ive used amazing, great job, looks good, wow, jelly, go girl, and pretty. All at your grow of course, nothing inappropriate.

Anyhow any of those mumurings above you can use as a sign I liked it and will take my seat up the back. For the love of God my sake dont return the favour and sub in, between my rants and poor summer grow Id be ashamed.

Ill just sit back and watch the magic happen. Good show.
Hiya Deeve! Welcome to my grow. :) Nice intro. Thank you for all the compliments. Feel free to follow along, or not, if it's another journal too many... I lost count how many journals I follow, maybe twenty if I had to guess...and my social anxiety allows me to be active on maybe three- Lol!
Blueberry Update (Day 72, Flower Day 15)

The Blueberry is a big, hungry plant. She's wanting a gallon and a half of dunk water with full strength calmag+ iron every 3-4 days and getting it every 4-5 days because of the gnats... dry nutes (50/50 of the 4-4-4 veg/2-8-4 bloom) every 3 weeks. My new 6" fan arrived and it's working great.

The gnats though, holy crap, they're so bad and they're driving me nuts! One flew up my nose yesterday, I got fed up and added over 2 full dunks to my 5 gallon jug. I had to blow my nose to get it out!! They sure take the joy out of growing. Here's what collected on one sticky card over maybe a day:

F this!! Ahhh!!! I'm going to find a different source for my dunks.

I've been fiddling with the canopy almost daily using a combo of supercropping, stem and petiole crushing, tying, carhooking, and plucking the odd leaf to keep her canopy flat. I didn't know petioles could be crushed and bent without wilting the leaf, so that's been super helpful. Thanks @Carcass :)

I took these pics daily of her blooming. I could be wrong, but I decided June 7 was the day she bloomed, since that's when the pistils looked like they were "bursting out"... She took 9 days from flip to flower.


The STS clone looks like it's finally growing male bits to me. It was flipped 14 days ago and is starting to bloom (you can see the difference in lighting between the COB light above and the Mars Hydro below as well):

There is a suspicious lack of pistils - I think the STS spray is working. The clone was sprayed 4 times (June 2, June 7, June 14, June 19) and I'm going to spray it once more June 24. I'm going to flip a clone now to pollinate because I don't want to keep the big plant longer than necessary.

Here's a bunch of pics since I didn't post for a while:




(Continued in next post...)
Since it didn't fit in the last post -

Here's the Blueberry (well it was actually yesterday but I didn't get around to posting it til today) on Day 72 and flower Day 15. Also I broke another branch bottom right:straightface:


Look at this big chode @Trala :D

And here's the reversed clone (left), and her bride-to-be on the right which was just topped/uppotted to 0.5 gal & flipped:

And that's everything going on with this gal. Whew. Sorry for the length! Hope you have a great day. :green_heart:
Since it didn't fit in the last post -

Here's the Blueberry (well it was actually yesterday but I didn't get around to posting it til today) on Day 72 and flower Day 15. Also I broke another branch bottom right:straightface:


Look at this big chode @Trala :D

And here's the reversed clone (left), and her bride-to-be on the right which was just topped/uppotted to 0.5 gal & flipped:

And that's everything going on with this gal. Whew. Sorry for the length! Hope you have a great day. :green_heart:
They are beautiful give yourself a pat on the back :)
Thank you for keeping up with my grow Adora.
I decided June 7
I love that you've documented the early flowering. I agree with you on June 7th flower being bloom.
STS clone looks like it's finally growing male bits
I'm going to flip a clone now to pollinate because I don't want to keep the big plant longer than necessary.
Have you done this before? You seem to have it impressively all to schedule :goodluck:
Also I broke another branch bottom righ
Bummer, I feel your pain :( That plant is gorgeous.

Exciting times ahead!
@Trala Sent me here. Go look Deeve, go look. Im sure theres some punishment if I dont come take a seat. Im still waiting on her to tell me what Ive one* for  voting I mean supporting one her grow girl crews. Shes not the easiest friend Adora, but shes my favourite still. Its her fault Im here.

I weighed it up. Im an active member of 8 journals. Two are mine. Two are Tralas. Inactive on about 10 more. Will this be 9 or 11? Its all a bit much really.

Then I read through. I think ive used amazing, great job, looks good, wow, jelly, go girl, and pretty. All at your grow of course, nothing inappropriate.

Anyhow any of those mumurings above you can use as a sign I liked it and will take my seat up the back. For the love of God my sake dont return the favour and sub in, between my rants and poor summer grow Id be ashamed.

Ill just sit back and watch the magic happen. Good show.
L O L L I N G !

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Your Blueberry is just beautiful, Adora!

Sorry about those gnats...those suckers must be immune to the dunks or something...I usually have gnats until the third watering with dunk water, then they just disappear...
added over 2 full dunks to my 5 gallon jug.
Stronger dunk water may be the answer- it sure couldn't hurt....
Everything looks great, Adora! Except the bugs of course. I hate bugs.

It looks to me like the STS is working. Good job!
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