2 Plant Jack Herer Fem, SCROG, DWC, COB LED Lights


Did a full res change last night. Cut a few leaves off on Sunday night and a few last night. It's so thick in parts! Seems to be going well still. The other lights don't seem to be hurting anything and really only helping that low growth so that seems good.

A few pics (technically I guess on F33 just before midnight of F34. They are certainly getting bigger and filling out.




There are so many hiding by some of the tall cola leaves blocking in the overhead pics.
Things are going along well. I had to work on my sealing of the res lid where I do the lifting to have a bigger piece of foil which helps hold it shut tight and prevents any wind from blowing in/moisture out where the air hoses are exiting. Between that and the rain stopping the humidity on the high low scale was 43 and 36 so that is great. Also I turned the big tower fan back on a few days back after reading @vyserage's bud rot problems and becoming sufficiently scared of that. I turned it on to the front side and the white fan on the left blowing undercanopy and directed along the front side/door to the front right corner where there is a crappyish little 12" tower fan on recirc, and then on the back right top the other white blowing across the back and top. There is also the clip on black recirc fan on the top front left of the canopy blowing over everything. There is a lot of air moving thru the tent! Hopefully it keeps any problems at bay.

A few pics from last night and this morning, F35 and F36.

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A peek into the forest:

And the top down. It's taking all of me not to go crazy cutting leaves. I've been taking off a couple here and there that are just really stretched up and blocking everything or are damaged and tucking and moving some of the others to try to expose lower buds for at least a while till the leaves fight their way back.
Ok, things are continuing smoothly. So bushy though and I started to trim a couple lame leaves and ended up taking an hour and really looking at it and trimming off to better let airflow thru and light down on some of the crazy stacked leaves. It's nuts how some of the leaves from low had like 10" stems to pop up the top of the canopy.

Anyway, after the trim I think it's actually looking pretty good. Still lots of leaves so it shouldn't phase it too much. It looked super happy this morning 8 hours after the trimming. I have to look back on the timing but maybe a res change tonight or tomorrow.

These are all late night F39 going into F40 today.
The trimmage:

The undercarriages:


Some side in views without and then with the extra lighting on:


And some top and bud pics to round things out here at the end.



Pretty impressive that mate, you certainly wouldn’t think it was a first grow. Plants have looked pristine right the way through. Looks like some high quality bud coming your way. I’m all caught up now just in time for the really good bit.:popcorn:
Did a full res change this morning. Things are looking great, some of the bigger colas are starting to fatten up more and more. I need to take some pics tonight. I still used mid-bloom nutes which had a little gro nutes in it. Supposedly these are 8-9 week blooms. I guess next week I'll switch to late bloom with no gro or diamond nectar and whatever else on the schedule.
Ok, took some pics tonight on F43. Res ph was humming at 5.81 after all day so that's great after mixing to be right on. Buds are looking so good!!




And took a few close ups, I should really turn off fans for these and mount the camera somehow so it's a little easier.


Had a few dabs of jack herer tonight and enjoying the grow. The smell is really wonderful inside the tent too.
These plants just keep making me happy. They look so good! Took off a handful of extra leaves, hadn't checked it for a day and the ph was at 5.57 so I got it bumped up to about 5.8. The smell inside the tent is sweet and amazing. Also the clones I cut have really rooted like crazy and I have no clue what to due with them. Thinking if I should maybe make some 5 gallon bucket reservoirs for cheap/easy and put them in it and just keep em on the cfl timer, or maybe make a little tote one like I have to let the roots form properly and when the real plants get harvested in 2 or 3 weeks i could just start them growing, however I might use the tent for drying which delays that out. What to do what to do. At least there are pretty pics to look at in the meantime.

What the heck am I going to do with these!!
These plants just keep making me happy. They look so good! Took off a handful of extra leaves, hadn't checked it for a day and the ph was at 5.57 so I got it bumped up to about 5.8. The smell inside the tent is sweet and amazing. Also the clones I cut have really rooted like crazy and I have no clue what to due with them. Thinking if I should maybe make some 5 gallon bucket reservoirs for cheap/easy and put them in it and just keep em on the cfl timer, or maybe make a little tote one like I have to let the roots form properly and when the real plants get harvested in 2 or 3 weeks i could just start them growing, however I might use the tent for drying which delays that out. What to do what to do. At least there are pretty pics to look at in the meantime.
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What the heck am I going to do with these!!
LOVE THIS - Edit - all of it, but specifically weed houseplant under the lamp. Lol that’s the best, man, fucking awesome.
PH was down again to like 5.57 last night. Added a gallon and a half or so of nute water at 5.79ph, and let it mix in. Also gave an extra TSP of bloom nutes cause why not. Only been running 50% of the feeding schedule, figure that would be the good one to amp up. Let it all mix in, PH up'd to 5.78. Also had that sample bottle of Mammoth P bloom enhancer sitting there so I putt in like 3/4 TBS into the res to see how it does. It smells like that is what it could be.

