A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

does concentrated cannibis oil thin my blood? reason i am asking is i am gong to start on the oil and am getting major
liver surgery in 5 weeks and dont want to bleed to death

My wife's Orthopedist, General Practitioner and Coumadin (Warfarin) Clinic rep. all stated that there were no concerns with mixing Medical Marijuana and Blood thinner. They felt marijuana was blood thinner neutral. - The Mayo Clinic and others seem to think marijuana can act as a blood thinner.
does concentrated cannibis oil thin my blood? reason i am asking is i am gong to start on the oil and am getting major
liver surgery in 5 weeks and dont want to bleed to death

It thins the blood slightly, but not enough to affect your general health, major surgery, etc.
I had 2 liver ablation surgeries while on it.
Hey Cajun!!! How was ASU? :circle-of-love::peace:

Awesome. The seminar is going to be used as continuing education credits for healthcare pro's.

As a side note, the afterparty wasn't shabby either.
I finally got the salve the way I wanted it. This stuff is pretty awesome.
Some of my chemo guys are using it now.


I finally got the salve the way I wanted it. This stuff is pretty awesome.
Some of my chemo guys are using it now.



Any chance I could coax that recipe out of you mon ami? What would it be most useful for?
Will it be available to average Joe's like us if you are in our neck of the woods? :circle-of-love::Namaste::peace:

I'll invite you to the seminars when I'm heading your way. Otherwise, they're all taped & I have copies as well.

Do you have a recipe ya mind sharing ? or is it one of those " I can tell you but I will have to kill you recipes":yikes::laughtwo::laughtwo:

No killing, but extended torture might be called for...

Any chance I could coax that recipe out of you mon ami? What would it be most useful for?

The salve is used for damaged skin. The damage is caused by chemo that targets GFR receptors which unfortunately kills skin cells on the face, neck & shoulders of the patient as well causing an awful rash & pain.

It can be used on extremely dry, painful, & damaged skin.

It was pretty oily, so I added aloe & organic beeswax. It is a great, non-oily consistency now.
I'll post the specific ingredients later (when I find it again).
The base was 1:5 (CCO:coconut oil).
It "evolved" from there.

It's great for sore muscles too. Great pain killer.
I'll invite you to the seminars when I'm heading your way. Otherwise, they're all taped & I have copies as well.

No killing, but extended torture might be called for...

The salve is used for damaged skin. The damage is caused by chemo that targets GFR receptors which unfortunately kills skin cells on the face, neck & shoulders of the patient as well causing an awful rash & pain.

It can be used on extremely dry, painful, & damaged skin.

It was pretty oily, so I added aloe & organic beeswax. It is a great, non-oily consistency now.
I'll post the specific ingredients later (when I find it again).
The base was 1:5 (CCO:coconut oil).
It "evolved" from there.

It's great for sore muscles too. Great pain killer.

You know I have a touch of skin psoriasis, but my mildly retarded brother who I watch over has a bad case on his face that he can't seem to leave alone. I just told him today I was going to make something to heal that before he moves to Dallas to live with my sister in July. Do you think it'd be effective for that? Please say yes. We've tried everything we could think of, to no avail, and I hate the fact that he has to deal with this as well as his compromised mental cognition. I'd like to be able to hand him over to my sister's care with this frustration behind him.
I can't promise anything, but you can sure give it a try.
I'm going to be in Dallas soon for 3 days.

I know, but he wants to move there, my sister's excited about getting her turn at caring for him (he's been my charge since 2009) and I'm ready to relocate, so I'm letting him go. Poor kid, has no idea what Texas summers are like.
I'll invite you to the seminars when I'm heading your way. Otherwise, they're all taped & I have copies as well.

No killing, but extended torture might be called for...

The salve is used for damaged skin. The damage is caused by chemo that targets GFR receptors which unfortunately kills skin cells on the face, neck & shoulders of the patient as well causing an awful rash & pain.

It can be used on extremely dry, painful, & damaged skin.

It was pretty oily, so I added aloe & organic beeswax. It is a great, non-oily consistency now.
I'll post the specific ingredients later (when I find it again).
The base was 1:5 (CCO:coconut oil).
It "evolved" from there.

It's great for sore muscles too. Great pain killer.

Cajun, can you elaborate on the aloe? Was this gel? water? Surely you have this written down somewhere, so I'm hoping I'm enough of a priority that you'll make a special effort to locate it. This could evolve into something valuable for my own healing. All this time focused on everyone else, at some point I need to pay attention to my own needs.
Hey, I dont know whats causing it but my blood is getting thicker and thicker each week. Maybe someone has any ideas how can I thinner my blood with natural ways?

Plt(thrombocytes) 864, while range is 140-450.

