2nd Inside Grow

Miwa, Miwa, Taking Pictures HIS WAY, Mi wi wi wa. Just being Strange ATM, Imagine singing That To Diana Ross' Hotline, Hotline, For Your Love, For Your Love!!! Nice Pictures Of A CIA Kit Miwa!!! And Don, I Had To Jump Ship, I Had Been A Very LOYAL Customer!!!:high-five: FC, How The Heck Are You My Friend!!! Good To Say Hello To All!!! So Howdy!!!:yahoo: Were Taking It Easy Today, As Yesterdays Breakdown, was a Little Premature(JUST SLIGHTLY) Of Some Of The Drying Plants. Have them In Boxes, and Do A Slight Sifting Every day, and an Air Out/Breather!!! For Them, Keeps The Cure Going!!! I am a Rambling, Sorry, Take care!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
now I want to order a g13 just for the cool can! dang it MIWA your goin to get me in trouble with my OLE LADY LOL
how mny licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop:)
me too, at the moment under my 400 watt hps in a 3ft by 3ft room i have got.
4 x 3gallon soil pots,
1 x 1.5 gallon square pot with my auto in.
4 x 2ltr dwc and none dwc hempies,

but i would not do more than 4 big plants as the room would be pretty full, but i recon i could get 100 x 2ltr hempies in their, and thy give me around 20g per plant 12-12 from seed every 8 weeks, so that would be 20g x 100 - 2000g of dry bud every 8 or 9 weeks depending on how long to flower, my last 12-12 form seed was done in 8 weeks and i got 20g dry, id do a whole room but them plant numbers are crazy high, even though their small plants its still 100 plants, so id prefer to grow bigger plants in bigger pots and just do a couple of hempies a long side, plus the hempies i grow so i can sample new strains, i take clones and if i like the bud then ill grow it out into a 3gallon pot and grow me a bigger plant

so id say 20 would be ok if their not going to be to bushy
how mny licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop:)
never did find out the answer to that...i'm too quick to bite...
Im using a 400w now and I only have 3 under it. If you fit 20 I would like to see that :thumb:
i think 20 is a bit much
me too, at the moment under my 400 watt hps in a 3ft by 3ft room i have got.
4 x 3gallon soil pots,
1 x 1.5 gallon square pot with my auto in.
4 x 2ltr dwc and none dwc hempies,

but i would not do more than 4 big plants as the room would be pretty full, but i recon i could get 100 x 2ltr hempies in their, and thy give me around 20g per plant 12-12 from seed every 8 weeks, so that would be 20g x 100 - 2000g of dry bud every 8 or 9 weeks depending on how long to flower, my last 12-12 form seed was done in 8 weeks and i got 20g dry, id do a whole room but them plant numbers are crazy high, even though their small plants its still 100 plants, so id prefer to grow bigger plants in bigger pots and just do a couple of hempies a long side, plus the hempies i grow so i can sample new strains, i take clones and if i like the bud then ill grow it out into a 3gallon pot and grow me a bigger plant

so id say 20 would be ok if their not going to be to bushy

i won't have 20 when i kill the males then my experiments will kill about 10...bought seeds got priority on the lights...the bagseeds are on the edge of the light footprint...
Scrog scrog
all you can do is see how it goes, and depends how big your room is, mines 3ft square and i can fit 7 x 3gallon pots in their, but they would all be touching and the plants would suffer, my limit on 3 gallon pots is 4, this leaves me enough room for around 10 x 2ltr grows, so i could have 14 all together if i kept the big pots in their, without any pots i could easily fit 100 x 2ltr dwc bottles, these can all be touching as you only want 1 stem and 1 big bud, but i dont plan on lolly popping unless its needed,
well''i could get rid of the panels and use the whole room...10' x 10'...but then i might have to add more light...i'm growing another red-head..i had one in the garden last year...6'...this one is 24 inches...my twin towers...she haven't been topped...grew this way...pistils are just starting to turn colors..


this is why i like growing bagseed...this girl has no side shoots...only fans and flowers...another reveg product...
I Like Bagseed Too, Miwa. Some of the Best Plants I Have Ever gotten Genetically Are From Bagseed!!!:high-five: Hell, Part Of The Joy Of Growing Bagseed, Is The Anticipation As To What Will Turn Up!!! Those were the Good Old Days, When I Did Not Have to Be So Worried about A Bummer Plant Turning Up, Back Then, I Did Not Care, Now, On The Other Hand, I Cannot Afford To Waste The Space on a Maybe It Will Be A Good Plant!!! And That To Me Is Sad. It Is Just As Much A Roll Of The Dice to Order Seeds, It Seems Too Me, Than To Grow Out Unknown Bagseed. I Cannot Tell You The Amount Of Times I Have Ordered Something, That Was Cannabis Cup This Or That, And The Plants That The Seeds Produced Were Not Even Close To What Was Ordered!!! Hell, Half The Time It Seems They Were Not Even An Indica or Sativa, Depending On What Was Ordered, It Was A Complete Crap Shoot. I Used To Wonder If The Packers Were Illiterate, Or Thieves, or BOTH!!! Well Just Talking Away Here, Take Care Miwa, and All. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Miwa, what is the average time it takes for roots in your aero? Are you running the sprayers constantly or a 1/5?

I am at day 10, still no roots... again.
That plant wood make a great SOG plant. No side branches makes for larger top cola's. I seen what ya said aout seeds. I knowticed that Indo seeds have alot of 'tiger stripes' or marbling. Sativa generaly has solid color seeds. Sativa seeds are alittle harder to start in colder climates. Been awhile since I been thru. Looks like you are starting another trip Miwa GL and Keepem Green
Miwa, what is the average time it takes for roots in your aero? Are you running the sprayers constantly or a 1/5?

I am at day 10, still no roots... again.

man...i'm all over the scale on that..some root in a week...some take 2 weeks...i got my cloner on a timer...it was running constantly..i decided to save wear and tear on the pump...right now i'm using one of my cloners...got two...to grow plants..got MG nutes in there...if you are cloning..you need warm temps..for growing... temps have to stay cool...like in DWC...have patience..they'll root..
Sup miwa!
That plant wood make a great SOG plant. No side branches makes for larger top cola's. I seen what ya said aout seeds. I knowticed that Indo seeds have alot of 'tiger stripes' or marbling. Sativa generaly has solid color seeds. Sativa seeds are alittle harder to start in colder climates. Been awhile since I been thru. Looks like you are starting another trip Miwa GL and Keepem Green

yeah...i got 2 more plants growing like that,,,they are in the ground...might have to dig them up and bring them inside..also saw another one growing in the ground..3 inches tall...one flower on top...i thought that one had died...
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