1st Time Growing - Autoflower Strain - Tutankhamon In Soil - 240W LED

Yeah it is a struggle dealing with her in there lol

I will remove the lower branches around the pot, but tonight I decided to do the middle of her. I will probably wait another week and then I will do the bottom. Give her a rest from the beating I gave her this evening

Before Def.


Some of our collected goods. As you can see I never went overboard on it. Fished around for dead leaves, some just plucked right off the stem as soon as I touched them. Hopefully it wasn't enough to stress her out and my fingers are crossed she responds and starts to beef up her bud sites


One of the leaves I removed has 8 fingers. EVEN number which I have noticed on my plant. I have leaves with 8 and leaves with 6. Only 2 sets each

Even number of fingers

And here are the after shots of the Def.


After I performed surgery on this poor girl, I inspected leaves and branches, and finished off with some more LST to bring her down even closer
DAY 55 Update

Not much has been going on other than cleaning up the plant, removing dead leaves and making room for light to get at nodes. I also removed some side stems that were hanging over the lip of the pot on both plants to allow better airflow under her. Have 3 fans on her blowing at all times.

Today I decided to do some surgery on the King Tut. She is in flower and she does not seem to be growing anymore. Not really noticing any growth at all other than the bud sites. Not sure if she has stretched all she can or if that will come later.

King tut has a very good leave canopy on the top and I removed almost all of them to allow a lot of light to penetrate under to the other bud sites. Hope this will force some more growth on the buds and lower areas. If not, then she will probably stay put and bud the way she is. So far the bud sites are nice, but not very beefy. Still got about 5 or 6 weeks to go, hope she fills out nicely.

I will do more defoliation on the plant next week and remove even more fans. I went ape shit on King Tut. She seems to take heavy nutes very well with no burns at all, she took topping and LST very well, so I am hoping with the heavy removal of leaves, she reacts to that in a positive way. She will be ready to be watered in a day or two.

Here are the pictures of King Tut after she was opened up and cut



So...remember how I was saying that the Cheese plant finally started to show her sex...this is NOT the case

The image I uploaded was this


What I thought was pistols turned into a flower.

Today I am on day DAY 60 WEEK 9 from seed

Although it seems healthy other than a few nute burns here and there from watering, it is growing and is not showing sex

This is an AUTOFLOWER??? I know it can take a while, but 9 weeks from seed and day 60 into this and still no sign of sex or flowering.

Would anyone recommend to perhaps switch the lights to 12/12 to see if I can kickstart? I am currently running 20/4

Again, this could be normal, 9 weeks and nothing, day 60 and all we have is leaves, no pistols, no hairs, only things growing out of branches are new leaves, very small leaves but still something.

There has not been much of a stretch happening vertically, its growing normally.

What would you suggest?
So...remember how I was saying that the Cheese plant finally started to show her sex...this is NOT the case

The image I uploaded was this


What I thought was pistols turned into a flower.

Today I am on day DAY 60 WEEK 9 from seed

Although it seems healthy other than a few nute burns here and there from watering, it is growing and is not showing sex

This is an AUTOFLOWER??? I know it can take a while, but 9 weeks from seed and day 60 into this and still no sign of sex or flowering.

Would anyone recommend to perhaps switch the lights to 12/12 to see if I can kickstart? I am currently running 20/4

Again, this could be normal, 9 weeks and nothing, day 60 and all we have is leaves, no pistols, no hairs, only things growing out of branches are new leaves, very small leaves but still something.

There has not been much of a stretch happening vertically, its growing normally.

What would you suggest?
I would switch to 12/12 for a week or so and see what happens, i have heard of growers having to switch what was suppose to be a auto over to 12/12 before they would flower, jmo.✌
So no happy right now...I been fighting my plant for 2 weeks because I thought she was nute burned.

After working night shift I came home to check and see if any progress and the leaves look toasted, and tips have curled up.

Been reading about it and it appears I have a healthy plant when talking about nutes, however the LED light has burned my plant.

I had the LED height at about 12-14"

I just raised the LED light to 18" and hope this can solve the problem. Thankfully we are not seeing a lot of bud development yet so no buds are burned looking or bleached.

