420 Magazine's Photo of the Year: 2019

Photo of the Year 2019

A little late in posting this result - be assured that the only reason was continuing debate amongst the judges.

Most helpful to us is the professional and highly experienced lensman (lenswoman actually) who we often call upon. She helps us amateur snappers with technical as well as aesthetic advice on the entries. What's more, she's not a member, so knows nothing of the individual members, and can therefore choose without fear or favour.

So we know he won Photo of the Year last Year. We know he won Photo of the Month this month. And we know he has the longest list of titles on 420 Magazine.

However, none of those are reasons not to choose his photograph. In the end it's simple: the best photo is the best photo. To choose anything else for any other reason would be to devalue the contest and disrespect every entrant's work.

So here you are, Cola Monster. With a beautifully composed, perfectly timed, atmospheric shot that's original, striking and celebratory of our beloved herb. Well done, sir. Bravo!

Photo of the Year 2019 - Cola Monster

Cannabis Leaf Silhouette w_Orange Sunset Background.JPG
As a man of very few words I truly don't know what to say except for thank you from the bottom of my cannabis lovin heart Teddy and to your wonderful staff as well for choosing my work amongst all of these exceptional photos posted this year, I'm dumbfounded like I said but also extremely honored. :thanks: :hug::high-five:
Congratulations brother! You definitely have an eye for capturing our favorite plant in the most beautiful ways.

side note: looks like they had to take all the spaces out of your titles! Lol. Next Teddy will have to shorten the titles to PoM, NoM, PhoY.:high-five:
Congratulations brother! You definitely have an eye for capturing our favorite plant in the most beautiful ways.

side note: looks like they had to take all the spaces out of your titles! Lol. Next Teddy will have to shorten the titles to PoM, NoM, PhoY.:high-five:

Thanks for the kind words Mr. Magoo! :thanks: :high-five:
side note: looks like they had to take all the spaces out of your titles! Lol. Next Teddy will have to shorten the titles to PoM, NoM, PhoY
Ahh, you've already guessed my Cunning Plan.
Congratulations @Cola Monster - well-deserved win. It was a "no brainer" the first time I saw that photo. :welldone:
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