5'X5' One Plant Scrog Pounder With LED

Wow, your like me an early riser or haven't been to bed yet? Anyway, when you get this I just wanted to say thanks for doing that video Tying Part 2 it really opened my eyes to the process of training & topping. After the current, almost ready to trash it and start over, but everyone wants to see how it ends up, but I'm chalking it up to experience and have a real understanding of what to do next time. I suppose I get some value out of that. Again, Thanks for the video it cleared up the details.

Lol I work on my girls,cleaning,video edits,Uploading until 4am most of the time. Thank you for taking the time to watch the videos. I am happy they help my fellow growers. Do not give up on your plants,the experience is worth it. When you find your self having love for growing your plants will get better and better. Just read and watch as much as you can to learn and apply things to plants when the time is right. Keep it simple and every thing will be alright. Any time you got a idea or ? just post away. If I have not do something you would like to see in a video just let me know and I will do my best to do it. I started videos for two reasons. One is to have records I can look back on and two the most important is some people learn more from seeing then reading. I wish you the best and keep me posted on your grow.
Wow, your like me an early riser or haven't been to bed yet? Anyway, when you get this I just wanted to say thanks for doing that video Tying Part 2 it really opened my eyes to the process of training & topping. After the current, almost ready to trash it and start over, but everyone wants to see how it ends up, but I'm chalking it up to experience and have a real understanding of what to do next time. I suppose I get some value out of that. Again, Thanks for the video it cleared up the details.

Lol I work on my girls,cleaning,video edits,Uploading until 4am most of the time. Thank you for taking the time to watch the videos. I am happy they help my fellow growers. Do not give up on your plants,the experience is worth it. When you find your self having love for growing your plants will get better and better. Just read and watch as much as you can to learn and apply things to plants when the time is right. Keep it simple and every thing will be alright. Any time you got a idea or ? just post away. If I have not do something you would like to see in a video just let me know and I will do my best to do it. I started videos for two reasons. One is to have records I can look back on and two the most important is some people learn more from seeing then reading. I wish you the best and keep me posted on your grow.
I subbed your channel and have been watching all your vids - awesome stuff!

Thank you for taking the time to watch them. I appreciate the support.
Just caught myself up on every post and Youtube you've done on here as I shop for LED'S and several things struck me. One is your immeasurable help for myself and others as we move forward with our grows whether they are first timers like me or veterans. I got to the point where I was printing your tips on word while reading the journals.. Can't wait to apply them..
And also, I'm looking forward to giving back to the growing community and help as much as I can as my skills develop. What a great culture you're establishing for us noobies to live by.. Thank you for that CO finest.. Can't wait to start my journal.. I'm lights and seeds away from that!!!!
Hey CO Finest, one thing you don't hear a lot about, what or how do you get rid of fan leafs, male plants, stocks? You don't want neighbors or LEO (law enforcement officer) or rippers to know your growing.
Trash bag and a big dumpster behind a store. Now with my state laws I just use a black trash bag and mix lawn cuttings and plant. Some times I mulch it up and put it in the mulch pile for the flower garden. One really good way to hide you are a grower is not hide the love for growing and have gardens and flower beds for people to see so they do not think anything of it when you bring home soil and other things.
We have tomatoes and a bunch of other vegetables growing in front of the apt. It really does help to camaflouge your other activities. I live across the street from a cop shop & city hall. Thanks for the encouragement CO your the best.
Trash bag and a big dumpster behind a store. Now with my state laws I just use a black trash bag and mix lawn cuttings and plant. Some times I mulch it up and put it in the mulch pile for the flower garden. One really good way to hide you are a grower is not hide the love for growing and have gardens and flower beds for people to see so they do not think anything of it when you bring home soil and other things.

For sure! I always put my garbage stuff into black contractor bags and ditch them at an apartment dumpster.
If your running organic just place your leaf matter inside a tote or garbage can that is holding the rest of your unused soil that won't be used for a while along with some myco's and a little water. Let nature take it's course. Your soil will thank you!
Cursoe started this with Doc Buds kit.
I showed my wife and now she wants one, THANKS! Just kidding, she's wanting to make tinctures and edibles so I guess we're going to need to purchase that little contraption. I love the time-line explaining 5000 years of cannabis. Hilarious.

Thanks for the LED light link. I'm going to get one when we move in the next year or so. Another quick question, are you a firm believer in using tents vs. building small rooms? I suppose there are pros and cons to both, your thoughts?
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