I'm always out to do more with less.
In the following I usually use about a full shopping bag of trimmed fan leaves (wash 'em first)
My simple oil:
Spread leaves & trim on a baking sheet & decarb at 230F for 45 min. (easy enough to decarb in oil, too).
I break up the brittle decarbed leaves in a cast iron dutch oven w/ enough extra virgin olive oil to cover (I seldom measure anything). Give it a stir & then:
Put it in the
oven set at 190F. My oven's pretty accurate--I've I spot checked the ambient temp+that of the oil, both have always been nearly 190F. Let it go for two hours.
Some folks use the lecithin, but I don't---I never have any, because I don't use it in anything else & I won't buy single-purpose items.
Cool & strain through tripled up cheescloth (I don't mind the cannabits anyway).
About a teaspoon gets me pretty ripped. Mellooooooooooow high.
The oil tastes just like the weed, which is pretty durn tasty.
Easy! & nothing much to clean up, too. This technique doesn't require any added gear, double boil set up, machines, or the cleanup of all that other stuff.
Also let's see if grower extraordinaire
@newty answers the bat phone on this thread...I know she's a big fan leaf oil fan.
For more ornate, gear-intensive (and messier) approaches check out
Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil