I'll see what happens to me when I finally manage to get stuff properly mixed together. No idea why my CCO/carrier oil/lecithin mix doesn't stay homogeneous. I mix the CCO with flax, slightly warmed, then flax with lecithin and a dab of alcohol, all slightly warmed, then combine all together, mix well ... Next day when the mix is taken out of the fridge, it has a dark sediment on the bottom (I guess CC and lecithin) and what appears flax on top. Added more alcohol, mixed well, into the fridge where the ingredients nicely separate again Any suggestion as to what may be wrong?
1) Don't throw it out. The flaxseed oil/CCO will still be useful even if the lecithin hasn't mixed in.
2) Can you give more details about what you did? What alcohol? What lecithin? How did you heat it? The more details about what you did the better.