Yummytrees First Grow - Soil/Hydro - Multiple Strains

Gave all but "Random" and hydro new water. For the ones i did water, Ph-6.5-7 PPM per gallon- 300-400

As for the blackjack and El aquamista, I tested their runoff and they both came up around 5.5-6

Watered all the ones in the small tent with the same nutrient solution and ph solution as above.

Hopefully things grow better in the next few weeks if I keep this up, and learn to adjust the nutrient amounts as needed for the plants. If not, Ill transplant into a bigger bucket, with a more stable ph level and some fresh nutrients.

Im still worried about nutrient salt build up, so my feeding scheduled is guna be feed feed water.
Also does anyone think i should up the ph to 7 in my water till the run off hits 6.5 then move to 6.5 ph in my water to keep the run off at 6.5?
I picked up a nice ph reader and some ph 7 and 4 solution to calibrate the reader.

Watered BlackJack today and changed hydros (devil fruit) water. Soil water-6.5 no nutrients Hydro Water- 5.8 400ppm

BlackJacks run of ph and ppm were - 6.2 and 700

The girls are looking fine. Still some yellow and brown on them, but they are mostly green. Hopefully things keep improving. They are getting taller. I left my phone at my buddies house, so i haven't been able to upload any pictures recently. But hopefully ill be getting it back tommarrow
Been fighting a major ph battle. But things are finally starting to look better now. I also transplanted "Random", "Blackjack", and"El Aquamista" into bigger pots and they are growing BIG. "Random" is 18" tall and "El Aquamista" is 15" tall and "BlackJack" is 10 or 12" tall. I also moved 4 new plants in the big room today. My second hydro - Devil fruit. About a week or 2 since being placed in hydro. 2 Devil Fruits in the black pots. 1 Double Berry in a black pot.

I also have 4 new pots in the small tent. Green Poison, 2 Grand Daddy Purp m/f, LA Chocolate

I have algae growing in my first hydro system. Should i be concerned?

Grand daddy purp and others in small tent

Small tent

Big tent
It looks like you have everything a beginner could want.Now just listen to the ladies:green_heart: and takit easy and soon you will reap the fruits of there labor.Good growing.And were here for ya!:high-five:
Twas heat stress. Sucker was about to touch the cool tube. I raised all the lights a few days ago. Forgot to mention it:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hello ottotheif! Im really grateful that I even made it this far! I gave growing a shot when I was younger and it never really took off, but now! Now its something else. Seeing them grow is just beautiful. Cant wait to flower!
Kool yummytrees,im happy you have giving growing a shot a again.Not only do you grow for medicine but it can be very therapeutic.:Namaste:Like anything else you learn and you grow from your mistakes and it seems your a quick learner.:high-five:I look forward to pictures .Good growing my friend:peace:
Decided I could't wait for the darkstar to kick up to flower. I moved the darkstar into the small tent to veg longer with my other babies. In the big tent, I have everything I had before, except that I changed the MH bulbs for HPS. Big tent lights are also going on 12/12 (1am on/1pm off)

Could really use some help on nutrients for flowering for hydro and soil. Im using the foxfarm nutrient trio. I have been giving around 600-800 ppm for my hydro devil fruit. Should I keep increasing this as the plant grows and add tiger bloom?
Ex. Week 1 flower- 600ppm(growbig)/ 6 TS of tiger bloom
Week 2- 700ppm/7TS
Week 3- 800ppm/8TS
2 weeks before harvest - flush

I dont really have any idea what my nutrient levels should be in my hydro for flowering.
Also, I have not given any of my soil nutrients from watering. I use Fox Farm Ocean Floor and I was told that I could go the whole grow without adding nutrients to my soil mix.

Really in need of some help D:

As for that here are some pics

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