Hello youGoodmorning friend
Trala you know how to use Mykos and Azos on seedlings?
Look I’m not convinced about all that extra jazz. I think weed marketers are like vitamin/supplement marketers. They use buzz words to try and convince you you need vitamins you actually don’t need at all. I grew two plants one with mycos, one without and found no difference. If anything the one without grew better. Not science mind, just my experience.
Like us to grow and achieve optimal health plants need food, shelter, rest, sun, and fresh air.
If you have good soil, a good diet (Nutes and water), a good environment I don’t think you need many of those extras. I personally would only look at adding extras if my plants were showing signs of weakness. All these extras just make for expensive run off when you water. Thats my opinion anyway. I’m definitely not a Top Shelf grower, or a winner of the plant of the month comps, I’m mediocre but I go okay.
I have a new journal where I am growing in coco. I only use Mega Crop as my nutes. It is probably the easiest grow style ever.
Here it is in case you are interested. I’ve just hit Day 2 of flower.
I wanted to start a journal featuring some of our sponsors just as a thank you. I recently won some Sensible Seeds, and I’m just so grateful to this site for so many reasons. It’s not just the weed, it’s the community. The fact there is a safe place here for all of us, despite...
- Trala
- Replies: 87
- Forum: Journals in Progress