Now for the disappointing conclusion to my grow.
I've been neglecting this final update as I had some struggles at the end and became discouraged. So, what happened... A little more than a day after washing the Blueberry, I put her in the drying box.
Two days after that, when I opened the drying box in the morning I literally screamed... there was fluffy white stuff on every branch. I definitely put too much weed in the box at once. I went into salvage mode and started hacking, and I ended up losing less than I thought I would. I think I only threw about a jarful in the trash. I did try to save as much as I could, and I must have gotten good margins because no more mold grew on the remaining weed. The final yield of smokeable bud was 5.5 oz. Not too bad.
She has fully cured to a very smooth skunky smoke. The buds are sticky and a beautiful dark purple.
Now the smoke report! After a tolerance break, I got absolutely ripped off this stuff - enough to help me write my smoke report
. Look this is going to be nowhere near Carmen's
masterpiece smoke reports that I have bookmarked under #smokereportgoals, lol. But it's my first attempt anyway. Although the Blueberry wasn't the frostiest plant I have grown, she was definitely one of the most potent. She has the overpowering smell of fresh skunk anus and sweet, fruity berries. And she tastes like she smells - delicious (minus the anus). So appetising you'll immediately get the munchies... It is a very forgetful, lazy high. If you do intend to do things, do them right after smoking, or prepare to do them on autopilot with your mind elsewhere until you give up and fall asleep. This is definitely a great night time smoke.
But, this is not the happy smoke I was looking for (though it may make you literally forget your troubles for a while).
This is in contrast to what the breeder claims is "a very potent yet happy one, which is euphoric yet relaxing and enduring". It is more of a stoney and moody, introspective smoke. It doesn't exactly take my mind to a happy place - it just takes it elsewhere. I am going to try harvesting earlier next time (when I flower out her clones) to see if that gives more of the happy, giggly effect. I won't keep any more clones from this specific plant.
Lastly, a final update on the seed pair. I let the reversed clone die naturally by drought (that's another way of saying I forgot about it, lol). The pollinated clone flowered for 75 days. She took forever to finish, I think because of a combination of cooler temps near the AC since being flipped, underwatering, and most importantly underpowered lighting (single 50 watt LED bulb). I found the first brown seed on her Sept. 8. I waited a couple weeks after that to chop and hang to dry.
Some final living shots:
If you'd call that sad floppy blueberry dong in the corner living...
And hung to dry.
I separated this many seeds (8.38 g) from this much plant matter. The plant bits (12.3 grams) will be cooked into coconut oil in my Instant Pot. Not nearly as many seeds as Shed, but enough for my purposes.
Probably more than I will ever sprout honestly. I didn't bother separating out the light and dark.
So, with the final smoke report and the harvest of the seeds, this grow is now complete. Thank you for joining me on my first grow here on 420mag.
Apart from training which is hands-down the most important thing I'm learning here, the other most important things I learned were 1. I am starving my plants and 2. use dunks more often. Though I'm shy and don't post very often I've enjoyed meeting you and hope you'll follow along my
next grow here too.
It's been a blast.