Veg, Day 16
All is well in Veg Room #1. They are all spreading their leaves to gather in more leaf building light. Every container is quite heavy as expected and all the drip pans have been pulled dry.
In my time visiting today I only noted 2 fugus gnats, and they were heading for the bottom of the container, trying to get in that way instead of through the razor blades. Although given points for ingenuity, the tiny brained critter doesn't realize that her super-gnat efforts are to no avail... the new flyers have to come up though the soil at the top, only to be cut to shreds. Crafty little beasties though, I have to give them credit.
Even the runt is looking much better today. The new soil agrees with her and I believe that the double shot of dunks has helped her more than any of the others by rapidly killing the larvae that were eating her roots. I suspect that she is going to recover and although she may always be the smallest in the room, I think she is going to make it just fine.
Here are the shots for the day along with my attempt to be artistic with a rapidly failing camera... now the digital view screen refuses to work. I am holding out for Christmas shopping season when the price of cameras falls... they are ridiculous right now.
Tomorrow will be the big day of adding nematodes to all plants in rotation at the moment and scrubbing the walls. It is supposed to rain all day anyway, so inside work for me! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.
Short and strong... these are going to be fun to manage plants as we get into the training phase:
All are pretty consistent now, even with several days difference in starting times. You can see the runt standing a little prouder this afternoon, second row from the back, second over from the left. Pay no attention to the lone solo cup with my friend's poor little Gelato rescue plant... it has nothing to do with this grow.
The 5th node is popping up all around the table... soon it will be topping time!