2016 Rooster1's First Auto Soil & Hydro Grow Journal

Those are such small spots...I have no clue. What nutes are using again?

Edit: Oh my gosh, wait...Look at that leaf picture really close. Is that an insect on the very bottom? I've never had thrips yet, but can you see them up close with the naked eye?


Edit 2: First, I need to :wood: for what I said. Yep, I googled it and you can see thrips, though they are very small. Maybe that's the problem. If so, good news is you caught it super early!
I peeked at that specific spot in the original image with an image editor and zoomed down to pixel size. It doesn't appear to be a live bug. It's slightly bug shaped, but I saw no legs, or other indications of a bug's body.
I notice some of the spots appear to be curving lines.
Check out the back side of the leaf hard. Look for any bug activity underneath.
It could be just some sort of spotting from a watering/feeding... but it could be insect related as well.
I peeked at that specific spot in the original image with an image editor and zoomed down to pixel size. It doesn't appear to be a live bug. It's slightly bug shaped, but I saw no legs, or other indications of a bug's body.
I notice some of the spots appear to be curving lines.
Check out the back side of the leaf hard. Look for any bug activity underneath.
It could be just some sort of spotting from a watering/feeding... but it could be insect related as well.

Thanks Tead. Do you think the camera would pick up such tiny legs? The thrip pics I saw just looked sort of rice like with delicate, almost transparent features. Also do curving lines usually indicate something specific?
Thanks Tead. Do you think the camera would pick up such tiny legs? The thrip pics I saw just looked sort of rice like with delicate, almost transparent features. Also do curving lines usually indicate something specific?

Depends totally on the imaging device and the resolution settings selected. I didn't see any nubs or bumps that might have been appendages, but that doesn't mean they're not there... just that they were not observed by me. An eyeball and a loupe would be much better imaging technology.
Spots can indicate water spillage or splash of some sort. The curved lines are not spots.... so their origin is slightly more mysterious.
Thanks Fuzznuter and Tead for your help. I'll break out my Digital Viewer and see if I can see better than these old ass eyes of mine. As the fog lifts from around my head, oh wait, that's not fog its smoke :tokin::blunt::roorrip::ganjamon: If I recall, there might have been a little splash when I fed her back on 10-06.
I'll do more lQQkin'..... Rooster heading to find his Digital Viewer and go take a Look see......I'l be right back...

Oh yes, if anyone has an answer on my feed question..... ?
Good afternoon all and Thanks for stopping in today. I need a little help .My Dark Devil ( day 31) has spot on one or two of her leaves, not sure what it is, anyone?

My other help question is Do I need to feed My Dark Devil ? I fed her on 10-06 and thought I may have over done it, appears to have not been an issue.I watered it on 10-11 with a small amount of cal mag. Both a Dark Devil and Northern Light were fed on 10-06, they are both just over four weeks old. Would you feed them again or just another water with maybe some cal mag? Here is the Dark Devil at 31 days:
trying to get her spread out.
I'll post some more pic's with the update as soon as I decide to feed or water only today.
Quick view of the Hen House:

Ok that's a wrap for now, waiting on a response, I hope it's not long... Rooster1

Your nute supplier wants you to feed feed feed. :morenutes::morenutes::morenutes::morenutes:

I try...mind you I really do try to feed/water/water. I guess it comes down to "Do you want your plants to live on the edge of being burned"? I've only got about 4 grows behind me so I constantly meddle and I'd like to think that what I give the girls now will have a benefit during bud development. :bongrip:
Ok after another look with the viewer I have decided it is burn spots from when I first fed her...:allgood:Here are a few pic's , what a think?
The little spot on the end was not a bug, :thumb: Now that makes Ole Rooster feeling much better...I decided to just water today because I fed them (Dark Devil & Northern Light) on 10-06 and this makes water #2. The Pineapple Express, Dark Devil TP #2 and the newest PE #2 will get watered later...
I aded 2 ml per liter of Cal/mag and gave that to the clones.

I put everyone back in their place before I realized I didn't get up dated photos. So I took a couple pic's of the Coup!
Yeah they look a little rough, just tried to spread em out some...
:thanks: For stopping in.....
:welcome: and thanks for stopping in. Did some update on some LED's moved a 450w onto Veg tent 2 x 4 , and 600w into Flower tent 2 x 4 . I'm not real sure how far from the Auto's should the LED be placed? I placed it as low as I could and still cover the floor.
Over all all the plants look good, with the exception of Dark Devil TP #2. At 22 days old I'm not sure she will do much if any. Time will tell, hell I'm not giving up on her. Ok here we go:

Dark Devil day 32
Top View

Northern Light day 31
Top View

Pineapple Express day 23
Top View

Dark Devil TP#2 day 22
Top View

PE #2 day 9
Top View

White Widow Fem Clones

And the New Coup

Anyone with suggestion on how far above Auto's I should have this 450W LED by all means speak up. :thanks:

I have White Widow in my flower tent in flush, I'll post some pic's in a few... Rooster1 out....
These are the notes I took for LED lighting in general, I no longer remember the source(s), but until now I haven't heard anything about different requirements for autos under LEDs.

* As a seedling, have LED panel 24" to 36" from the plant. Start high and lower the light slowly closer.
* As a vegging plant, the LED panel can probably be 18" to 24" from the the plant.
* In flower, the LED panel may be able to get as close as 12" to 14" from the plant.​

I'd love opinions on if these numbers are correct for autos (AND photos).
These are the notes I took for LED lighting in general, I no longer remember the source(s), but until now I haven't heard anything about different requirements for autos under LEDs.

* As a seedling, have LED panel 24" to 36" from the plant. Start high and lower the light slowly closer.
* As a vegging plant, the LED panel can probably be 18" to 24" from the the plant.
* In flower, the LED panel may be able to get as close as 12" to 14" from the plant.​

I'd love opinions on if these numbers are correct for autos (AND photos).

Thanks Fuzznutter I do remember reading something like that before.:thanks:
At last, lights out in the Coup and time to relax :smokin:
Got called to head out for Baton Rouge, not the best timing for me with my current Auto's just really beginning to take flight.. Help is needed to help those folks recover from that bad a*" flood they had a month or so ago. I've racked my ole head figuring how I'm going to handle this grow 585 mile from home. All I can come up with is I'll just have to do turn around's when it comes time to water and feed . Not lQQkn' forward to this but I can't afford to let this grow go to waste, not going to happen. Oh well, it can be done.
This is my first grow of White Widow. It didn't do as well as I would have liked. First Hydo grow and didn't know what I was doing. I topped, fim, lst, Sc that poor little plant learning all I could to train and get the results I wanted. Well here she is:
I need four more days of flush, I may have to pull her in the morning.
I also have a little White Widow in a small grow box:
sorry about the color, I should have turned the light off.:loopy:
:thanks: for stopping in...
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