2000W LED Eye Protection

Everyone on our team wears a similar version to a welding hood when testing lighting. They also have a very dark pair of sun glasses on them at all times.

Protective eye wear is critical if you plan to be in your grow area when lights are on. That is one reason we equip our lighting with external dimmers. We cover it as one of the first points in our manual.

However, yes even everyday bulbs around your house impact your eyes. The sun, headlights, etc. Play a role. From an industry standpoint, everyone is chasing the next best and brightest light.
Let’s be candid, if possible... is this a corporate liability, or personal safety preference? (You can plead the fifth)
Let’s be candid, if possible... is this a corporate liability, or personal safety preference? (You can plead the fifth)
Disclaimer - I can only discuss this from my personal views - From a corporate liability stand point, a consumer would have to prove under the manufacturer's operating manual the safety precautions werent enough and it was directly responsible for the issue. However, i highly doubt it would ever be able to be an argument because people are exposed to everyday stuff that harms their eyes and skin.

A person should have the personal responsibility for this. To grow a plant indoors, you need to mimic its natural environment - including the sun! So a grow light maker is going to make the best possible solution to grow indoors.
Disclaimer - I can only discuss this from my personal views - From a corporate liability stand point, a consumer would have to prove under the manufacturer's operating manual the safety precautions werent enough and it was directly responsible for the issue. However, i highly doubt it would ever be able to be an argument because people are exposed to everyday stuff that harms their eyes and skin.

That and I'm sure the rules different for your Employees as the Consumers you have between very little to absolutely no control over what they do with your products, whereas OSHA probably thinks a bit different of what you should be able to control of what goes on in your workplace, along with lots more rules ta boot on every freaking little thing on top of that ;) :rofl:
Quite a few folks I run into on 420 dont have the money to buy proper nutrients, much less a $50 pair glasses.
My point is/was that it is not necessary, that if OP has $50 to spend somewhere, glasses probably wouldn’t be on the top of the list. Jeweler’s loupe, pH pen, mg scale.... by a long shot.
But.... if you are cautious and like to protect yourself from the elements, spend the money, protect yer eyes. You could serve a dual purpose and protect your eyes from the sun, and debris hitting you while you’re weedeating.
Seriously just :lot-o-toke:.
Thanks for all the replies. I think I'll invest in some something that provides a little more protection. I'm not sure the LED grow glasses provide more protection than my glasses that claim 100% protection against UVA and UVB rays. The bonus is the color correction, I guess. Welder's mask it is. My GF already thinks I'm taking this growing thing too seriously. This should be interesting.

I don't really buy the notion that LEDs are no more dangerous than other lights. Given that they emit more light from a smaller surface area and have the ability to emit pure blue light. I'm vegging right now so the light is mostly blue. The white light is no joke either. I just read this:

LED lights, and in particular blue and white LEDs, are much more damaging to the eyes than traditional light sources such as CFL and incandescent. For blue LEDs that’s a given, as they radiate pure blue. White LEDs though, work
through a phosphorous layer on top of a blue LED. Part of the blue light is passing through the layer, the rest of the light
comes from the phosphor glowing. Because of the strong emission peak near 440 nm, the Blue Light Hazard output
for the white LED source is nearly 200% greater (i.e., three times the blue light hazard) than that for the incandescent
lamp. In horticultural LEDs specifically, you see a lot of blue and white LEDs, as blue light is regarded an important
spectrum. Such a source can have up to 35% blue light, sometimes even more.

Also, the manufacturer does indicate the light emits UV rays at 410nm - which is not technically a UV ray - so I'll take that with a grain of salt.
I really don’t think it’s a big deal... Do IT guys wear glasses to block out the blue, do you wear them at night when you’re watching tv?

Actually, yes, in a sense. IT people use F.lux, a program which completely eliminates bluelight via the screen, so you don't need the glasses on. But absolutely they do, my sister is in IT, she constantly complained of headaches in college before using f.lux. I even use it when I'm on the PC for extended periods. This issue really isn't debatable, this is just well known by this point. I'll leave it at that. Don't wear glasses if you don't want, it's the stupid move, but you are free to make that choice for yourself.
Actually, yes, in a sense. IT people use F.lux, a program which completely eliminates bluelight via the screen, so you don't need the glasses on. But absolutely they do, my sister is in IT, she constantly complained of headaches in college before using f.lux. I even use it when I'm on the PC for extended periods. This issue really isn't debatable, this is just well known by this point. I'll leave it at that. Don't wear glasses if you don't want, it's the stupid move, but you are free to make that choice for yourself.
Yeah me too... for about 14 years now, my team never used those. They are used for dual purpose... filtering and security so that folks can’t read your screen.

