420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Moto258

I hope you're doing better today than when you wrote this amigo! You have some beautiful ladies to cheer you up.

AMEN! I feel the same way about this opportunity. Really got me excited about what is to come.

I seriously appreciate you writing about this. I don't have a LUX meter yet. I'm already worried about my lights (not anywhere as nice as yours), but I don't want to give them too much or too little. I'll try and make up my mind on a meter and get it ordered.

Maaaaan...I get you on the loneliness part! I feel lonely sometimes even with a house filled with a wife, kids, and dogs. I mean it. They just don't get me sometimes and it is a crappy feeling. Also, I'm a big ass 40 something momma's boy too! Softy with feelings here too dude! Haaa haaa haaa. Speaking of my momma...I need to text her and say I love you.
Thanks my friend your always welcome to pop in any time. I'm doing a lot better mentally but my tensions got pretty high after being threatened by old time Wana be friends that want to cause problems with someone saved by the drowning bell many times. But I tell ya what if it wasn't for this community and the few family members I still have I'd be the one that went nut house qualified on this town I'm just about over with and lived in My whole life. Growing gave me my life back and so far I'm trying my best not to let anyone knock me down again. Stay green BakedARea
I hope you're doing better today than when you wrote this amigo! You have some beautiful ladies to cheer you up.

AMEN! I feel the same way about this opportunity. Really got me excited about what is to come.

I seriously appreciate you writing about this. I don't have a LUX meter yet. I'm already worried about my lights (not anywhere as nice as yours), but I don't want to give them too much or too little. I'll try and make up my mind on a meter and get it ordered.

Maaaaan...I get you on the loneliness part! I feel lonely sometimes even with a house filled with a wife, kids, and dogs. I mean it. They just don't get me sometimes and it is a crappy feeling. Also, I'm a big ass 40 something momma's boy too! Softy with feelings here too dude! Haaa haaa haaa. Speaking of my momma...I need to text her and say I love you.
If your worried about lights my friend don't stress to much because I'm using wayyy more light than I need for these ladies and a simple florescent light bulb will get this first germination trick in the books for ya. I owe the ones who spent the currency on this light to give it glory it deserves. Very well built light tho from Next light and I'm impressed so far.
Looking good Moto. Good on you for helping out your friend. I hope it works for him. Cannabis is a useful tool for many veterans including myself.

Now grow babies, grow!:cheer:
I seriously hope so as well my friend! Thank you for your serving by the way!! He's a cousin of mine that's trying to transition to cannabis life style and I've seen his struggles first hand. He would have to tell his story because I'm not the one that could ever give his story true justice but his purple heart is all I need to see to know enough to show him the way around a garden. Cheers Vet my GSC's are trying to catch up to yalls ladies In action so stay tuned as I try to make it happen.
Pic and laugh update! Just ask if your confused. Brought to you by yours truly and mold on the four corners heat mat! Oh wait can't forget thanks again Weed Seeds Express these girls are greening up by the minute! Great genetics my friends they are now out of the dome and into the environment kept in by a Gorilla lite line grow tent. In the gate you will notice the tents racing next to an ac Infinity 4inch filtration system(coming in from outdoor co2 and coming out into a bathroom and out the turd smell releaser), Next light core LED, 1 hurricane fan that doesn't do much but look pretty at the moment (ill be turning on today tho), and ill be adding things like Geoflora nutrients in with the dirt that I still need to go get to transplant into once they are ready to grow on. Cheers oh almost forgot today the ladies will be getting misted on with spray bottle mixed in the fuel ratio will be:
-RO water
-ph_6.5 (hint don't want to give them an overdose just yet so stay above 6.0ph no higher than 7 and they should be okay.)
-Cal-mag plus
-temp-78deg F
Just misting by the way I have not watered them just yet!


Oooooo...you're in trouble! I'm gonna tell! I see another plant in the tent. :laugh: :rofl:

They look awesome. I like the idea of getting them on a small table like that instead of just putting them down on the tent floor. Saves work on my back! Thanks a lot for adding something else to my damn shopping list Moto... pffft
Oooooo...you're in trouble! I'm gonna tell! I see another plant in the tent. :laugh: :rofl:

They look awesome. I like the idea of getting them on a small table like that instead of just putting them down on the tent floor. Saves work on my back! Thanks a lot for adding something else to my damn shopping list Moto... pffft
Haha don't tell my grandma on me but last time I check when I was living with her I might have packed it in with my belongings. She smiles when she sees my garden so I'm thinking she will give me the pass on this one! Gost peppers them are my young pa da one!
I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw some stooges on for them to enjoy on the TV heck throw a steak on that dinner table as well and call it a movie night! Haha( my button to make laughing faces for some weird reason only works every so often so I'm back to the ol lol's and lmao's for the mean time! Cheers BakedARea much needed entertainment( I'm passing you a joint lol but in a ghostly manner so enjoy my friend)
I'm in the middle of doing some adjustments to the tent, walk inside, and commence to eat a bag of chips while catching up on forum posts! Damn munchies...it's all its fault. Or is the body's fault?! Nah...it's the munchies fault for distracting me. Now I need to get my couch locked ass up again and go finish getting the tent dialed in, get pics, and do an update post. Talk to you soon!
I'm thinking not today but once the soil drys up some more ill be giving this fancy stuff a grow trial. Thanks for the products PLANT LEAF SPRAY ! It says not to let them indulge in to much light so I figured I'll just take them off the tray the 6 girl scout cookies are sitting on currently and onto the main floor to soak up for a little while before placing them back into position currently in now. Growing on basement floor so I'll be placing card board under them instead of the heat pad I'm no longer using. All the updates I've got so far.




