Monday, January 13, 2025

300w LED - Sunset Kush

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

The buds are drying nicely.

They smell real good.

When they're dry and smokeable,

I'll give y'all the scoop
Not like a scoop from the cat box, thankyou
but I do like 'em funky and stinky :yummy:
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

thank you bel!

watcha think about the mutant leaves on the clone?

thanks for the reference to Hegel, I didn't even know I was a fan ;)

I like this, but then I would :)

"The triad"

"The above demonstrates the "triad" of Hegel which runs through almost every sentence of the Science of Logic. Most people who are about to study Hegel, will have heard of "thesis - antithesis - synthesis". Actually, Hegel never used this expression. This may be because the expression tends to imply a reference to what I call "propositional algebra". Also, "thesis" and "antithesis", like "positive" and "negative" imply a specific kind of opposition, namely polarity, in which the "thesis" and "anti-thesis" can have no separate existence and a kind of symmetry which limits the concept unduly. Nevertheless, I think "thesis - antithesis - synthesis" fairly well sums up the form of Hegel's triad and we should not be ashamed to use it.

It would be quite contrary to the spirit of Hegel to attempt here to give a "definition" of the triad. You will learn as you study the triad in its multifarious forms and development in Hegel's Logic. But the purpose of this article is to aid your reading, so you will forgive a brief and inadequate description.

At first something is put forward, is posited, presents itself. It presents itself also by way of negating something else, its negation, that which it is not. That which it is not may be what it was, it's form as opposed to its content, a pre-conception of it, or merely its negative pole - the "anti-thesis". This "other side" is essentially connected with the thesis, the thesis already contains implicitly the antithesis, as an inner contradiction within itself. A new and higher concept arises on the basis of conceiving both the thesis and antithesis in this way as identical with each other. Thus a new thesis is posited, .... and so on.

EXAMPLES ARE SUPERFLUOUS (emphasis by setting sun) The whole of the Logic, and hopefully the explanations to follow here, demonstrate this dynamic. In reading the Logic, you should look back and forward as you begin each new chapter and section, and try to keep a bearing on where you are in terms of triads. You should feel free to skip back and forth so as to ensure that you grasp a particular triad before going too far "into it". But at the same time, don't expect to fully understand a concept until you have read through it, and followed exactly how its own internal contradictions build up and pass over into the next concept."
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I think they're kinda cute.

I think they're cute too, but as I mentioned in PM, they look very confused, as if they don't know what direction to go in.

I think part of it is that I should have kept them on 24/0, instead of switching them to 18/6.

Would you put them back to 24/0 at this point?

I've resisted the temptation to comment since you first took them, keep up the good work and see what happens, you're lucky [good] to have gotten them this far. Ripeness to respond is the condition of a plant that has graduated junior high and is ready to get laid. Competence is the state of attainment [ripeness to respond] that allows plants respond to daylength changes when alternating [as opposed to opposed] internodes are observed and the plants show their sex. Evocation is the set of physical changes in the undifferentiated indeterminate apical meristem that allow it to become determinate differentiated floral structures. Note the term 'determinate' here. Undifferentiated indeterminate apical meristem can be kept alive indefinitely, that's why TC and motherships work. Determinate structures, such as buds, end their growth at some point, the 2ndary and tertiary stuff does it's thing, and, if you're lucky [I am with the PKs] when the foxtailings's done, so are the buds, there is no more indeterminate meristem to grow, stick a fork in it, it's done. The only way you get a terminal bud to reveg is if there are latent buds in there somewhere that will restart vegetative growth. In most plants, these would be where cannabis has it's indicator flowers. Keep on cultivating these and learn. Seeds are to hard-drives what clones are to RAM. Backup is good.

It took them a loooooong time to even start to re-veg, but they showed me a lot during that time.

Yep, I'm all for backups. I'm going to keep the moms going and also do a seed grow in the future.

Sunset Kush in the seedbanks, eh? NICE! It should be. I think that you have bred something that would go ape in 5 1/2" square pots vegged ~ a week or so, lollypopped, and finished quickly. 4 pots/sq. ft. sounds pretty good in a small cab for those with limited space and a GOOD LED will obviously do the trick, so you are pioneering a formula for small-scale med growers who want to go green...

I can fit 16 of those 5 1/2" square pots nicely in one of my tents. Two 10" x 20" nursery trays fit great.

If I could pull 1oz per plant that would be a pound per tent, but I'd have to start with fem seeds or make some fem seeds, which I haven't done yet but want to do.

Or, I could try it with 16 clones, but how long would you veg clones to roughly equal one week of veg for seedlings? What size or how much new growth would you want to see before pulling the trigger?

This b wha' happen when ya' feed the Gifted1:MoreNutes:


What a gorgeous plant.

