420islife First Indoor Grow Bagseed - 2017

... couldn't risk pollen being spread whilst I'm out for Xmas
Rip rocky and middle child

It's a sad day so not in the Xmas mood now
Keep your head up matey! These things happen., Are you positive theyre males? I couldnt tell 100% from the pictures. Either way, its all good. Dont stress to much. Merry Christmas :)
99% on rocky the balls are bad and everywhere thank god everyone inspected was closed still so hopefully not to much pollination

And about 75% on middle child she was abit more 50/50 but thought safer then sorry but looked like they were comming

Both are mulch now anyways :(

Positive side more room for big girl and the little one if they choose to be female :/ fingers are crossed otherwise I thinks I need a hookup for some good seeds I got those 3 bag seeds left then no more...
Anyone heard of a liquid that's meant to take the male characteristics out of the seed... the guy at the hydro store was saying u let the seed sit for 24 in soloution and that takes the male out of them.... thinking this must just be a marketing ploy as would t everyone use it then apologies I forgot the name of it

Updated so I didn't multiple post
Hope everyone's holidays went well
Tent looks so much emptier without the 2 boys

Hopefully this is big child showing sex or I'm just hoping they are white compared to the green balls I found on middle and rocky

Hate the hPs lighting going to look at some hPs. Sunglasses to make it a tad better

Little one still waiting to show anything
Going to try and order myself some decent genetics after the Xmas rush has finished then hopefully I'll get them this time 150$ on seeds that didn't arrive through bonza has me put off though

Bummer about the no show!

I am amazed that we can mail order seeds at all. I hope the ones I'm waiting for show up soon...

Expensive, branded seeds of known provenance are cool and fun, but there's still a lot to be said for planting bag seed and seeing what you get. I really think that bright light, good soil and fertilizer, and care are really at least 75% of the game...
Might give it a run hopefully it might add some fruitiness to the bagseed.. with all the animals I have like 10kg of molasses so it's not something I have to buy but something I have laying around that I could add. Aslong as adding it hasn't had any detrimental effects should be okay..

Also considering doing some clones off these guys probably more little one.. reason being big one has been throwing the odd ball which I have been getting before they even get a chance to swell

With only the 3 seedling left which I only transplanted yesterday after saying I would for so long I think I may need to try get something to continue on with till I play roulette and see if seeds will arrive
Also did read your journals was thinking of using the trim to make a extract with never tried edibles,oils,dabs,hash just good old mj through a bong or joint

Was just wondering I'm pretty fussy when it comes to trim so when I buy I usually end up with a gram or 2 min of trim and stalk from each oz.. could I place that into alcohol and just keep adding to it till there is enough plant matter to make a decent yield or does it need to then be extracted within a certain time frame.
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