Nov 28 - All looking good, had to bend away several large leaves on the too-tall CD to get light to the adjacent plants.
Added 10ml Micro, 15ml Bloom.
Nov 29 - All good, added some pH UP (it wasn't off much at all, though). Thinking about getting Bushmaster to slow these puppies down some...
Nov 30 - Numbers all good, ppm @ 655. Had to move the RainForest a bit to get some of the branches off the side of the tent; adjusted light accordingly. Rotated so that the tall CD was further away from the reflector. Added tap water.
Dec 1 - Numbers good, ppm @ 653. Added more tap water. Picked up some new nutes, ducting and duct fan for reflector, a res heater, and some velcro tie-downs for the runaway CD.
Added 22ml FloraBlend, 10ml Floralicious Bloom, and 10ml KoolBloom. (Each added at 2-hour intervals.)
Dec 2 - Numbers still good, ppm @ 622 (no idea why it went down). All plants healthy and growing.
Added 22ml FloraBlend, 10ml Floralicious Bloom, and 10ml KoolBloom.
Dec. 3 - All looking good. Installed ducting and fan for reflector, small space heater, and an oscillating fan for the plants. Tied back main stem of the tall CD, and bent over several secondary stems at 90-degree angles; hope they survive...
No nutes added.
Dec. 4 - 0830: The bent stems stayed bent, and their secondaries are already turned up to the light. Excellent.
Leaf tips showing yellow on all, moved light up a bit. Branches are brushing the tent walls on 3 sides now. Flowers on the tall CD look a bit more advanced than the others. Added a couple of gallons of tap water. pH still excellent, ppm @ 684 before adding water, will see what it is tomorrow.
Added 22ml FloraBlend, 10ml Floralicious Bloom, and 10ml KoolBloom.
Dec 5 -
A better shot of the tall CD: