2nd Inside Grow

tell me about it james, miwa's journal changed and looks like he been very busy.

@miwa. these autos mate are a problem, yours with the weird leaves sounds like the same as mine that had dodgy leaves, it was suppose to be harvested in 6 weeks from start to finish, it took 6 weeks to make it 2 inches high, it took around 3 months before harvest and then i got 20g dry off it so not much, the leaves where badly deformed to start off with mate so sounds similar to yours, plus autos prefer very weak nutes so dont give them full strength as they just cant take it, another thing with autos is they prefer moist soil all the time so dont let it dry out if you ever grow them in soil, letting it go to dry stops them growing,

so keep the nutes week and soil moist with autos,

the only way i got my deformed auto to grow was to lst, i pulled the very top of the plant down lower than the node below it, this then encrouraged that growth to become the top and then the plant started growing as normal, it was just the top set of leaves that was badly deformed, after the minor lst it grew, i should of done it sooner but i never wanted to mess with it as its an auto, but i did and it worked and got growing, my next round of autos ill be trying the dwc method, at the moment im just waiting for the bluematic to finish because its got 2 buds that are full of seeds,

i crossed the pathetic bluematic auto with the amazing fast growing and big yielding ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, plus i loved this strain to smoke, so the seeds are a cross between them 2 strains, a 1/4 of the resulting seeds will be auto so ill get a male and female from the seeds and cross them and this should give me autos seeds, plus with crossing it with the ak it should increase yield, it might take longer to grow but the yield should be a whole lot better.

i managed to keep the ak47 cross uk cherry cheese strain around, i planted my last 2 seeds of this strain and 1 was male and 1 was fem, so i used the pollen on 2 of the buds on the female and its turned to seed and i think the seeds will be ready before the rest of the plant, so ill be keeping that strain around.

i collected all the seeds from the sour kush and kiwi cross and ended up with 300+ seeds from just 3 bud sites, plus after taking the seeds out the bud it was a damn good smoke
Yep...auto has deformed 1st leaves..but since i put her in water she's slowly coming alive...i got one plant thats starting its 4th node...that will be my 1st list...i think i will lower my ceiling...my horizontal is about to be extended...or...i could keep the panels the same height and extend the horizontal...just put a panel on top...yeah..talk about seeded herb...i've had some smoke that i picked the seeds out of..that had me so medicated..i turned down the pass...what about autos...can you clone them ???...i cut the top 1/3 of my PE..i'll let the rest get some more weight...so far 355grs...then i started on the CM..too much leaf..i only did 102grs...i gotta gettem done...next week the PH...ihen the next week the WS...then ...that big ass bush..i'll do what i did last year...i had a lot of buds in my hash pile...nothing wrong with that...herb with hash in it will put you in another zone...so you got a lot of seeds...i'd be sitting up a laboratory ...talk about one hitter quitter...well...let me check this ph..see if they are eating or drinking...can't wait until they are big enough to exper on...stay focus...
HOWDY MIWA, got my 2046 and lucy seeds yesterday! cant wait to get them goin!
dont know how yours is going to come but the 2046 came in this wierd ass vial like thing. I will post a picture of it with my blue moonshine update. stay focus
i got one of them vials with one of my seeds, it was like a bullet, round flat lid at one end and it went down to a point a the other end, this case was then attached to the breeders pack, i think its a great way or protecting the seed, nice and small as well, i only got 1 seed like that but ive not ordered none since, they usually come in a tablet pack format where you pop them out the back, or peel the card off, but i had one of them vials with one of the autos in from my last order.

