1st Time Grow With DWC Top Feed Burmese Kush

Well I can home and untied the girls, they've straightened up already just from when I wqs putting away the toes.

So no noticeable difference yet with the increased nutes but I have water on standby for a flush if need be. Super full from dinner still, time for some bings and catch up on some reading.
So healthy, so happy . nailing it!
Well it's a late one but I've been up testing and building the new rdwc, I have the buckets leak proof, the reservoir still leaks but it has the larger hole so I'm gonna replace it and go from there m, at this point I'll take any victory I can get lol.
Looks like you've got it nailed down pretty well. Really rewarding to see someone else do a build similar to what Rider and I did.

Make sure you're leak free before you start. It's not fun fixing a leak after you're up and running...Ask me how I know.:welldone:
Hell yeah! You're almost there! Your system looks good. I'm looking forward to seeing plants thrive in it. When you've got it leak-free and are ready to add nutes don't pull a Rider. Double check everything. And when you're adjusting pH be aware that it'll take time for the whole solution to come to equilibrium. Baby steps using Up or Down, and make a record. After a few res changes you'll have a better idea how much you need to add to get the pH close on the first addition. Then it's just fine tuning.
Good work OG . really envious of your system .

But more than that excited to see what you can do with it! Can't wait buddy! .
So I dropped the scrog down to let them start growing into it, they aren't showing any signs of burn and seem to have grown an inch today.

They drank about 3/4 of a galon per tub over the night from res change, so I replaced it with ph'd water. The ph ran up to 6.15 and 6.2 but I left it since they seem to like the higher ph over the first day or so. The tent sits at 55% rh as long as it's closed but drops down to 45% anytime I open the doors cause my house is so damn dry. Can't wait to see what they look like today when they wake up. The pictures are from yesterday at lights on but I was busy building so I didn't get a chance to update.
Hell yea man! Let's see what you can do with that scrog!
Day 24 Veg:

Had to raise the lights for the third straight day today before work. They are stretching like crazy since I changed the nutes to transition. Res temps were 68f, ppm was down to 475 so they are eating like champs. Ph was lowered from 6.25 down to 5.9 for both tubs, and they look like tomorrow they'll need another gallon of top up. Rh stay steady aroun53-55% with the inkbird controller. Here's a few shots from lights on today.



If this keeps up we should be good for a light flip Sunday. Well off to work, someone smoke a bowl for me.
Have a great night!
OK, give it up, buddy. Who's the dead guy in the background? Do you need help disposing of the body?

Haha ya I was waiting for someone to ask, I'm a bit of a Halloween but and I do a haunted garage every year. The dead guy is Nestor the gatekeeper and he greets the kid let's as they enter the dungeon/laboratory.
Lol super spooky . soon you won't need a smoke machine :blunt: :lot-o-toke:
Haha ya I was waiting for someone to ask, I'm a bit of a Halloween but and I do a haunted garage every year. The dead guy is Nestor the gatekeeper and he greets the kid let's as they enter the dungeon/laboratory.
I love that. My friend used to do that in his garage and i would help him out. This is the last mask I used


And a Jack o lantern
That's awesome that you guys get into it for the kids. It seems that fewer and fewer houses even welcome trick-or-treaters anymore. There used to be a bumper to bumper traffic jam coming up into our neighborhood for Halloween and people were going all out creating something the kids would remember. Now many of the homes go dark. It's disappointing.
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