I'd like to see that plant through your eyes, but I can appreciate the habit ;).
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I think they're cute too, but as I mentioned in PM, they look very confused, as if they don't know what direction to go in.

I think part of it is that I should have kept them on 24/0, instead of switching them to 18/6.

SS, I don't know if this can help you now, but I recently read a well reasoned article on mj veg times. Of course, the bookmark is hiding from me now, but the gist was after trying every possible light/dark schedule, 20/4 was the winner for time/yield. The 4 hr rest seemed to be the big factor. You'd be splitting the diff :)

Would you put them back to 24/0 at this point?

It took them a loooooong time to even start to re-veg, but they showed me a lot during that time.

Yep, I'm all for backups. I'm going to keep the moms going and also do a seed grow in the future.

I've been keeping 4 very barely flowering mom's under a 6/6/6/6 schedule for about 3 months. It's working great for 3 of them, one, I believe, is revegging.

Space is coming at a premium here now, and I'm wonder if keeping moms is worth it, or could I just keep taking clones of clones of clones...?

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

SS, I don't know if this can help you now, but I recently read a well reasoned article on mj veg times. Of course, the bookmark is hiding from me now, but the gist was after trying every possible light/dark schedule, 20/4 was the winner for time/yield. The 4 hr rest seemed to be the big factor. You'd be splitting the diff

I was wondering about the 24/0 schedule for *flowering* clones taken from a female plant in bloom. I remember reading somewhere that the chances of getting them to re-veg is a lot better with 24/0.

Space is coming at a premium here now, and I'm wonder if keeping moms is worth it, or could I just keep taking clones of clones of clones...?

yes, you sure can
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I was wondering about the 24/0 schedule for *flowering* clones taken from a female plant in bloom. I remember reading somewhere that the chances of getting them to re-veg is a lot better with 24/0.

Ahh, gotcha. I've also read that removing the flowering top after rooting helps speed up re-vegging?

yes, you sure can

Well then, I've got a Jackie Herer and a sweet Jamaican that are going to give up motherhood:)

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I haven't read up much on flowering clones, but it's on the short list.

Mr. Gator recently reminded us of the fact that taking clones from clones is not a generational thing, but rather the Propagation of exact copies of the original plant, so just keep on keepin' on.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S




This is a small lower branch on Vicky that I back-crossed with the NL/ww pollen.


got a total of exactly 10 viable seeds. The pollen is losing viability, so I'm happy with 10.

good backup in case my Sunset Kush clones go tits up ;)
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

It's really cool to be able to do both seeds and clones. I held off on cloning because it seemed difficult and mysterious, and I'm sure growers who just clone might think the same about growing from seed.

bottom line is they're both great ways to grow, neither of them are particularly difficult or mysterious, especially with all the helpful peeps around here, and being able to do both gives me a *ton* more flexibility and options with my grows.

I'm glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and gave cloning a run. Kinda feels like when I built my first set of bicycle wheels ;).

thanks dogs!
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

It's really cool to be able to do both seeds and clones. I held off on cloning because it seemed difficult and mysterious, and I'm sure growers who just clone might think the same about growing from seed.

I'm glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and gave cloning a run. Kinda feels like when I built my first set of bicycle wheels ;).

thanks dogs!

The one thing you can't get with a clone is variety...and last I heard...variety is the spice of life.

Our herb must be various/ :tokin:

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I had them on 24/0 for a while, but now I don't have a 24/0 environment for them. I haven't been able to convert that storage cabinet into a mom/clone box yet, but that should solve the problem.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I had them on 24/0 for a while, but now I don't have a 24/0 environment for them. I haven't been able to convert that storage cabinet into a mom/clone box yet, but that should solve the problem.
Clone yourself, get those extra hands you need :hmmmm:
That nifty new cloner of yours should do it. ;)
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

speaking of extra hands, I'm wiped out.

setting up 8 hempy buckets and transplanting those 8 clones was a lot more work than I anticipated.

all I can do tonight is try to cram them all under the T5, cause I'm too beat to set the HID back up until later today.

I should be able to get both tents going and update tonight.

later peeps ;)
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

speaking of extra hands, I'm wiped out.

setting up 8 hempy buckets and transplanting those 8 clones was a lot more work than I anticipated.

all I can do tonight is try to cram them all under the T5, cause I'm too beat to set the HID back up until later today.

I should be able to get both tents going and update tonight.

later peeps ;)


Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Congratulations Sun :cheertwo:

Another fine grow! Your the man!

So you think Sunset Kush is better than VK? I want some of that! :)

Taking bit of a break in Journaling is a good idea. Get the head back together.
A mind rest is good :) You've been busy a long time. Love your Dog!

You wont rest for long though.....something about...... comparisons !:grinjoint:

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