Thanks guys i will look up the bubble hash.. do i freeze the trim before or after its dry? Im thinking after? The few times ive had hash it was a great experience so i would love to be able to make my own! Thats so crazy i didnt even think about it just wanna smoke them buds haha
I love bubble...
All you need is the bags, a bucket, a wooden spoon, Some ice and a little man power.
Oh ya, don't forget the trim.
I've experimented using fresh frozen, fresh dried and cured and its all good but it's one of those things you need to experiment with to find what you like. Fresh frozen seemed a little sticky and the cured had a drier consistency. I like to press my bubble hash into rosin and for me the cured trim produces a stabler product.
I like to freeze my trim for couple days. Put a gallon of water in the freezer right before you make it so you have some ice cold water to go with your ice.
After I put the bags in order in the bucket I make a small pool of water and ice ate the bottom and dump my trim in. I then cover my trim with ice and add ice cold water until the trim is completely submerged. After this I don't touch it for 20 minutes. I only add ice if it's needed. This process is rehydrating your trim and and will help from getting plant matter in you bubble hash. After 20 minutes it's time to get to work. With a wooden spoon, I stir, whip, flip, slap, shake and mix constantly at different paces for 20 minutes. I go buck wild at the end for a good final mix.. always add ice as needed, you want everything to stay ice cold. Once your done, let it sit for another 20 minutes adding ice as needed. This let's the trichomes settle at the bottom bag. After 20 minutes remove the bags and drain.
The first bag you remove is all ice and plant matter.. let it drain but don't squeeze. Know start removing the other bags. You'll notice that there all empty except the last two. This is how you make clean bubble hash with almost no plant matter. The second to the last bag will have very little and be a little green when dried. I usually throw it away if it doesn't amount to anything. The last bag is the good stuff and will start looking like fine sand shimmering in the water. Once the waters drains I use a spoon to scoop it out onto the screen provided with the bubble bags. I put a paper towel under the screen and let it absorb water. You can re dip the last bag to get the trichomes to pool in one spot for easy removal. I'll let it air dry for atleast 2 days before I start smoking it..
Wow, that was a long post... oops