i was wondering the same thing i wounder what they would do? but arnt they now at "maximum absorption" ?
I'm guessing that they ran right over that road sign (and the guard rail that it was attached to) and plowed through the hillside to boot. Your grow must be screaming for 2100 ppm CO2.
wouldn't they be taking in more light pointed up like that?
Think "angle of incidence." Ever do any target practice with a really powerful airgun such as a Gammo Whisper and accidentally knock the target over at an almost flat angle? Even that one (and it's a varmit-killer, lofl) tends to just mark the target at that point instead of penetrating.
Of course, when instead of using an air rifle, you're firing a howitzer, lmao...
Alternatively... Throw a rock into a pond and it goes straight to the bottom, but skip it and even when you throw it really hard it'll still not sink (while moving along the trajectory that you threw it).
dosent it make less shading so the other lower leaves get more light?
Probably, yes. It's not like you're using CFLs so the light would still be powerful when it reaches the next level down.
do you think its a bad thing for them to be pointing up like that?
I don't think...
have u seen this before? i haven't not like this.
Yes. With lots of "old-fashioned" HID light of a balanced spectrum (3:1 HPS:MH) set up so that the intense heat produced by... 102 watts per square foot (if I remember correctly) was not a problem.
The bud was outstanding. As to whether or not it could have been even better - it's not like a person would notice the difference between a mountain slapping them up side the head... and an even bigger mountain slapping them up side the head.
I would guess (and I am guessing; I'm not an expert) that you're just hitting them with light levels that even an equatorial sativa would be happy with - some of them have yellowish leaves due to having less chlorophyll because they are in a "maximum solar radiation" environment.
Fill the room with CO2, allow the humidity to be generally higher than what we like at sea-level air content, you've already got the heat... And you're giving the the environment that they had when earth was a younger rock. Find a strain that grew somewhere near the equator but in the highlands where the atmosphere provided less blockage and that was a mad producer of Δ9-THC and hit it with UV-B for four hours or so in the middle of each light period...
...and the noise you'll soon hear might be ol' TorturedSoul knocking on your door to ask if he can take a bong-fueled trip with you.
Sorry. The mind - it wanders. I'm hoping that one day it will tire of its travels and wander on back.
every day their pushing out more and more hairs! its about time they flower!lol.. this much light this close doent seems to bother them one bit.
I don't think that you're in danger of heat-related light issues (burning), only true light-toxicity. And it really does take a LOT of illumination to do that. As long as your plants aren't getting "bleached" I wouldn't worry overmuch. And if you ever hit that point, just stick the lights on a rail and add more plants.
Hi, zanza, and welcome to 420Magazine (the most comprehensive and friendliest cannabis awareness site on the Internet).