2nd Inside Grow

ii got this girl repotted...shes in a 3 gal bucket..PPMs been bumped to 377...PH is 5.8...temp is 58..in the other bucket is a reveg clone...no roots...in plain RO water..doing it this way i don't disturb the roots taking it out of the cloner and repotting..hope she gets roots...


so far...out of about 10 cuttings that had hollow stems..only 2 rooted and it took a month in the aero...now to put 3 of my PH ladies under LSTing..later...
:popcorn::popcorn::smoke2:eating munchies:)
Awesome pics. I always get good info. The spoons are a great DIY.

thanks Spring...its a good way to keep track of plants..then again i be losing spoons and have to go through this 1000 page journal for info..:cheesygrinsmiley:

deserved reps!

Thanks Wiz...now if i can get this scope working i'll be better...practice run of a dried bud...


could be better..gotta tweek..:cheesygrinsmiley:
Yo Miwa what do you think? I got some 2700k 23 watt cfls outside. some plants are up to 5 maybe even 6 feet away. Think thats close enough to stop flowering? I think it should be but tbh iono.
Yo Miwa what do you think? I got some 2700k 23 watt cfls outside. some plants are up to 5 maybe even 6 feet away. Think thats close enough to stop flowering? I think it should be but tbh iono.

2700k is for flowering..just one daylight bulb/plant is what i got..like this..


you saw the photo of the black plastic over them..can't see no light at night...
I like your little space rocket plant!! :)

Soz, wasnt tryin to take the piss... Now IDK if that set up will be effective - But Kudos for the idea!! Seriously I understand your thinking behind this, but youre putting alot of pressure on that CFL to perform.
Whats the idea behind this bro?? Is this a GLR type thing or what?

Soz, wasnt tryin to take the piss... Now IDK if that set up will be effective - But Kudos for the idea!! Seriously I understand your thinking behind this, but youre putting alot of pressure on that CFL to perform.
Whats the idea behind this bro?? Is this a GLR type thing or what?

oh...that a military secrite...if i told you..you know the rest..:cheesygrinsmiley:..no..that light is only there to keep those girls awake...don't want them tp flower...we got 13 hrs of daylight..i turn the lights out around 9...i got this cheap scope off amazon..you can shot still photos and video..so you can hold this scope and move it all over your plant..take pics of tric at different branches..i haven't got it down pat yet but i'm getting there..year Smoke..fixing to put a net over them bitches...so they don't launch :cheesygrinsmiley:..anyway this is what i hooked up...a little something different...

new muvee 002 - YouTube...click on new movee 2...
Ahh well that explains that then!!! Nice little movie ya got there mate.. Them trichs are nuthn to what you will get!!!
I always see lots of trichs on peoples entries to contests etc; I dont have a macro camera that works well or a usb scope, seems like I may have to.
But when I got to check the trichs of Kiksumass s harvest after curing - Man it was great. There were heaps of trichs mainly all cloudy with some ambers, she is still a great smoke and Ive been tokin her solo since harvest and she still rips me..
Her curing buds look awsum and smoke wikid good - I did well this time IMO.. Hope all your girls kik sum butt too:) Take it easy mate. Smokemup
i just got this scope because i was tired of peeping through this 60 x 100...watching this video you will see when i get the right distance..not bad for 40 bucks...checkit...Movie - YouTube

and on shooting videos ..its not like a cam or phone..it doesn't have a time limit..u can shoot til you drop..:cheesygrinsmiley:
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