@miwa, mate you can clone an auto, i broke a branch of mine while it was in flower and decided to try and clone it, it rooted but it took a while to root, then all it did was stay the same height but finish flowering, its not worth doing mate, even doing it early on would not enable enough growth, but it is possible for sure, if their was an auto strain that did not go into flower under 24-0 then it would be a good thing as we could take clones and as long as we keep the lights on 24-0 then they wont flower, so this would give us the chance to grow the clone, then by giving it one night of dark this would induce flowering then we could put the lights back up to 24-0 to flower them off with.

thats why im working with clones, trying to do what i can to increase yield,
so i crossed the bluematic with an ak47 cross uk cherry cheese male, so im hoping it will take on some of the rapid growth and big buds from the cheese strain, so i got some buds making seeds as we speak, well its nearly done, now im told a 1/4 of these seeds will turn out auto, so ill find a strong male and female with the auto trait and cross them together and this should give me totally auto seeds.

how ever last night i decided to sample the auto blueberry i harvested a couple of weeks ago, well i started to roll a joint and heard something hard hit the tray i was skinning up on, i looked and it was a seed, so then i went through all the bud and found 1 more, so i got 2 seeds from the very middle of the bud, and this auto never went near the male to get pollen from and it was never near any plants that had pollen put on them, plus the other plants this was with never gave me any seeds,

so these 2 seeds where from the middle of the bud, the plant did not show hermie traits, so either some tiny spec of pollen got near the plant or it did go hermie, now i left it in flower longer than needed to make it go more amber, so im wondering is it because i left it so long that it started to go hermie to make seeds, anyways i got 2 seeds from this auto without trying to get seeds, so ill be keeping these for future grows, i want to be doing some tests with autos after these plants i got in flower are out the way
i think a true auto would still flower in 24 hour wouldn't it?And if you clone a branch, it is still on the same time table as the mother. I think. But i'm new so I may be wrong.
thats exactly it mate, i cloned an auto only because i broke a small branch off, it had a small bud on it and it rooted and the bud just carried on flowering, i left it for over a month longer than the plant it came off and it did not change, some new leaves did grow but that was about as far as it went, in the end if just died, so they can be cloned but its pretty pointless,

the only reason i mentioned the 24 hour part is that i was told autos wont begin to flower until they get 1 night period so keeping it under 24-0 should stop it flowering, well i tried this with 2 autos and both started flowering around 2 weeks, this is the same time scale as an auto given 18-6, so they will still flower under 24-0, this is why im crossing autos with none autos, this should give me seeds and 1/4 will be auto so breeding these new autos would give me 100% auto seeds, then this should mean the auto trait is slightly weaker so in theory it may take longer to grow and flower but it should also increase yield, how ever i could be totally wrong, but i wont know till ive tested the seeds and see how it flowers
I Say Contamination Don, Either from You Or Another, and I am Not Questioning Your Sterilization Process for Entering Your Garden, LOL!!! Coulda been a Bug As Well, Maybe it Was An Immaculate Conception:high-five:!!! Wouldn't that Be A Lotta, "Too Much Responsibility!!!" The Christ Seed!!! Man Sorry, Getting Stupid!!! I just Need To BS A Little Is All:yahoo:!!! I feel in a REALLY GREAT MOOD, and That Is Something To Enjoy, Especially By BS'ING!!! Miwa, Hello My Friend, This Is Only A Small Hijack!!! OK I'LL KEEP MY WORD, only a Small Hijack, Take Care All, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
I Say Contamination Don, Either from You Or Another, and I am Not Questioning Your Sterilization Process for Entering Your Garden, LOL!!! Coulda been a Bug As Well, Maybe it Was An Immaculate Conception:high-five:!!! Wouldn't that Be A Lotta, "Too Much Responsibility!!!" The Christ Seed!!! Man Sorry, Getting Stupid!!! I just Need To BS A Little Is All:yahoo:!!! I feel in a REALLY GREAT MOOD, and That Is Something To Enjoy, Especially By BS'ING!!! Miwa, Hello My Friend, This Is Only A Small Hijack!!! OK I'LL KEEP MY WORD, only a Small Hijack, Take Care All, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
glad to see you around the journals mate, ill call them the jesus seeds, christs own strain, its just weird its only 2 seeds right in the middle of the main bud, you could be right mate, their is loads of possibilities, for all i know the person above me could be growing, it only takes one bug to spread the pollen, chances are their could of been some pollen from previous breeding attempts, i make sure i spray everything down but pollen becomes air born so it could of spread like that,