Checked this morning and it was at 5.91, decided to leave it till tonight. They are looking really good. Will check and adjust PH tonight.
That Mammoth p is supposed to be the business. My local grow store has just started to stock it. Might have to order a bottle been wanting to try it for a while.
The smell is pretty intense, not gonna lie. I get why they call it mammoth p, lol. It's a relatively small amount, towards the end of flower it calls for 4ml/gl (max dose, earlier in growth is more like 1ml-2ml/gl) so it's not like it is enough to effect the smell within 5 gallons of water, especially loaded with other nutes.

I think I'll mix it in the next res change as well later this week and that is it. I probably should have added it a week ago but didn't want to mix too many things since what I have seems to be working well. But who doesn't like the thought of bigger buds right?

This is where it would probably be nice to have a multi-res setup with clones to see what effect it really has. The buds should continue to be putting on weight right now regardless so it's impossible to say what specifically the mammoth p is responsible for vs the pluthura of other nutes that are all in there and just natural growth.
I tried another microbe product that is supposedly as hyped as Mammoth P and incredible for plants, but it smelled so bad I had to completely throw away the bucket I was using as the res and bottle into the outside garbage immediately to clear the smell from my house. How ppl use this stuff for their grows indoors will forever be a mystery to me. It smells absolutely disgusting, and scared me from ever trying Mammoth P, though I’ve heard a lot of ppl rave about it.
I tried another microbe product that is supposedly as hyped as Mammoth P and incredible for plants, but it smelled so bad I had to completely throw away the bucket I was using as the res and bottle into the outside garbage immediately to clear the smell from my house. How ppl use this stuff for their grows indoors will forever be a mystery to me. It smells absolutely disgusting, and scared me from ever trying Mammoth P, though I’ve heard a lot of ppl rave about it.

That's an interesting one. I wish their site had more info on what all it does. Looks like it's just a whole bunch of different bacterias. I wonder how that would work with Hydroguard also in there if the hydroguard bacteria would choke these out as part of their guard duty or if they would all live in one happy soup. Looks like it's called Plus-C for their california labeling and it actually gives a breakdown of what it is.

Wonder how it's breakdown vs the Mammoth P that just says "Bacteria Culture" as the main ingredient without any breakdowns. Well actually, I think it only has just 4 in the mammoth p. So it's certainly different in some ways at least.

Who knows, it's all bacterial voodoo. lol
F47 nighttime going into F48.

Well, I've decided I needed more light in the very front of the tent so I moved the 2 quads, hung a little more aimed towards the back of the tent and then I got a new 3 cob in a row "600w" equivalent with 225w power draw on the killowatt. I think with the lights down at 12 ish inches the light is rad but the area isn't huge and with these bushy freakin plants they can take more. The leaves have been pulling up to the lights so I think they can handle more and now I have it without cutting off more surface area. The new light cobs seem to have a brighter white than the other ones. It's really bright!! I decided the little led tri-arm will be better for the clone to hang out and veg on and pulled the red as I didn't know where to put it and didn't want to blow any power with the new addition. There is a lot goin on inside the tent.


So with the new light I did some bud movin and a bunch of trimming as well. Decided to make sure there was decent airflow and a little better light penetration to the lower buds. Took off some of the big fans that were coming up from low and blocking off huge swaths, some still down in the middle not getting light anyhow. Tried to aim for ones that were already injured some or not looking fantastic. Kind of a big pile maybe, but defol has never stunted it before and the light penetration is really better and the airflow better too.

Before trimming:

The pile:

Plants are getting STICKY! My fingers and the trimmers were really sticky after so that's cool. They are really filling in up and down the stems better and better.

More pics:

I think this was a small view post trimmage of some of the tops on the right plant:

Crazy all the buds even way off to the left of the tent



I need to take some better pics, tonight was to much real work, haha.
So hard to capture what the eyes see. Tried to get a few other pics this morning, the tops all look much bigger and easier to see with real vision vs trying to take a full view pic that gets lost with leaves. Also added a gallon or 2 of nute water to the res. PH balanced at 5.77 after adding which seemed legit.



Oh, I almost forgot, saw these on one stem and thought they looked a little odd. These are ok hopefully? Just part of the flower?
Closer view:

Not cropped in:
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