Added a step to bud washing


Well-Known Member
Washing proved to be very beneficial to my final cultivars. It does not change (lessen) the taste or smell after cure. This is locked in with proper drying. I'm using impropper drying because its the best I fan do in the islands, 60/60 temp/rh and my average time is 9 days. I do lose a little weight and size. But not much. I can get 2 ounces cured off an auto in a 2 gal pot.
Now about the added step. After washing, I get a roach clip, a strong one, with a string attached to it, then clipped to the bud/branch end, give it a good wind up and wring all the water out, most of it anyway. You can spin it over your head, behind your back under your legs, Whatever, but don't let it fly off and away into the neighbor's yard. Then you might have some explaining to do. Then hang it on the line. After done wringing, I then stand the cola on its head on 2x layer paper towel. The remaining water will wick out on to the towel. This will pull the water that's deep inside the cola and decrease drying time and avoid uneven drying and possible bud rot. Besides water smells musty and it will alter your juicy fruits. My pics doesn't really illustrate the process but you'll get it.

Stay Lit My, aka Indi


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