420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Moto258

Day 29. I did not end up getting time to re-pot I am going to need to do it this week tho before the nutrients run out because they have been getting watered now every day for about 3 days now. Happy to know these gals were feminized before putting these rubber bands about their beautiful indica leaves. The one is starting to look like a true female with her hair put back! Other than training alls I'm doing is feeding ro water along with some calcium magnesium and iron ill be brewing up something special for them for their next feeding to help improve the life in the soil before re-poting into gallon containers.




Day 30- RE-POT
I have a feeling this plant is giving me the hint she's hungry for more @GeoFlora Nutrients ! Since it's been raining so much lately in my neck of the woods and I can't do much mowing in the swamp setting here for work so I figured I'd make some magic happen for these fine ladys from @Weed Seeds Express but before I did so my girl remi got onto me because I started to blame her for the bugs lately haha so I decided to start up the pit fire and cook the pests out first if their should be any since this was a new bag of ocean forest soil. Have to start fresh using such great genetics to start with and with @SierraNaturalScience much appreciated help on this grow I think these gals are going to be on a great path to a harvest!
So to start with I'll be going into a container that holds 15 cups of fox farm soil the ocean forest. (Hint using the left over smidges of prairie farms prized NO artificial growth hormones milk to spice up the deficiency this one gal is having)(hint smidges meaning just left over drops lol) Cheers 420 fam the pictures will take over from here!






Day 32 since these two popped out from soil.
Major hands on training time for the gals started today with the shoots coming out from the main stauks. Keeping main stauk in the leds rays from @NextLight core keeps my paranoia at bay with the training knowing all shoots are exposed! I know this isn't a race but in my mind everything seems like a dang race these days lol. Other then them fine details that's all im pretty much doing since @GeoFlora Nutrients have been getting the feeding regimen in order for me. My forearms used to look like Popeye the sailor man mixing bottle nutes in my 3 gallon mix jug but I am actually starting to think I might start losing my characteristics I've been known to always have haha!( I guess we all could take that to the funniest route to a joke, but I ruin the fun for some lol)
Enjoy your Friday 420 fam stay green!!



I almost forgot the details lol this has been temp pretty much all day besides early morning before lights kicked on it was 69f creeped up from there about 2 degrees every half hour while I adjusted the air conditioning for the house till house temp reached 70f. The dehumidifier is a rolling full time now. Also each morning I allow an hour of fresh air to come in while I'm doing my morning chores then door gets closed from their till sun starts going down then I'll go ahead and open the door back up for an hour before I call it quits for the day. Cheers I didn't Wana leave everything out now!

Day 34.
Nothing but watering when needed which hasn't been for 3 days now. And of course training to stay low since I'm going to grow these two much longer still! Ohh I also have taken out the folding table in oder to absorb the light in the canopy much better. (If ya notice the left gal is starting to heal from the overdose off nutes left in the soil I started her in)



Day 37. Sorry 420 fam this guys been running like chickens as their heads went missin! But here somes close up training pics as the girls develop into beasts! Thanks again @Weed Seeds Express , @GeoFlora Nutrients , @Sierra Natural Science , @DYNOMYCO , @NextLight , I couldn't have done it with out ya! True healers of the mind I tell ya! @420 thanks for getting this together again as I'm sure I'm still the noob here and will most likely always remain. Stay green.




Day 40. Still just stressing them out and putting full hands on these two ladies as much as I can! This might be a calling to any single ladies this guy might need to put attention else where lmao! Jp! Other than training them to be fat lazy women that won't be able to leave their tent one day due to them eating heavy on them goodies provided by @GeoFlora Nutrients im not sure I have much else of an update for you all 420 friends..
(Hint had a carpenter ant crawling on my light provided by @NextLight so ignore all my bug killing devices they are ugly to look I'm sure! I have the common gnat problem, but that's my fault as I try and save electricity as much as I can where I can. So doors come open on my days I'm able to do so) but I do say @Sierra Natural Science has been keeping them from biting these fine @Weed Seeds Express youngins! Just adding sns 209 at 1/2 tsp per gallon every other feeding.
I do want to mention this one update is for all the fallen ones I'll be lighting a few to show my respect! Cheers and stay green!



Day 43. If I start getting thrown off on my days please excuse my brain sometimes it confuses me even! This morning I ended up taking a few snips off the girls in order to bring in the top shoots wanting to see the light but can't because the lowers are stealing the show trying to reach for that ray produced by @NextLight . I also ended up basically stepping on them as well due to my lack of making sure trellis were handy for this 4x4! I'm such a knuckle head I tell you all! But just means more work on my end most Hydro stores have been out of 4x4 trellis I want so orders won't get here till this weekend! @420 maybe trellis sponcers haha!!! Them things are like fine wine and dine restaurants I tell ya! Since my eyes need the things that cost the most sometimes home depots trellis aren't going to cut it for this comparison! In approximately 2 days I will be top dressing for two of the girls in the back with some more @GeoFlora Nutrients . Other than that training has been still happening around these woods but hopefully that slowes down some once trellis comes in. Stay green 420 friends! (Ohh yeah I almost forgot an update the hairs are showing their true gender so feminized as promised!)





Day 45! Update
Went ahead and transplanted into these fine dandy 7 gallon fabric pots today. Ge boy ye @GeoFlora Nutrients your stuff rocks!!! I ran low on the @DYNOMYCO for the gals so they only got half strength of the preferred dose they called for. Luckily I still have some dust tinker bell left behind so I went ahead and threw that in to make up for the missing goodies DYNOMYCO had available. Your stuffs great yall seriously the amount of root action I have going on in my soils is like growing in the jungle!! Where's Tarzan when you need him!!? That's right it's Jane I'm searching for!! Haha inside joke I'm sure I'm the only one getting a laugh from! Other then them fine details I'm just going to sit back enjoy northern lights while I sit and drool for these girl scout cookies from @Weed Seeds Express to come cookin in this 4x4 grow tent and allow the pics to tell the rest! Enjoy stay green! (Hint had to mix an extra 5 cups of extra soil to the mix after I figured out I was off on soil to pot to fabric mixture. Plan on adding more nutrients to the soil later down the road if need be And the perlite was not added this Transplant but the one doing the math thought I needed it haHA)






Moto how's it going? Girls are looking great, I also like how you included your soil mix measurements (great for soil illiterate people like me!)
Hey Rexer! How's it going for you my friend? Thanks for the kind words I'm very weird in my work spaces/passions always have for some reason I'm ocd times million! Brother around my neck of the woods its been healing getting back to my passions in life and not just growing but all around living again. Been a good 7 year inch of a world wind for me and finally getting over all the people in life I used to think about having around in it but my mind started realizing circles get smaller than the average Facebook user. Sorry for the rant buddy cheers hope all is well!
Nice roots Moto! I enjoy a clean tent like yours too. Mine's clean until the second half of flower. It's a mess right now with them ready to harvest in a week or two.
Thanks Stone! My OCD gets at me at times lol. I also had a thrip issue that now I'm literally taking alcohol rags to my tents and buckets every day like a mad scientist!
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