5 OG's, Medic Grow Fold 8 LED, Prescription Blend Nutrients & Me!

Every system is slightly different so adapting to using a new nutrient program often has a learning curve. In my opinion its not about error its about trying to optimize the new thing to your setup and deciding if it fits your style. I do think its interesting that it was only on one of your strains though.

In my experience, plant height at flip is not really a deciding factor in yield.

This is only an opinion but the criteria I had always looked for was vigorous and healthy foliage growth, an established root system with the plant filling my expected area (not more cutting tops or LST to stretchy them out) and that they are tall enough to have a canopy and also airflow underneath.

If your plants are meeting this criteria and are also mature enough from seed to enter flower, I would propose that you might not see an additional benefit from waiting for a certain height. After all, time should be considered into your equation since waiting several weeks to go from 14" to 18-20" is that much longer before your tent is available for other plants. Other opinions are welcome...
Yeah, but the biggest plants or most colorful plants usually win the contests & I'm tired of losing.... lol. I want something that at least finishes 2nd or 3rd; although 1st would be a real thriller.
As far as Topping & training for yield, everything I read says it increases it. My buddy doesn't Top or Train & gets about 3 oz. per plant. But he's happy not putting in the work & getting 3 oz. so not much I can say. I really don't think it's possible to yield a 1 pound plant indoors without LST & Topping. At least I haven't seen it yet.
The defol part.... well I know I go a little overboard on that & probably slow my growth down. I defol like that to try to get the smaller branches up to the top so I get bigger buds at the end. Seems to help.
All in all, I feel pretty good about this grow. So I guess I have 2 goals in mind. To beat my biggest yield & have a plant that's a real contender in the contests. Don't even care about the prizes. Just want the title... lol.
As far as getting on with a next grow. I decided recently I was just going to grow 4-5 plants twice per year. Yes 6 months for each grow. I'm going to find out how to yield a pound from 1 plant if it kills me.... lol. So as long as I pull 26 oz. this grow I'll have plenty of weed to last 6 months; & I can shoot for the stars.
Well I've done a bunch of internet searches for stretch info on the different OG strains. Didn't really come up with much. OG Kush said it reaches heights between 90 cm - 160 cm. The other 3 just say they reach a medium height.
No idea what the cm = in inches so I'll have to use a conversion table for that. A Medium height ? I guess they can't go wrong with that answer. To me Med. Height is 3-4'. To you it could be 2' or 6'. So no definite answer.
If I go by how much the Cherry On Top Re-Veg stretched it would only be about a 10" stretch. She's getting her final trim for flower today & Super Cropped.
Anyway, the 4 OG's are getting pretty wide so I think I may have to start flower soon. The Cherry on Top got about 6" - 8" wider at least after the flip. Like @Bill284 said, I only have so much room.
So I'm leaving them in Veg till my 6 gal. humidifier is empty (3-4 days) & wait 2-3 days to put the dehumidifier on & start Flower. I don't think they will reach 3' tall like I had hoped for. I guess I'll have to wait & see.
One thing I noticed they all had in common was that OG strains prefer Warmer & Drier conditions. They prefer Temps 75F - 80F with about 50 -55% RH during Veg & Temps between 70F -75F with RH between 30-40%. They say OG strains are susceptible to mold so the need to be defoliated with good air flow to prevent it. They all claim to be big producers.
So this week will be my Transition to Flower part before starting the plants transition to flower next week. Get the environment conditions suited for it before flipping.
Well I did my final Flower Trim, Defol & Super Crop. Probably shouldn't have Super cropped looking at it now.... but too late. Is what it is.
So here's a few before pics....


PLANT TRIMMED / B4 Super Crop....

After Super Cropped....

Lots of Super Cropped Branches. "STRESS TEST" Will it Hermie ? First time I've stressed a plant this much after 2 weeks of 12/12. Not sure what the result will be. Guess we'll find out.... lol.
So by next Sunday the 4 OG's will be starting 12/12. Maybe sooner. The Re-Veg will go back in the tent at that time.
I guess that's all for now. Time to burn a fatty & Wake-N-Bake !
Just putting this here so I can find it easy.
Had to feed today so I figured I'd take some pics to post. All 4 of the OG's have all filled back in & are starting show some rapid upward growth. I think going 7 more days in Veg will give me the size plants I want at the end.
The FIRE OG is at about the size I want them all to be. The OG-1 probably wont be as big as the other 3. It's quite a bit smaller. Each time I feed I have been moving my plants 1 space clockwise to try to balance out the light they receive.
Still feeding at Week 1 Flower nutrient calculations. They are drinking 1.5 - 2 gal. each every 3 days. Starting to get low on nutes so I'll have to get more ordered this week so I don't run out in the next 2 weeks. Humidifier id 2/3 empty so it should be ready to come out of the tent on Tuesday. At that point I'll do one last defol & trim off the branches I don't want one plant per day. Once all trimmed up the Dehumidifier goes on, AC goes down to 75 F & we start 12/12 alas.
I expect nothing less than 8 oz. per plant; but hoping for closer to 12.
So here are some pics.


Had to feed today so I figured I'd take some pics to post. All 4 of the OG's have all filled back in & are starting show some rapid upward growth. I think going 7 more days in Veg will give me the size plants I want at the end.
The FIRE OG is at about the size I want them all to be. The OG-1 probably wont be as big as the other 3. It's quite a bit smaller. Each time I feed I have been moving my plants 1 space clockwise to try to balance out the light they receive.
Still feeding at Week 1 Flower nutrient calculations. They are drinking 1.5 - 2 gal. each every 3 days. Starting to get low on nutes so I'll have to get more ordered this week so I don't run out in the next 2 weeks. Humidifier id 2/3 empty so it should be ready to come out of the tent on Tuesday. At that point I'll do one last defol & trim off the branches I don't want one plant per day. Once all trimmed up the Dehumidifier goes on, AC goes down to 75 F & we start 12/12 alas.
I expect nothing less than 8 oz. per plant; but hoping for closer to 12.
So here are some pics.


