A Closet A Light & A Bucket Of Dirt

Cheers Mr. Wizard.

Buffy is a strange one indeed. I have done literally nothing to her.
I have plucked five lower leaves that were dragging the dirt and I
have watered her four times in forty days. Add a little granular fertilizer
and you have Buffy. The magical non-eating non-drinking plant. Lol.

Hope you are having a great day.
Hahaha, man I just posted up a very similar update.. thats a classic.. I've got to look at time diff, I'm spinning at the moment :rofl:
Mine was two mins later.. was hoping for same time, lol..
Well, It looks like Rosie was a seven jar kind of girl.
Seven jars and a container of goo to be exact. Very nice.



All tucked in and ready to cure.


It is Friday and seven jars of excellent smoke were just rounded up. Not a bad day at all.

Cheers friends.

Sent from my SM-G935F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
:woohoo: Now THAT's timing. :laughtwo: I've been absent most of her life, and I walk in as you post the reality that she turned into

:yahoo: :slide: Jars of it!!!! :yahoo: :party:

Well done Ditch. :high-five:
Thank you all for the very nice comments. Very much appreciated.

Sam took up residence in her forever home.
She is on day 13.

Just so I state it more often she is a Sugar Candy from Delicious Seeds.
I know I get carried away with the names. Lol.


Can't hit the middle of a bucket to save my life. It is all Rosies fault.
I cannot see straight after smoking her.


Buffy is a Girl Scout Cookies auto from Fast Buds.
She has grown another inch and is now 16 inches tall.
I did not think she would get like this at all.
I have gone from rooting for her to wondering if she is going to grow right out of her home.
Gotta love these plants.

Buffy is enjoying her 41st day.






And here is a container of goo. Just because it is fun to say container of goo.


Cheers friends.
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