im not to fussed the buds dont look pollenated and its a good smoke, plus i got 2 seeds i wasnt planning for, they might even be auto, i soaked one and will grow it as a 2ltr dwc and hopefully its an auto and i can try for a bigger yield, ill grow it under 24-0 so i can find out if its auto or not, or possibly grow it under 20-4, i need to find out if its auto so keeping the lights in veg will show me either way, plus the autos ive grown flower between week 2 and 3 so if i give it 4 weeks under 24-0 and it still dont flower then i know its not an auto,
no that is cool about the double yolk, never seen it myself but I think I have read about it here maybe last year.
hope ! its a she and 2 it turns into a mutaded monster that spits THC GOGO PLANTZILLA :)
Don and FC, it is a ROLE OF THE DICE, PERIOD. Depends on if You Get More good traits, Than Bad, as it is a Mutant, No One Knows What To Expect!!! So Have FUN GROWING IT OUT, and do not Be Bummed if grows and Looks to yield well, But It Has Some Undesirous trait. Like No THC Crystals on The Buds, I had a plant Like this Once, and it Burned Me Up and Bummed Me to No End, I never ordered from that seed company again, as they offered NO HELP, TO REMEDY!!!They Were Jordan Island Seed Co. OK, Sometimes they were Decent Breeders, but would not help with this, Turned Me Off!!! But as You Have Free Seeds, Grow it out Have Fun, See What happens, I bet You Receive More good traits Than Bad Ones Don. Take care, JAMESTHRGREEN.:thumb:
i hope your right mate, id be pissed off to if i grew a plant and it had no thc, now thats something ive never heard of but i suppose its always a possibility, you sure it wasnt one of those hemp seeds, or dont these grow buds the same, i know they put hemp seeds in bird seed and use it for fishing but ive never seen one grown to know if it grows the same as the plants we grow,
Yeah it was in the Lemon Skunk Seeds, shocked the shit out of Me, I have My own Theories On it. I Know that this company uses a lot of Ruderalis, and I think that this, or a Dishonest Packer, Packing Hemp(EXCEPT IT WAS A BUSHY,NOT TALL PLANT!!!) were what happened. As You Know, Ruderalis Has No THC Glands, just CBN, and I believe they produce NO CRYSTALS AT ALL, just Calyxes with Hairs, and were all the Rage years back, because they Either Autoflowered, Or Shortened a growing Period(I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS DON, JUST HAD TO ADD IT) when crossed with a Normal Cannabis Plant. I think I got The Ruderalis Bearing Seed on This One!!! But what upset Me More, after having Purchased Much Stock b4 This from Them, They would Not Replace it For me, and that ticked me off A Little, and have since done NO BUSINESS with Them, not to say I never will Again!!! Ok, Take care All, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Ordered on the 5th...package just arrived...beans look good...heavily marbled...my auto seed had no marking...probably why it and the hash plant died last night...the seeds i had in soil didn;t pop..also seed with no type of marbling..bad seeds,,,i finished off my PE...another 70 grs...total wet weight for the PE is 425 gr...hash pile which includes a lot of popcorn buds was 149 grs wet...now for the rest of the CM...
Ordered on the 5th...package just arrived...beans look good...heavily marbled...my auto seed had no marking...probably why it and the hash plant died last night...the seeds i had in soil didn;t pop..also seed with no type of marbling..bad seeds,,,i finished off my PE...another 70 grs...total wet weight for the PE is 425 gr...hash pile which includes a lot of popcorn buds was 149 grs wet...now for the rest of the CM...

did your 2046 come in a funky vial thing?
did your 2046 come in a funky vial thing?

Yep...G=13 has a larger vial in a cool case...only going to plant 1 sleestack...i'm going to see if i can find some jiffy pellets tomorrow...i got 6 DWCs going...the only nutes i'm using is the tea i made...1 teas per gal ro water...an all organic water grow...if i can save money on nutes..i can get better lights...:thumb:
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