Also my BAS readings are skyrocketing, and soon I will have to give in myself to hospital for bone marrow transplant. I was trying to avoid it as much as possible, but I cannot sustain anymore I have no support from family of using CCO, they disbelief everything about it.
In my middle of the night wanderings last night I took to reading an ebook entitled "Medicinal Cannabis Therapy" by Radic-Al Conscious, and stumbled onto this great passage in a longer discussion of the importance of diet in the healing process. The cannabinoids will repair and heal, but if you continue to abuse you should expect complications in the future, IMHO. I offer the good doctors thoughts.

The structure of the diet is an individual affair and can vary with different seasons and stages of a person's health. A certain amount of experimentation is necessary. One suggestion would be a hemp seed green smoothie for breakfast, vegetable juices and herb teas during the day with a raw salad, followed by a cooked meal if desired in the evening. Being overweight is detrimental to healing so a gradual but progressive weight loss by elimination of all processed food is necessary.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

A few closing suggestions are in order. Lemons and limes are an ideal start to the day, squeezed into a glass of water. A mixed vegetable salad in season is an ideal meal in itself and an excellent first course to a larger meal. Eating an adequate amount of raw food before a cooked meal aids digestion significantly. Charts of ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity) give an indication of the antioxidant value of the food and are a useful planning aid. Such charts are available on the internet. Bear in mind this data is indicative only, because the antioxidant effect of a food depends not only on the type of food, but its quality and state of ripeness and preservation

Don't be intimidated by the fear mongering and negativity used by allopathic practitioners to frighten people into toxic and dangerous therapies.

There is growing evidence that X ray and chemotherapy treatments can induce the formation of resistant cancer stem cells. Thus, while most patients will see an initial response to allopathic treatment, this treatment actually drives the cancer into generating resistant cells that produce a relapse, with metastases that become resistant to the treatments used. In the event of receiving a cancer diagnosis the first decision to be made is whether one will take responsibility for one's own health or abrogate that responsibility and allow the pharmaceutical industry to direct treatment.. It can be a daunting prospect to untie oneself from the umbilical cord of hospital based treatments and seek healing by natural methods. This decision can be made more complicated by the multiplicity of programs and often conflicting advice on offer. There are certain cases where surgery should be considered as a first option. A bleeding bowel cancer is best excised as soon as practical, in my opinion, as this will stabilize the situation without compromising the immune system and its natural healing capacity. However, one thing appears certain. Both diet and cannabis based treatments will be more effective as a first line of action. Too often, patients will turn to these methods after their third or fourth relapse, when the chances of success are much reduced.

The body requires a certain amount of activity, so be as active as your condition will allow. Yoga practices of various forms can assist.

The CBD and THC have a synergistic effect against cancer and the CBD moderates the psychotropic effect of THC, allowing higher, more effective doses to be used. Some are advocating juicing cannabis, but this requires growing capacity beyond most patients.

I hope these few comments are of value and I wish you well Sincerely
Dr Andrew Katelaris MD
So I'm going out to buy some mangos, but I have a question.

Since I've been using Cannabis, particularly when I've used edibles, I've started getting gallbladder attacks, and have been diagnosed with some gallstones. Reading some things in this thread made me think perhaps it's not just a coincidence?

I don't think it's caused the stones, but possibly it aggravates them?

Sent from my SM-T700 using 420
Hey, I dont know whats causing it but my blood is getting thicker and thicker each week. Maybe someone has any ideas how can I thinner my blood with natural ways?

Plt(thrombocytes) 864, while range is 140-450.

Also my BAS readings are skyrocketing, and soon I will have to give in myself to hospital for bone marrow transplant. I was trying to avoid it as much as possible, but I cannot sustain anymore I have no support from family of using CCO, they disbelief everything about it.

LB, the first thought through my mind was "how much water is he drinking?" I'm talking water, on its own, aside from juice, coffee, tea, whatever. Just water.
I drink about 3 liters of water and about 2 liters of teas during the day. I will up my water drinking.

I'm impressed LB. Most of us aren't that dedicated to proper hydration. It can't hurt to increase.
So I'm going out to buy some mangos, but I have a question.

Since I've been using Cannabis, particularly when I've used edibles, I've started getting gallbladder attacks, and have been diagnosed with some gallstones. Reading some things in this thread made me think perhaps it's not just a coincidence?

I don't think it's caused the stones, but possibly it aggravates them?

Sent from my SM-T700 using 420

I'll be waiting to see Cajun's response to this StarMan, but there's a distinct possibility that you're aggravating them. If I were you, I'd stop getting my cannabinoids through edibles until you figured out how to avoid the pain. It made me hurt just reading that. My gallbladder was removed years ago, but the memories of pain are still there.
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