63W LED x 2 Micro Grow

Re: McMuffinFace 63w LEDx2 Micro Grow

Cute new logo McMuffinFace! Very professional.

Thanks man. You were my inspiration for sure. At first I couldn't figure out why my gifs wouldn't keep their transparent backround like I assumed your's was. Then I copied the file...Tricky tricky! :bravo:
Re: McMuffinFace 63w LEDx2 Micro Grow

Re: McMuffinFace 63w LEDx2 Micro Grow

Cant wait for the flip! I think youre looking great. Just a thought, maybe change the letters of your logo to white with purple outline and switch leaf to white as well, looks good the way it is though, very creative.

Also, try saving the logo as a .png, I think that format works better for the transparent background.
Re: McMuffinFace 63w LEDx2 Micro Grow

Budding nicely! I noticed you like portrait format for your photos. Suits well with the tent getting everything in a single shot.

Thanks! I think so too. And yeah, just workin with what I got. Not bad for a camera phone imo. I miss having a real camera. =*(
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