They look like pics a seed company would use for an advertisement.
Feken perfect.
I always tried to give my girls a 1/4 turn for light also.
Eventually they get too big and then it is what it is at that point..
Keep up the great work my friend.
Stay safe.
Thanks Bill ! I've put a little more effort into this grow then most of my past ones. Trying for a Beauty... lol. I went & bought a Tri-Pod & Backgrounds with the Stand so far. Plan on ordering the Photography lighting next week. Damned growers & their perfect pics made me have to invest... lol.
Thanks Bill ! I've put a little more effort into this grow then most of my past ones. Trying for a Beauty... lol. I went & bought a Tri-Pod & Backgrounds with the Stand so far. Plan on ordering the Photography lighting next week. Damned growers & their perfect pics made me have to invest... lol.
I still use my antique I phone with the tiny screen for pics.hehe
I bought a tablet so I could see for a change but it's useless for pics.
I look forward to more award winning photography from you.:cheer:
Stay safe.
Some opinions please..... If I want these plants to finish between 3' - 4' tall (actual plant size not including pot height) how tall should they get in Veg before flipping to 12/12 ?
Right now the canopy is 14" above the soil.

Dunno if you already sorted it out, but heres two cents from my own experience.

IMO photos stretch after the flip quite bit no matter what.
Day/night temp changes has in my understnding a big role if u want to control the stretch.

My last photos were 13-15" tall when I flip’d them and by that time I was using a HPS without cooltube; day temps were between 26-30C and during the night it dropped to 19-21C…So they basicly stretched almost threefold, even tho tried to feed them with higher EC to somewhat manage the space between each internode.

Anyway they look super :bravo: especially FIRE OG. Love the structure!
I was just checking on my ladies & they sure are filling out the tent. There's no doubt I need to switch to Flower. So today the Humidifier comes out of the tent & I start trimming for flower one plant per day. Of course it will appear I have plenty of room after I trim. But these gals will fill back in & be even bushier within 2 weeks. The 4 girls should fill the 4x4 area of the tent Wall to Wall if things go as planned.
OK, got to get busy taking pics & trimming so I'll post pics later. See you then !
So here's a few pics of the 4 OG's. As you can see the plants are all almost touching each other & the walls. Figure they will fill out even more once I flip to Flower.

My original plan was to trim one per day.... But.... I ended up trimming 2 today. The 2 biggest of course; which are the "FIRE OG & OG KUSH".
So here's a couple pics of the Fire OG in the tent prior to her hair cut.

Pretty bushy & about the height I was shooting for.
"OG KUSH" Oh how I have a hard time trimming this girl. She is just so pretty I want to keep her like that forever.... lol.
Yeah, you guessed it.... She's my favorite ! I guess that's why there's more pics of her :) .
So here's some b4 pics.....

And here she is all trimmed up. Almost brings a tear to my eye. But looking forward to what happens next.

And here's what got removed from this one.

I should have the other 2 trimmed in the next day or 2. Removed the Humidifier & the Dehumidifier is hooked up & ready to go when needed. These girls will need a few days to recover before going 12/12 so Saturday will be day 1 of 12/12.

OK, now for the important part. @InTheShed did I trim these right for the large Colas ? You walked me through it last time & I think this is what we did... but not totally sure. Any tips are appreciated.
OK, now for the important part. @InTheShed did I trim these right for the large Colas ? You walked me through it last time & I think this is what we did... but not totally sure. Any tips are appreciated.
You thinned a bit higher than I do, but you should be fine if you wait a couple of weeks to re-foliate before you flip. Driving the new veg growth to the top of the plant is the idea, so you have to wait for that to happen before you send them into flower.
You thinned a bit higher than I do, but you should be fine if you wait a couple of weeks to re-foliate before you flip. Driving the new veg growth to the top of the plant is the idea, so you have to wait for that to happen before you send them into flower.
At least I was close.... lol. Thanks !
I think youre almost gonna over grow your tent :nerd-with-glasses:

Obv heavy defoliation might reduce the stretch for a bit. But from own experience photos stretch quite bit no matter what. Day/night temp difference has a big role, so don’t know how much it affected on mine.
I think youre almost gonna over grow your tent :nerd-with-glasses:

Obv heavy defoliation might reduce the stretch for a bit. But from own experience photos stretch quite bit no matter what. Day/night temp difference has a big role, so don’t know how much it affected on mine.
I had planned to start Flower this weekend; but may wait another week now per InTheSheds advice. Looks like I trimmed a little too much off. Not sure it will even take a week as fast as they fill back in.
Going to trim another one today & try not to over trim. Doing a proper defol is one of my downfalls. I get carried away too easily.
I had planned to start Flower this weekend; but may wait another week now per InTheSheds advice. Looks like I trimmed a little too much off. Not sure it will even take a week as fast as they fill back in.
Going to trim another one today & try not to over trim. Doing a proper defol is one of my downfalls. I get carried away too easily.
You are diligent about it mucker.
I cringe when I see the pile of leaves you have take from each lady.
But you make it work so that's great.
I used to defol like you as per some articles I read on a different site.
One grow I was under the weather and unable to defol.
My harvest was almost double my monthly average defoling.
After that I do a light clean up underneath before flipping and just let them be.
Then I run what she brung.hehe
I'm glad this works for you and obviously your pretty dam good at it.
I always enjoy your work my friend.
Stay safe.
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