They are looking food! Did that bottle say 9.2 pH?! Holy crap! I'm very interested to see how they react to such a high pH on their leaves. O had grandiose plans of doing some foliar spraying on my fruit trees this morning. This lazy ass just woke up though! Now the sun is too intense. Urgh...
Im thinking food as well BakedARea I'm using used soil for them at the moment so I was hoping for more life left than what these girls got!
I know right!! I've been spraying wayy lower ph and seem to have great results but I'm going to trust these guys saying with it being much higher!
Haha for some odd reason ever since I literally use cannabis on everything now and cannabis only I wake up when the sun comes up now but I get you feeling my friend! Hope all is well with the wife and garden as well!
Well I couldn't wait any longer so bam I ended up spaying pepper plants outside first they seemed to look healthier the minute I sprayed them so that gave me the extra comfort to speed up the anxiety I was having spraying my precious girl scout cookies with them being so young! Thanks Green Safe great products even a person like me can get used to this magic potion!

Ones on the left next to the Geoflora nutrients are the keepers, and the other 3 I have plans for as well besides going to the other side of the dark side. I'm noticing one of these fine lady's having the indica Dom Indicator so I'm thinking I'll put her to the side for now as a special case of things to come for the future I'm looking more of the sativa to stick around as the parent due to wanting to possibly breed with a couple strains I have that are heavy on the Indica side once cured properly. Almost forgot so far alls I have done is top dress a couple ladies with ocean forest soil by fox farm I had laying around I forgot I had. Figured since most are showing signs of being hungry it wouldn't hurt to throw a tiny amount as top dress and spray with ro water with 200ppm from cal-mag plus at ph 6.0
Cheers Geoflora and weed seeds express!

Looking great Moto! Great idea on testing the spray on your peppers 1st. I'm new to foiliar spraying, so I'll be watching to see how they like that spray!

Good find!!
Looking great Moto! Great idea on testing the spray on your peppers 1st. I'm new to foiliar spraying, so I'll be watching to see how they like that spray!

Good find!!
This one's for you buddy! It's raining outside so I figured it would be a good time to spray the pepper plants one more time for this week's application while the sun is under the weather. I'll spray them then toss them under the spot where the roof and gutters covers them outside. This will be the second time spraying this week. Grandpa's takin the ghost pepper to transplant into his garden here shortly so I figured I'd make the plant look spifty for his liking haha!
I'm also pretty new to foliar due to wayy to many opinions on the subject. I do a lot of weed killing in my line of work but never did I ph the solution before applying it haha so I'm in for the science behind learning as I go. Cheers rex

Well what's everyone's opinions on this little runt!? I ended up splitting her down the shnos(middle) for some experimenting to see what happens next. She's the only one that ended up like this out of the 6 and the other one having problems I'm thinking is just some calcium issues due to using soil that was already used up so for the first feeding with her will be with recharge to try and fix that before I transplant using Geoflora nutrients in with the soil. I'll be going into half gallon container from here. I also left all my doors and windows open past few days so the gnats will be getting a load of SNS 209 here very soon!


Update! Thanks again Geoflora you guys/gals rock just received my gifts yesterday!!! I feel like I have so much nutrients by the looks of these bags who knows even the neighbor might wake up one morning to bloomed out dandelions and flowers all over the place haha!
But other than the shout out to Geoflora I'll be mixing up the first batch of soil with the nutrients provided in the next day or two when I get time(huge retaining wall job!!!) So I haven't been spending to much time proving the co2 lately so I'm hoping the co2 grow bags I have will be all these girls need this grow.
I'm calling this young lady bugs bunny due to well Im sure yall can tell how that name came about haha! Cheers thanks again all the sponsors and 420 I'll be giving shout outs as they grow and as I use the products. Two pics in the sticks are just a few heads that decided to pop after my learning experience with indoor pollen, but I tell ya what if they have any trait to the skunky cookies I have the renter next after me is in for a skunky surrounding if they make it much longer being in such rocky soil! Lol cheers!






Well I guess I found some extra time to mix up some soil today actually.
I wanted to go with a bunch of different soil formulas but landed back at where I started with fox farm ocean forest. Like I've mentioned I'm not great at details so I'd much rather take pictured details for anyone interested. So far 3 have been transplanted while the other 3 remain to absorb more moisture before messing with their home in the dirt. So here we go enjoy some photos might be a bunch haha! (Hint still sprinkling great white on the roots)








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