Cheese plant still growing, and is still in veg so the light don't bother her too much, but now that I know the problem existed I should be able to get Cheese off on the right foot as soon as she flowers.

I am totally disgusted, no leaves were curled up until today, I even cut back my nutes almost 3/4, and was considering flushing the plant on week 4 of flower.

Got to smoke some, then tie the cheese down a little and will post pictures of the burned madness this LED has caused

LED Light: Mars Hydro Reflector 48 housed in a 2.5 X 2.5 X 5.5 grow space
So no happy right now...I been fighting my plant for 2 weeks because I thought she was nute burned.

After working night shift I came home to check and see if any progress and the leaves look toasted, and tips have curled up.

Been reading about it and it appears I have a healthy plant when talking about nutes, however the LED light has burned my plant.

I had the LED height at about 12-14"

I just raised the LED light to 18" and hope this can solve the problem. Thankfully we are not seeing a lot of bud development yet so no buds are burned looking or bleached.

Cheese plant still growing, and is still in veg so the light don't bother her too much, but now that I know the problem existed I should be able to get Cheese off on the right foot as soon as she flowers.

I am totally disgusted, no leaves were curled up until today, I even cut back my nutes almost 3/4, and was considering flushing the plant on week 4 of flower.

Got to smoke some, then tie the cheese down a little and will post pictures of the burned madness this LED has caused

LED Light: Mars Hydro Reflector 48 housed in a 2.5 X 2.5 X 5.5 grow space
The led will definitely burn your girls if to close, i have mine at 18 to 20 in flower, if i drop it any lower it will bleach the top of leafs, you should be alright and you will eventually get you light dialed in.✌
Here is the damage...




It is easy to tell by looking at the plant from above where the problem is coming from. In the picture below you can see the bottom side if the plant is straight. It's because this part of the plant is closest to the wall of the tent.

The top part of the photo where it rounds out is where it has the most damage, and this is pretty much under the light with the other plant.

She is tied down very good, has not grown much, and hopefully I can make her do some good, if I get a bowl to smoke I will be happy :)



Are they usually this short when you tie them down during flower?
While I had the King out I took the Cheese plant out as well to examine and get a shot to share

This SOB just grows, this will by far yield more than King Tut, we are going on week 10 since seed and she is still not sexing/flowering

Today I will tie her down, she feels light so I will also feed her and introduce more nutrients again now that I have the burning issue resolved (i think)

King Tut also feels a little light, meter is borderline dry/moist on the meter, so I will give her another 10 hours and we will check in when I feed the Cheese.

Here be the SOB that don't know when to flower


It definitely burn her but it could have been worse, i try to look at things in a positive way lol, i tied mine down but ran out of room to tie them anymore so i just ket them stretch straight up just about all the way through flowering but they will stay short if you keep tying down during stretch they will stay short, here is a pic of one of my ww that i kept tied down prety short, she has some chunky dence buds on her, it helps big time with the density if canopy is even and all the branches are getting great light.✌
Obviously I'm not an expert, but my 300w LED is less than 12" from the plants and I don't have leaves that look like that. It looks to me like nute burn or you might have gotten water with nutes on the leaves.

Whatever the issue is, I hope you work it out. Nothing more frustrating than getting this far and losing a plant.:Namaste:
Hey Golfer,

The plants were fine and all this only started the past 4 days where there was no watering.

One side is scorched and the other is fine. Curled up leaves is what makes me believe it's from the light. The scorched side is the area tgat was directly under the light.

Are your plants in veg or flower? This only happened after flowering started.

Either way the light is raised and I'm hoping this ends cause sh bis pretty healthy other than those few leaves.

Thanks for swinging by captain
Obviously I'm not an expert, but my 300w LED is less than 12" from the plants and I don't have leaves that look like that. It looks to me like nute burn or you might have gotten water with nutes on the leaves.

Whatever the issue is, I hope you work it out. Nothing more frustrating than getting this far and losing a plant.:Namaste:

I'm a rookie grower and working on being an expert at nute burn, but I think nute burn would have started from the bottom. Those babies are burnt. I think you'll be fine. Like Tom said, chalk it is as a new lesson learned and put it in the win column!

