1st Grow, RainForest 318, 400W HID, Chronic Haze, Yumbolt47, California Dream

Dec 17 - 2100: All looking good.Temps 65-76, turned heater down. RH still high in 60s and 70s, installed dehumidifier.
pH a little low, added gallon tap water which should bring it up just enough. ppm 710.

The highly professional dehumidifier installation:
they are looking great!! how tall are they about now?

Not as great as yours, Mes. ;) Looking forward to more smoke reports when you're done drying, etc.

The tallest CD is almost at the bottom of the light, which is about 5'11". The top of the netcups are at about 20" high, so around 4' is the net height. That's about 18" higher than I'd have liked. Next time I'll do some training.
Dec 18 - Day 39 of 12/12 - 2100: Changed out reservoir, filled with tap water (too late to go to the RO store). Used pump, had to mash it against roots a bit to get most of the water out. Didn't seem to do any damage.
2230: Installed CO2 system, no probs.
2325: Added 22ml Micro (Starting with 1/5 of the Aggressive Bloom regimen dosage)
Added some pH down, tap water was too high pH.
0010: Added 44ml FloraBloom
0055: Added 11ml Floralicious Bloom
0140: Added 22ml FloraBlend
0230: Added 11ml KoolBloom
Yo Boli what up my man? shes looking fine, she got a sister?:rasta:

how n the hell are you changing the res in there?

IM starting to get a nice root system going so im fearing my pump out system isnt going to work for me to much longer..Are you lifting the entire top off to clean and change her?

I just got as much water out as I could using the pump, refilled with plain water and let it run a couple hours, pumped that out, then filled again. No way I can get that top off without tipping the plants over. When I'm done with the grow I'm going to rig some kind of drain. Still surprised that I didn't hurt the roots by pushing that pump down on them.
Hey nice dehumidifier! How is it working? I noticed your using the DR120 How do you like that tent? I am thinking about picking up one of the Dark Rooms for my flower room. Nice looking girls you got growing. I like how much detail you keep in your journal.


Warbux, the dehumidifier has barely covered the bottom of the container after running for 2 days. I'm thinking something might be wrong with it, cause the RH in the tent is running 60-80%. I know you said you got a good amount of water from yours, so I might give Target a call. If there's anything you can think of that might be the problem, let me know.

I like the tent (It's a DR150). Going to wait one more grow to see if I want to go bigger, and then maybe get a 10x5 and put a WaterFarm or similar in it. Not sure I want to expand the operation at this point. Thanks for the nice comments, amigo. ;)
I know what you mean about expanding. Does the dehumidifier run 24/7? Its working if its getting water in the container. The amount depends on your RH and ambient temps. I no longer have mine on at night so the total has gone down but at 80-85 f and 65-80% RH you should get about 150-200ml every light cycle. Do you have any complaints on your tent? I was debating between the DR and Intense models
I know what you mean about expanding. Does the dehumidifier run 24/7? Its working if its getting water in the container. The amount depends on your RH and ambient temps. I no longer have mine on at night so the total has gone down but at 80-85 f and 65-80% RH you should get about 150-200ml every light cycle. Do you have any complaints on your tent? I was debating between the DR and Intense models

The dehumidifier has been running non-stop for 2 days, and I'd estimate it's collected about 50ml of water. I'll measure it after lights-on tonight.

I could use another window in the tent. It's got the door and 2 side windows, but the wall opposite the door is closed and I'd like to be able to see and reach in from that side. I don't know anything about the Intense models.
I dont know your exact setup but what I do is vent at night to keep the humidity down then during the day I run the dehumidifier and CO2 w temps around 85-90. Heating your plants at night just to get rid of some of the humidity will get expensive. When looking at dehumidifiers they will often tell you how many ML or pints of water they will remove in a day, what they dont always tell you is that there figures are for a room @ 85f and 80% RH (maybe 75% RH not sure) and total dehumidification is relative.
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