I agree... I am free to make my choice, I just wanted OP to understand that they aren't a must have. If he was tight on funds, use it for something more beneficial to the grow.

Do people wear them binge watching Netflix, no...
Now I’m just an IT dude, not a ophthalmologist.... but I love to do thoughtful research, so here we go.

It’s not the blue that burns your retina, it’s the UV. The blue doesn’t make you go blind...
Melanopsin receptors in our eyes absorb light with blue wavelengths. This affects/suppresses the development of melatonin which promotes alertness.
Melanopsin is the direct link between blue light's effect on whether we feel alert or sleepy.
The concern is that excessive use during evening hours will cause our bodies to continue the production of melanopsin, making it harder to fall asleep naturally. When people talk about blue light or "blue light hazard", it’s in the context of circadian health.
Melatonin regulates the sleep/wake cycle, other circadian and seasonal rhythms, and acts as an immunostimulator and cytoprotective agent. Without proper sleep... your body can’t recover efficiently, you can’t produce serotonin properly, so you’re an emotional mess.... we all know.... you’re going to start having all sorts of issues.

If you’re worried about blue lights... don’t watch tv before bed. As for UV, the dangerous wavelength... there is minimal UV in LED grow lights, so if you’re worried about UV, wear sunblock and don’t stare at the lights. UV is a bigger issue with HPS and full spectrum.

Research is knowledge.. I highly recommend it.
Please don't have a cavalier " not a must have " attitude when it comes to your eyesight. Method 7's and a long billed fishing cap. There's 5 things I don't cheap out on in life and vision is at the top of the list.
Again... blue light does not harm your eyes, just your sleep.
Im just a old stoner I prolly won't bother even though I should, just like I can't seem to resist a few ciggis now and again and take my motorbike way too fast off a stop sometimes. Something's gonna kill me I'm sure of it! CHeers yall :cool: :yahoo:
Im just a old stoner I prolly won't bother even though I should, just like I can't seem to resist a few ciggis now and again and take my motorbike way too fast off a stop sometimes. Something's gonna kill me I'm sure of it! CHeers yall :cool: :yahoo:
Definitely won’t be death by grow lights. Lmao!
Lol bro I'm sorry but you are so ridiculous. "Research is knowledge, I highly recommend it" and since you quoted me, I'll take that as an aside meant towards me.
Give me a goddamn break.
Coming from the guy who welds without a shield and says that eye-protection is less important than nutes or meters.....

I'm fucking done. Literally, anyone who uses that logic and tries to insinuate that he is well researched is not worth entertaining. I told you, there is no debating this point, you literally used a Quora post and presented it as factual; it wasn't even referring to grow LEDs. Who are you trying to fool? My degree is in biomedical sciences, we spend 5 years just in undergrad literally learning how to properly research any and all topics, especially science- how to differentiate between a well-developed peer reviewed article and some garbage posted just to meet an academic goal. You hone those skills much further in a masters program (currently in the works for myself) and there is nothing but copious amount of evidence that highly intensive lights can damage your eyes, regardless of UV. Excessive lux from LEDs is what is damaging your eyes, not just the UV. And yes, they do emit UV, a white diode does not exist, it is a brilliant blue, covered in phosphorous that emits white light. It is a small amount but given the fact that there are hundreds of diodes per light, it certainly adds up, every minute you spend without protection in the tent is damage to your eyes, much like going into chernobyl, maybe you don't go to the elephants foot per se, but if you visit enough times, the cumulative effects of the small dosages of radiation will most definitely add up.

Also, f.lux DOES NOT polarize your screen from any angle, it does not reduce the ability of someone else to read your screen, it simply adjusts the Kelvin output.

No, people don't use blue-light filtering glasses when binging netflix, but guess what, people who do that probably get a headache after many hours, I've experienced it along with literally every other human being I've ever met. Extended screen time is known to cause optic nerve strain(note: not necessarily damage), this is fact. Now lets pretend your screen was 1000x more powerful and we're supposed to believe the effects would be no different? Lol, ok, sure thing.

We are talking about the most powerful in-home LEDs the average consumer can buy, how are we supposed to act like it won't have an increased impact on your eyes? It's a ludicrous thought. AND AGAIN; under no circumstances whatsoever can you possibly be better without the glasses, than with them. Fact.
Lol bro I'm sorry but you are so ridiculous. "Research is knowledge, I highly recommend it" and since you quoted me, I'll take that as an aside meant towards me.
Give me a goddamn break.
Coming from the guy who welds without a shield and says that eye-protection is less important than nutes or meters.....

I'm fucking done. Literally, anyone who uses that logic and tries to insinuate that he is well researched is not worth entertaining. I told you, there is no debating this point, you literally used a Quora post and presented it as factual; it wasn't even referring to grow LEDs. Who are you trying to fool? My degree is in biomedical sciences, we spend 5 years just in undergrad literally learning how to properly research any and all topics, especially science- how to differentiate between a well-developed peer reviewed article and some garbage posted just to meet an academic goal. You hone those skills much further in a masters program (currently in the works for myself) and there is nothing but copious amount of evidence that highly intensive lights can damage your eyes, regardless of UV. Excessive lux from LEDs is what is damaging your eyes, not just the UV. And yes, they do emit UV, a white diode does not exist, it is a brilliant blue, covered in phosphorous that emits white light. It is a small amount but given the fact that there are hundreds of diodes per light, it certainly adds up, every minute you spend without protection in the tent is damage to your eyes, much like going into chernobyl, maybe you don't go to the elephants foot per se, but if you visit enough times, the cumulative effects of the small dosages of radiation will most definitely add up.

Also, f.lux DOES NOT polarize your screen from any angle, it does not reduce the ability of someone else to read your screen, it simply adjusts the Kelvin output.

No, people don't use blue-light filtering glasses when binging netflix, but guess what, people who do that probably get a headache after many hours, I've experienced it along with literally every other human being I've ever met. Extended screen time is known to cause optic nerve strain(note: not necessarily damage), this is fact. Now lets pretend your screen was 1000x more powerful and we're supposed to believe the effects would be no different? Lol, ok, sure thing.

We are talking about the most powerful in-home LEDs the average consumer can buy, how are we supposed to act like it won't have an increased impact on your eyes? It's a ludicrous thought. AND AGAIN; under no circumstances whatsoever can you possibly be better without the glasses, than with them. Fact.
Good luck with that degree my friend... you’re missing MY point, in which I’ve restated multiple times.
Reread the thread.
Peace be with you brother.:goodluck:

To the OP, if money is tight, don’t waste it on glasses, put it towards a good pH pen, better line of nutes, better drainage gear... whatever. If money’s not an issue, get you some glasses... the kind you can wear out in public too. I hear the sun can burn your retina if you stare at it too much.

Apologies fer getting you all twisted up... research.
In no way did I miss your point, I, and 2 other members pointed out that this lackadaisical attitude towards eye protection is dangerous. Which you've done in every post to this thread, including your last one. "If money is tight, don't waste it on glasses" that is the attitude that has me worked up because you sound no different than the people who say face coverings and social distancing have no impact on limiting the spread of Covid-19, it is simply a farce, as the data are clear and do not lie. And a dangerous one to be promoting at that.
Your petty sarcasm about wearing the glasses outdoors tells me all I need to know about your attitude towards safety precautions. You keep babbling on about blue light no matter how evident it is that we are not discussing the effects of blue light, but the damage from intensively bright lights at and incredibly close distance when operating in the tent. So maybe stop wasting time droning on about it?

I've offered a rebuttal to all the points you made, succinctly. I've seen no real counter-argument made from you besides "I don't wear a mask when I weld" and "I dont use glasses in my tent" which are not based on any fact, and irrelevant shit about blue light (which is not even the point of this argument)

So here are more facts to completely debunk your misinformed "they don't matter" mindset.

Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (N.O.H.D.) This is the distance from the source at which the intensity or the energy per surface unit becomes lower than the Maximum Permissible Exposure (M.P.E.) on the cornea and on the skin, in regards to these typical reference points there is not an established set of parameters for LED growlights, so the OBVIOUS measure is to assume the worst, hence why BudgetLED said very clearly everyone testing lights has protection, everyone working around lights has glasses on them "at all times" if a professional says something like this, why fly in the face of an industry leader? He literally said they are pursuing better and brighter lights every year, to assume that we don't need to increase our protection at the same time as increasing the power of the light is stupid to say the least.

Why tell him that protective gear is money wasted? He can always grow another plant, try a different soil, nute line, etc. However, he can almost certainly not replace his eyes, he would be far down on the donor list if they found out it was self-inflicted from carelessness around grow lights and not from some pre-existing condition, even if in the unimaginably rare case that a suitable donor was found.
You have 1 set of eyes, stop downplaying the importance of preserving them, it's childish.
Yeah my wife and I get a kick out of the masks too. Especially the folks that keep playing with them after touching everything in the grocery store with their latex gloves. The best part is when their done, they hang them from their rear view mirrors. Maybe so the UV can hit it and kill the virus.

I’ll restate my point. I know your type, and you obviously got me pegged... so again...

