1st-ish Grow, California Snow Auto, Help Needed, Day 19

What did you decide to do Digger?

ive left as is and have tried leaf tucking, but every time I look they’ve popped out again!

she even bushier now as the lower, newer leaves are twisting to fight through the canopy, and overall she’s grown a couple of inches taller.

I may even decide to take off a couple of the older leaves, not many and only one at a time.

I’ll add some newer photos when I get home.

Thanks for asking!
Here’s the photos, just look how thick the undergrowth is. New growth is literally twisting and turning to get some light.

im pleased she’s grown taller and that her stem has such a bigger girth now, but I’m worried about light getting below, tucking doesn’t seem to work as in an hour they’ve sprung back to place.

Also I think I’ve started to find pistils, it’s day 24 of this auto.

do the pistils themselves need to receive direct light? If so I can’t see mine getting any.

ive read not to defoliate autos as it’s too stressful and they have no time to recover, but I can’t see what lse to do.

if anyone can offer some advice I’d be very grateful as this is only my first (well 1.5th) grow.






Hey Digger hope your having a good day my friend.
As long as the light hits the leaves around the bud sites she will be fine.
Let her stretch and see.
Nice work so far.

Stay safe
Hey Digger hope your having a good day my friend.
As long as the light hits the leaves around the bud sites she will be fine.
Let her stretch and see.
Nice work so far.

Stay safe

Many thanks Bill, she has been real short and stumpy so far, but seems to have started stretching, about 1.5 inches in the last 3-4 days. I’m hoping the current upward growth will continue and that it will lengthen the inter nodal spacing.

everything is very tight and close in the bush, I have 2 fans going through the day and just one at night. My worst nightmare would be to get to the end and then find bud rot or similar.

Thanks for the input, and all the input from others too, it’s all invaluable to learners like myself.
Many thanks Bill, she has been real short and stumpy so far, but seems to have started stretching, about 1.5 inches in the last 3-4 days. I’m hoping the current upward growth will continue and that it will lengthen the inter nodal spacing.

everything is very tight and close in the bush, I have 2 fans going through the day and just one at night. My worst nightmare would be to get to the end and then find bud rot or similar.

Thanks for the input, and all the input from others too, it’s all invaluable to learners like myself.
How is your rh?
You shouldn't have any issues at this point.

Stay safe
How is your rh?
You shouldn't have any issues at this point.

Stay safe

The humidity ranges around 55-62, the temperature is high as well around 26C - 28C (78.8 - 82.4F).
I live in a sub-tropical region (hot and humid) and have to grow in the basement where there is no air-con, and I can’t afford a de-humidifier.

One of the reasons I bought this strain though was it can (supposedly) handle higher temperatures.

Also when the lights are on I use 2 strongish fans and leave the tent partly open to get fresh air in.
At night I close the tent completely (just the screened vents open) to keep any stray light, and just have the smaller fan on.
I also have a fan connected to the filter but have not used that yet as the smell is not too strong at the moment.



Also I’ve just read about ponytailing, basically (I’m sure you know lol) tying up the top leaves in a pony tail for a while, to let light get to lower leaves.

Well if you can do that to the top ones why can’t you do it to large fan lower down? See photo.

Ill do it for 3 hours then release so I don’t kill them and/or further stress the plant.

I love experimenting, and even spending time with the gal (does that sound creepy? My wife keeps telling me to leave her alone and let her do her thing lol) but with the time frames involved I really trying not to mess up too badly.

in all love
wth are you trying to do to that poor plant ?

it is doing everything it can to grow beautiful for you, and doing quite well. despite your efforts. untie it and leave it alone. now.
get a decent grow to finish before screwing around. job 1 is fill the jars.

you can chase youtube later. stick with basic good growing techniques and let the experienced folk on the board guide you. you won't get let down here.
to start untie that thing. you have either a heavy indica leaner or a straight indica. moneys on the latter.
they are all bushes. small tight and compact and low.

you can defol and train with a little practice and if you have a need. otherwise grow the plant out natural a for a run or two. once you get a feel for how it grows, then you can take things up a notch or two.
your set up and everything is real nice. other than the bondage the plant is mostly happy. you could push a bit more light and nutes.
it was an experiment and only like that got 2 hours.

I’ve seen experienced growers do it from time to time. (Hi @Amy Gardner :ciao: )
It’s good to tune in to your plants. You keep a step ahead of their needs if you can, and they wind us down a pitch if they can.
I have zero experience with autos. I know it’s hard to keep your hands in your pockets sometimes in the garden. It’s good to remember I guess that plants already kind of know what they are doing.
Another thing that’s good: full jars. Your next grows will be easier.
I think she doesn't want to grow. She's trying to do what you want her to do, and she's not having it. If she thinks she's growing up in a natural environment, she'll do a whole lot better. This boils down to: natural, organic soil mixture with sufficient and nicely balanced nutes, coconut coir to help water permeate and hold moisture for the roots, worm castings, some mycorrhizae for the roots, thorough watering (with runoff) but allow to cycle to dry-ish then repeat (~3 days, depends), mimic natural daylight cycle. That's my 2 cents... good luck with your grow!
I’ve seen experienced growers do it from time to time. (Hi @Amy Gardner :ciao: )
It’s good to tune in to your plants. You keep a step ahead of their needs if you can, and they wind us down a pitch if they can.
I have zero experience with autos. I know it’s hard to keep your hands in your pockets sometimes in the garden. It’s good to remember I guess that plants already kind of know what they are doing.
Another thing that’s good: full jars. Your next grows will be easier.

i certainly won’t do it again. Even though only tied lightly with elasticated material I noticed even after that short time some leaves were damaged.

and yes very hard to keep hands in your pockets lol.

but what I did notice while doing this (getting better views of undergrowth) was that branches are actually branching out and their own girth getting bigger and stronger, this seems to have developed quite rapidly. I’m hoping that starting to come into flower these branches will grow upwards above the fan leaves, which seem to stay in place.

Ive got nothing else planned so she’ll get plenty of time to recover from any stress I’ve caused.
I think she doesn't want to grow. She's trying to do what you want her to do, and she's not having it. If she thinks she's growing up in a natural environment, she'll do a whole lot better. This boils down to: natural, organic soil mixture with sufficient and nicely balanced nutes, coconut coir to help water permeate and hold moisture for the roots, worm castings, some mycorrhizae for the roots, thorough watering (with runoff) but allow to cycle to dry-ish then repeat (~3 days, depends), mimic natural daylight cycle. That's my 2 cents... good luck with your grow!

All ideas and and advice welcome mate.

As in my reply to DonkeyD, she has started to mature, no thanks to me lol and is spreading her wings so to speak. As she’s just starting to come into flower I’m hoping to see her stretch up some,
and yep I’m going to let her do her own thing unless something goes drastically wrong.

Thanks for your input.
Hi everyone,
so here we are, I’ve counted up and it’s 28 days old (from 25/01/22). Now since then the coco/perlite 95-5% mixture has gradually dropped down around an inch In this 16ltr 4.2 gallon fabric pot. This means that also approx an inch of the root/stem is showing.
im just wondering if this is a concern? If so should I pull some soil around it (this would make the surrounding level lower still), add more coco, or just leave it?

I take it after this amount of time I shouldn’t see any more significant lowering of level.


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