New Member
Also did read your journals was thinking of using the trim to make a extract with never tried edibles,oils,dabs,hash just good old mj through a bong or joint
Was just wondering I'm pretty fussy when it comes to trim so when I buy I usually end up with a gram or 2 min of trim and stalk from each oz.. could I place that into alcohol and just keep adding to it till there is enough plant matter to make a decent yield or does it need to then be extracted within a certain time frame.
Have you really never gotten high from edibles, like ever? If so, I'd definitely recommend giving it a try. It takes about five times as much, though (because the liver removes most of the THC leaving the digestive tract before it gets to you brain), so it's not the most economical approach. And of course even on an empty stomach it takes about an hour to hit, so it's a longer process...
IT'S DEFINITELY BETTER THAN SMOKING! I really don't think that anyone should still be inhaling combustion byproducts when so much great vaporization technology is available. Take if from one who's been there: cancer and cancer treatment expensive, time consuming, and very unfun so are to be avoided! End of lecture.
To answer your question, the only reason I can think of not to leave the plant matter soaking in EtOH forever is that more of the chlorophyll seems to get extracted with time, which can taste nasty if you evaporate the alcohol to make dabs, which you probably won't it sounds like, so no big deal.
But why not just save the plant matter until you have enough for an extraction?
Also, you can make as little extract as you want, of course. The process is totally scalable. A gram of good weed will give you 200 ml of good tincture; that's twenty 10 mg (i.e. small/minimum) doses.
OK, I've gotta go work on my coco grow setup.