2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

OOH OOH AHH AHH! (am I doing this right?)
Looking really nice! 2046! Were like Bud-Brothers! :high-five: I definitely want to know how long you let yours run! Mine isn't in flower yet... Probably sometime next month.
That pre-98 bubba looks fine too! :yummy:
thank you very mush
Mush is gonna be what's on the inside of a few of these larger colas if I don't get my humidity under control. White mold mush, that is..... :(
I tried turning the fan speed down to warm the closet slightly; the difference in outside and inside temps could be the problem. I see condensation on the mylar inside when the light cycle starts. I'm below CO2 bag temperature anyway (at least 82 degrees; I'm running @ 77)
This 2046 was started out @ 12/12, and the last pics were taken @ 71 days from seed. As you can see by the stretch, I suck at the flowering part of all this. I'm not sure if using a somewhat larger than normal pot is standard for Sativas, but I would suggest at least a 5 gallon pot when you get your 2046 to that point (if you're using soil or soilless). Maybe my skills are sub par and the extra soil helps to filter out my mistakes, but a Haze I'm doing in this grow seems to be doing better because of the larger pot. I believe the only time this Haze has looked normal is due to this and giving it the cactus treatment (as we all know the easiest way to kill a cactus is to take care of it). Good luck with your 2046, THsea.
I've been obsessed with the Pre-'98 strain because of my own failures. Of my Riot Genetics S1 Pre-'98 seeds, half germed (I'm good at that part, so it wasn't me) and of 3 seeds, 2 were true males and one hermied halfway through flowering (even plants of partly Asian genetics were in the same closet, yet everything else finished out fine). His Green Crack S1s bombed out like that too. Wish I could get the real Pre-'98, but I'm afraid that the breeders hybrid it to increase yield or for their specific purpose when they acquire the original clones and there goes the integrity of the strain.....
Great grows Potchimp mate,
Only just found this , they all look great. Sorry about the N tox, Ive had that its a nightmare. Looking great regardless REPAGE ,

O yeah love that elusive Potchimp picture hahaha
Great grows Potchimp mate,
Only just found this , they all look great. Sorry about the N tox, Ive had that its a nightmare. Looking great regardless REPAGE ,

O yeah love that elusive Potchimp picture hahaha

Hey JBC420 how are things? Good to read print from you! Yeah when the lights come on later I'm going to break out my old watering/pH meter and check the soil, but I think I can salvage some smokable weed off it. If it's too bad I'll flush the pot that it's in.

Note : I raised the lights in grow unit #3 because the Pre-'98 is showing a few signs of light stress. Again, I didn't diagnose from one symptom. The outer, sawblade-like edges of the upper leaves curling upward could be either from that, overwatering, underwatering, or nute burn according to the grow books. The leaves just under the affected ones are the ones I diagnose the general health of the plant from. Good, healthy green; no nute problems there. In veg, I'm watering every 3 days and in flower every 2 (now that I got the heated seed germination mat in there). The rest of the plant except the top seems fine as far as signs of watering problems. I've created those problems before and they affect the whole plant; you're not going to see it only at the top. With the prematurely shrinking of the hairs on the top buds, the bleached upper leaves and this problem, it all adds up to heat stress. Oh, by the way the ugly clubheaded colas that the Free Tibet has is due to the same thing, so I'm gonna do sumpin widdat too.


From Cervantes' grow book (page 245) : Heat stress makes calyxes stretch up and grow beyond a compact bud (the pic even looks the same as my problem).
Well I found curled up ;leaves is heat stress. When they do it from the blade edges like you say.

And I find overwatering is the opposite, they curl under from the middle and N tox curl under from the edges which progresses from over watering. All is great apart from that.

I went through a time of doing that. They love to dry out as we've found out.
I kind of like the smoke off this Y Griega plant (this is a clone/reveg that's starting to take again).


It may even replace this Super Lemon Haze I've been cloning for over a year now, but I doubt it.


A few more Grand Daddy Purple clone/revegs.


