Hi everyone
First things first, let me apologise for disappearing on you all for a while there.
I am ok, still doing the daily juggle of life to maintain a balance in my energy and functioning.
I have been helping my local brain injury support group to set up an allotment and sensory garden for our members to access.
I was needing to get myself out into the world more, get more physically active and I have also now taken on my own small allotment at the same site.
My kids love it there and all of them like a chance to help and get their hands dirty.
That’s the goal here, teach my children how to be self sufficient and grow the most nutrient dense food and herbal medicine.
Ok, so I also need to get my reading and writing time back into the daily schedule as I have fallen behind in my progress with this part of my cognitive functioning.
It’s all about finding that balance sweet spot folks.
You will all be glad to here that I made it to harvest with lots of learning moments.
Here’s the results folks:
Medical Mass results
126g plant total harvest.
69g for fresh harvest oil
142g plant total harvest
36g fresh harvest bud & sugar leaves
41g bud to dry
12g fresh harvest bud & sugar leaves
I left the rest on Finola to let any potential seeds mature but unfortunately there was no successful pollination.
More to updates to tell you all about in the next post so I’ll leave you with some pics of my 1st ever medicinal cannabis harvest.
Thank you all to everyone for all your support, help, love and friendship on my 1st time grow for my beautiful broken brain.