8 Fem Cheese Seeds

your welcome!!
So just mixed up my 1st batch of bloom feed, and after talking to shop owner about what I've already got and what my budget would allow I'm going with hy-gen 2part coco 2m/L, 2m/L of canna boost accelerater hy-gen humiboost 1m/L. The lights come on now at 4am I'll be def choosing my times a little more wisely next time lol I'm so eager to watch these grow bud over the coming weeks I can't describe it. Guess ill go get use to waking up in early morning instead of goin to bed lol any tips are always greatly appreciated


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i like 7am-7pm for flower and 7am-1am next day for veg
I'm having issues with me power a switch keeps flicking but only when the lights are off and only off.
we can run everything when there on and last night I heard the thermostat on the heater I use and also the lights flickered at the same time and now they in flower it's become a priority, i hung the heater above my plants also so I don't roast my roots lol I attached as much info i could find


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I have looked into possible cause, i think it might be a small breaker and the only 120-160amp breaker and all the big shit shuts of garage door, dishwasher dryer etc i moved the lights to a different breaker to save my globes but yeah I'm leaning toward the small breaker but i can't talk to a electrician
I have looked into possible cause, i think it might be a small breaker and the only 120-160amp breaker and all the big shit shuts of garage door, dishwasher dryer etc i moved the lights to a different breaker to save my globes but yeah I'm leaning toward the small breaker but i can't talk to a electrician
hey bro i used to do electrical, i will help you
ill help you understand it, the breakers are heat sensing switches. Electricity creates heat. Each gauge of wire as it gets thicker can handle more heat. Every gauge is rated for so many amps. Volts x amps = watts. Use this to figure out amount of power.
if too much heat is drawn through a breaker it will trip, if its getting close to maxing out, when something draws power randomly it will surge, pulling power away from whatever else is on the circuit.

15 amp breakers hold 1800w of heat in canada, 20a hold 2400.
This is the breaker that switches off and the plants are fantastic hungry and with a very strong smell no signs of maph etc lol I'll leave them till hairs turn brown


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Didn't realise i had flash on


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First 2 weeks into flower, feeling confident. Adding another humidifier to help with the night time but yeah bottom half of my tent is full cant see the floor looking down now, cant see through them, showing alot of early signs of bud, really smelly like a citrus-herb-pepper smell as my wife explains it. Found her ass hanging out the bottom of my tent today lol she was collecting my dead leafs for me, she's taking a real interest now considering she didn't like to hear about it 1st we starting to enjoy it now together. Temps are always 22-25 humidity has started struggling but sits between 40/50 lights off and 50+ lights on, feeding them 3m/L hy-gen 2 part coco, 2m/L humiboost from hy-gen and canna boost accelerater 2m/L, keep the feed set at 23dg ppm is dropping each feed along with ph and temp. I lost a globe the other morning don't know why but my timer failed as i was entering my undisclosed location lol I heard the click from the timer going on by the time I reached my tent it shut off and blew 1 of the globes and i had a new spare. No more timers for me. I'm bending stems to keep them away from lights
The 2 I'm having trouble with the height are in Larger pots so I'm thinking about either growin 2 plants in 50l pots and tying the branches down or growing 4-6 plants in the 280mm pots I'm using now.


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1st fan photo is going in, 2nd is taking air out


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