What I do is take clones off the mother of each plant in a grow and place them directly into the soil in the mother's pot or grow bag when I remove the lower branches lollipopping. I never use cloning gel; just cut it below a node, take the leaves off, scrape the stem a bit and stick it into a hole I make beforehand. They usually don't miss a beat either. If I like the pot then I'll have something that I can regenerate without having to reveg an entire plant. The clone takes but doesn't get big under 12/12; it just gets a lil' nug on top and I pinch it off and of course smoke it up later when I reveg the clone and harvest the mother. I'm going to get high so I gotta go bye now.
Pics for the sake of pics? Pics for kicks? Actually just visually charting a thing or two.....
Pre-'98 Bubba BX2 after backing the lights off.


I've thought in the past that because I'm rushing plants through the veg stage that I don't have to top; just supercrop the main cola. I'm going to concentrate on an even canopy in the future because my bodacious cola theory often gets shot down by mold, light and heat stress, and pistils that shrivel up too soon while the lowers look good but are underdeveloped, like this one off of the same Pre-'98.


Because clones harvest out sooner than the mother everytime I've done it, I don't think I'm going to get the full wow effect here with these Nirvana Ice clones. They're doing it a little, but ol' Mom would have been ashamed of the poor effort. Keep it up kids you might make Mom proud yet.



On second thought, maybe not. At this point in flower, the mother looked like something off a Thomas Kincaid postcard. Should have taken a pic.

Somewhere in this mess hides a trichome swiping gnat that I've been trying to smoke out for about a week now. I smoked one of his clan in a joint last year, but this one's a bit more clever.....


Just a matter of time, insect. A matter of time.

I'am a ape man
a ape ape man
nice chimp good info and reps for it:)
I'am a ape man
a ape ape man
nice chimp good info and reps for it:)

in the daytime I'am mister natural
just as healthy as I can be
but at night I'am a junk food junkie
good lord have pitty on me

About that time a chimp's age ago I was listening to
Oh yes they call him the streak (lookit that lookit that)
fastest thing on two feet (lookit that lookit that)
He's just as proud as he can be
of his anatomy
he's gonna give us a peek.....

Thanks for the reps.....
More pics of the 2046 just for kicks but I know it won't get me chicks :)


Here's the heat-stressed Free Tibet plant.....


Arjan's Ultra Haze #1


Sour Diesel #2


Boulder Bubblegum


And a final group shot


I bought these thermal curtains to keep the bright light inside my bedroom a while back (when I used to start my seedlings in there). They work so good you can't see a thing when the lights are off in the room at night. I got to the light switch in the room last night and when I shut it off before I crashed out I realized that I didn't turn the TV on so I wouldn't be able to see my way to the bed. I have to walk the length of the foot of the bed, then walk North (so to speak) to the head of it in an "L" pattern, and kind of lean/fall into the mattress. "Man" I thought, "I don't want to walk my lazy chimp a$$ all the way over there, turn the tube on, then walk all the way back over here just to turn the light off again and have to walk all the effin way back over there again!" I just thought I've done this a thousand times I'll just go to the chest at the foot of the bed and kind of walk slow so my leg touches all the way down. There, now I'm at the end I can feel the edge of the chest. Man Master Po from the old TV show Kung Fu would have been proud of me doing this without seeing all I have to do is just turn to the head of the bed, take a step forward and kind of lean to the right a little pick up my right leg and just kind of fall into the mattress as I BOOM!!!

I still can't figure out how I missed the bed entirely but that has got to be the stonedest thing I've done this week. My cheekbone hurts like Hell I'm lucky I didn't bust my teeth out. Wood floor too, ouch.....
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Funny guy you chimp! Must of hurt that thinking you was going to land on the bed hahaa.

They nugs are massive mate!!! That free tibet looks like 1 big ball of weed. :bravo:

Watch the N on that sativa mate.
Hell a few weeks ago I was down in the basement sorting and putting Christmas stuff away when I heard the doorbell ring. "Pizza dude", I thought but when I looked at the path I had to take to get upstairs it was nothing but sterilite boxes. I was smoking a doob too and I thought this shouldn't be too hard I'll just jump over the boxes and while I'm in midflight I'll just lightly do a slight finger roll to the left with my right hand and lay the doob up in the ashtray as I land on my left foot and with catlike agility I'll spring off that left foot hard to the right run up the stairs and BOOM!!!!!

My head hit the ductwork in the basement ceiling when I jumped over the boxes because I was so focused on landing that doob in the ashtray I didn't look up and when I tried to correct myself before I hit the concrete floor my foot hit a rug I keep in front of my workbench and the rug flew out from under me. Damn when your butt is higher than your head and you're a foot from the ground your choices are limited so I just kind of went limp and took the fall. When my elbow hit square to the floor it felt like a jolt of electricity went from it to my teeth, but the worst part was when my side hit flush with the floor it felt like my spine moved an inch sideways. I wanted to yell "Help pizza dude' but it hurt too much to take a deep breath and he wouldn't have heard me anyway. I must have laid there for about 30 or 40 seconds but I got up and crawled upstairs and got the pizza. The worst part is I don't even LIKE pizza I just got it for the rest of the household. Sucks being a brainless chimp sometimes. Funny, though..... :)
Hell a few weeks ago I was down in the basement sorting and putting Christmas stuff away when I heard the doorbell ring. "Pizza dude", I thought but when I looked at the path I had to take to get upstairs it was nothing but sterilite boxes. I was smoking a doob too and I thought this shouldn't be too hard I'll just jump over the boxes and while I'm in midflight I'll just lightly do a slight finger roll to the left with my right hand and lay the doob up in the ashtray as I land on my left foot and with catlike agility I'll spring off that left foot hard to the right run up the stairs and BOOM!!!!!

My head hit the ductwork in the basement ceiling when I jumped over the boxes because I was so focused on landing that doob in the ashtray I didn't look up and when I tried to correct myself before I hit the concrete floor my foot hit a rug I keep in front of my workbench and the rug flew out from under me. Damn when your butt is higher than your head and you're a foot from the ground your choices are limited so I just kind of went limp and took the fall. When my elbow hit square to the floor it felt like a jolt of electricity went from it to my teeth, but the worst part was when my side hit flush with the floor it felt like my spine moved an inch sideways. I wanted to yell "Help pizza dude' but it hurt too much to take a deep breath and he wouldn't have heard me anyway. I must have laid there for about 30 or 40 seconds but I got up and crawled upstairs and got the pizza. The worst part is I don't even LIKE pizza I just got it for the rest of the household. Sucks being a brainless chimp sometimes. Funny, though..... :)

OMG I am sorry you were hurt... but your story is f'ing funny as hell. You need a warning, I almost died laughing! :cheesygrinsmiley:
holy buckets Chimp, maybe you should give up terra ferma and stick to swinging from the trees:)
Chimp vs floor, 0-2

Don't worry I know you'll win in the end! :thumb:

Btw I cant believe that the leaves on that re-vegged clone are from cannabis. They look completely different and have no serrated edges?! Anyway, really cool but watch your head man! Chimp brains are sensitive too!

Not mine I've been surrounding it with a protective layer of spent trichomes for decades now it'll live don't worry. When you ask me how many fingers you're holding up and my answer is purple then it's time to go to the noggin doctor.

Whenever I do a reveg the beginning leaves look like that. After about 2 weeks those nodes where the oddball leaves are starting will be the clones I take from it. Don't panic if you do a reveg and see it; it's normal.
Here's a few pics I forgot to load earlier.


I always thought these particular looking calyxes were cool.


You can see the chop I do for the clone/reveg here. I watered the mother, cut in the upper left, I cut a little more off the stem quickly and tore the nodes off then into the ground. No gel or powder. These ones have been going for three days now.


This second one shows the environment a little. Underneath, shaded from direct light, the canopy holding a small amount of humidity and warmth like a dome. Homemade biosphere, really.


Post more later, :peace: to all.
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