“I completely get it, Ive trashed my eyes from welding as a mechanic and gate builder 15 years ago, the LEDs and black lights from raves 20 years ago....
I would be more concerned with wearing suntan lotion outside then a $50 pair of glasses in a small grow room.
We’re just cut from different cloth and I’m okay with that. I have not read any valid evidence that it’s a major issue to an average grower. Going to the beach everyday is a lot worse considering the UV that hits your eyes. I don’t care for sunglasses either, but I’m also the guy that never wears safety glasses when weed eating either. Now that’s some dangerous moves right there.”

It’ll be okay man... I appreciate your concern.
Yeah my wife and I get a kick out of the masks too. Especially the folks that keep playing with them after touching everything in the grocery store with their latex gloves. The best part is when their done, they hang them from their rear view mirrors. Maybe so the UV can hit it and kill the virus.

I’ll restate my point. I know your type, and you obviously got me pegged... so again...

“I completely get it, Ive trashed my eyes from welding as a mechanic and gate builder 15 years ago, the LEDs and black lights from raves 20 years ago....
I would be more concerned with wearing suntan lotion outside then a $50 pair of glasses in a small grow room.
We’re just cut from different cloth and I’m okay with that. I have not read any valid evidence that it’s a major issue to an average grower. Going to the beach everyday is a lot worse considering the UV that hits your eyes. I don’t care for sunglasses either, but I’m also the guy that never wears safety glasses when weed eating either. Now that’s some dangerous moves right there.”

It’ll be okay man... I appreciate your concern.

So stop pushing your opinion as fact, because that is exactly what you are doing when you say the words "glasses aren't important" that is statement of fact when expressed as such. Yet it is incorrect. At least what I'm presenting is based on logical conclusions, and doesn't sound like it was written by an anti-vaxxer or flat earther, not that you are one, but again your style of argument is in line with those who disregard the science/data.

Your point about going to the beach everyday is incorrect on 2 fronts:
A) How many humans literally go the beach every single day? Especially the people in this thread?
B) The human epidermis has evolved over thousands of generations to produce melanin, a naturally occurring complex polymer which is designed to combat the effects of UV, this is an evolutionary adaptation that has been forming since the dawn of man. It isn't fool-proof but it does an excellent job nonetheless. Nobody does it better than nature.

With that in mind, it is obvious that the development of light has only happened the last 150 years (bulb invented in 1879), with the most powerful of those being the last 50 of so, and the exponentially powerful ones that are readily available to your average grower like you and I even more recently so. To assume that the natural mechanisms against the sun are somehow completely ineffective while your eyes are somehow adapted to handle some of the brightest lights on the market is probably the stupidest conclusion I have heard in quite some time. You may not be implying that exactly, but your points can only be inferred as such.

Truly, I'll leave it at that. You can see from the development of this argument that my comments tend to be based on reason and logic, not anecdotal references and presumptions with no basis in science.
run a true draw 600w 12 pot cob 3000k/3500k rig in flower. run from 75 - 90% in a space a tad under 4x4.
it hurts to look in there if you open the door without eye protection.

we wear uv glasses to open the door and then turn the rig down to about 50 ish % when we work on the plants.

just take care of yourself.

have optic nerve necrosis.

killed a nerve in my left peripheral. 1/3 blind in one eye. i weld, and worked in production lighting for years. thing blew when i was unloading a liquor truck in an unrelated job. so you never know.
oh yeah since here, that 2000w led will be horseshit. apologies to the op.

the watt is wall draw. that or pull the driver specs. can't do more than the driver in any stretch. the drivers are usually backed off for safety spec as well.

if the blue sex light in the pic pulled 2k from a standard plug your place' d be ashes ... :p :p
oh yeah since here, that 2000w led will be horseshit. apologies to the op.

the watt is wall draw. that or pull the driver specs. can't do more than the driver in any stretch. the drivers are usually backed off for safety spec as well.

if the blue sex light in the pic pulled 2k from a standard plug your place' d be ashes ... :p :p

I agree and while the light itself might not be shit, its specs are almost certainly an overstatement to say the least; much like the mainstream car audio amps who claim 5000W RMS from a stock 12v system, it simply isn't realistic and an overstatement on the devices' capabilities.
I agree, much like the mainstream car audio amps who claim 5000W RMS from a stock 12v system, it simply isn't realistic and an overstatement on the devices' capabilities.

can't run that wattage from a wall plug without special wiring.

i ran power for production rigs. i built my own cob rigs. i worked with led for years. i love led. early growing adopter.

they are trying to claim a par intensity equivalent that just does not exist in this application. i know exactly what they are trying to do, and it is absolute horseshit.
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