Your grow looks fantastic! Great job man!
I'm a rookie grower and working on being an expert at nute burn, but I think nute burn would have started from the bottom. Those babies are burnt. I think you'll be fine. Like Tom said, chalk it is as a new lesson learned and put it in the win column!

Your grow looks fantastic! Great job man!

Thanks GivenToFly

Yeah I don't think I am going to lose the plant or anything. I seen the problem and diagnosed and found the cause. Now like you said it's a lesson learned and it's a win for sure. I will never put LED lights low again especially during flowering.

I'm just happy that there were no huge buds developed or they would have been toasted too. Caught it before the damage got worst..now to let it do it's thing.

I have hit leaves with nute water before but no way that much..its the light not nutes. Found a load of articles explaining the symptoms. As soon as I seen the leaf tips curl up and appear burned I knew we were dealing with light burn.

Let's keep going and see what we can get this girl to produce for us.

Cheese needs a kick in the ass to start flowering lol
Good point, Fly. If it was nute burn, the distribution of burning leaves would have started low and affected more leaves. Looks like some of the leaves next to the damaged ones are fine. :Namaste:

The leaves that are totally burnt look like leaves that lean against my CFL's when I have them on. The other looked like leaves where I got my water/nutes on them.

I'm still a bit skeptical of the LED though only because mine are so close. Hopefully she turns out fine...I'm following this to the end...:nomo:
How about the PH level of the soil?:high-five:Hope she will recover soon.:Namaste:
Here is the damage...




It is easy to tell by looking at the plant from above where the problem is coming from. In the picture below you can see the bottom side if the plant is straight. It's because this part of the plant is closest to the wall of the tent.

The top part of the photo where it rounds out is where it has the most damage, and this is pretty much under the light with the other plant.

She is tied down very good, has not grown much, and hopefully I can make her do some good, if I get a bowl to smoke I will be happy :)



Are they usually this short when you tie them down during flower?
How about the PH level of the soil?:high-five:Hope she will recover soon.:Namaste:
Hey Smoke thanks for stopping by...

The last runoff I tested which was at last watering. She came in at 6.1 - 6.5

I really do t think there are issues other than what you see from light burn. She won't be able to repair the leaves that are burned...now I have to keep extra close eyes on her and that light level.
Obviously I'm not an expert, but my 300w LED is less than 12" from the plants and I don't have leaves that look like that. It looks to me like nute burn or you might have gotten water with nutes on the leaves.

Whatever the issue is, I hope you work it out. Nothing more frustrating than getting this far and losing a plant.:Namaste:

Golfer I have been following your plant, and you will not notice anything like I am talking about until later in veg or early weeks of flower. I had my light low for quite some time, it was only when the flowering started that she decided to burn up on me.

One plant burned, the other never because she is still in veg
I have decided to switch my light cycle to 12 hours

I was waiting for the lights to come on this morning before heading to bed, and when they came on holy cow! When I opened the tent my Cheese plant which still has not started any sexing/flowering (Reason for switching to 12/12 lighting) looks like it took a swim in some radio active material, she is glowing!!!

Cheese is in the back
King Tut is flowering and is in the front

Since raising the lights to 18" I have not seen any further increase of burns on the leaves. Will continue to monitor this...

Time for me to hit the sack...smoke a bowl and call it a day!

Smoke em if ya got em!

I posted on another area of this forum and was told what I have is not an autoflower. The way she is growing means she is a photoperiod. Coming from someone with years experience of growing autos and photos.

This is both good and bad I guess...

I will be able to harvest the king tut before cheese which means she will have the grow room to herself for the most of flowering.

We are a couple weeks away from harvest of the King Tut and she will fatten up the final 2 weeks of flower.

For the cheese plant..who knows..i have to tie her down again and will do that tomorrow when lights are on.

When she is all said and done this plant will be ready for harvest on month 5. We are already 2.5 months in and we need to add 8 to 10 weeks for flower and I only switched the light cycle yesterday

This better give me a good yield lol
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