1080w LED Inferno

Hey Irish, I remember when I had my 300, and holy crap. I remember it making the plants so short they were too short...LOL!

It's a badass unit! My payment has been processed and my light is en-route to Mike! Shouldn't be long now!

Have a good day everyone!


ya i cant get these things to stretch! they just keep on stacking their nodes. i raise the light and they still dont stretch. since the nodes are so close it should just give me fat buds.

i dont know what happen to the LED section on here?
Thanx for the warm welcome.
You guys are making me blush LED red :thankyou:
Great group of folks over here, no negative vibes at all, I've checked out Irish's thread and some others and everybody is very kewl over here.

How's the temps lately?
I went by the local Hydro store and got a few things spoke with "the dude" behind the counter about silacate, one of his big selling points was it makes the surface hard and makes it difficult for pests to penatrate and suck the life out of plants, along with helping with temp. & t-planting stress's, I might try it out next time around.

yup good members here.

the silica help in so many ways, you should give it a try if ur environment isn't ideal
who is mike? where is the web site? i might like to buy some also...lavendar

Mike is the owner of the led lights i am using, PitViper, SS, Irie are using.
heres his thread 180W Super Lemon Haze Grow - Lots of Pics! check out his SLH he just harvest.

Here is the web site for you. Welcome to Grow LED Hydro - LED Grow Lights - Hydroponics - Plant Lighting

5 year Hassle free warranty on all Spectra LED Series Grow Lights, 120 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Last i heard he was covering the warranty if you took the glass out.
you don't have to cut and paste anything bro, just click on the icon at the bottom right just to the right of the "quote" and it will turn red.

then just click on the same icon in all the posts you want to include in your multi-quote.

I agree that many posts deserve individual responses, but I think it's cool to multi-quote the "attaboys", and I think grouping questions or comments on the same subject makes things easier to follow.

that's just me though and this cat can be skinned multiple ways ;)
Owner of GrowLEDHydro and a valued site-sponsor who participates. You can check out a demonstration grow of his here: GrowLEDhydro.com 180w Super Lemon Haze grow-Lots of pics!

you don't have to cut and paste anything bro, just click on the icon at the bottom right just to the right of the "quote" and it will turn red.

then just click on the same icon in all the posts you want to include in your multi-quote.

I agree that many posts deserve individual responses, but I think it's cool to multi-quote the "attaboys", and I think grouping questions or comments on the same subject makes things easier to follow.

that's just me though and this cat can be skinned multiple ways ;)

What the Fu*k. you mean this whole time my dumb ass has been copying and pasting things. when all i had to do is click on thing?
wow i feel stupid.lol
thanks for showing me that because ur right when its a group question its easier to answer all of them at once, and when its different questions they deserve their own response IMO.

thanks for the help:thumb:

today i thinned them out a little and lollipoped them. i am playing around with different ways to trim them. but basically i trimmed to open them up a little and cut off all the thin little sucker branches. it open them up big time because they were dense with foliage, i remember last time i grew this strain i said i was going to do this since it gets so much foliage.








LoL @ manually multi-quoting, some funny shit Irish. Technology... what a love hate relationship. :) Dude, I have to change my bookmark daily on this thread it moves so FAST!! Nice prune job, I'm never shy with the clippers either.

I will say that the credit situation has me confused. I'm guessing it's some kind of reputation meter of some sort.

ya after all this time ive been old school copy paste. took forever and then to find out i just need to click a button? WTF? from now on i am gonna click on all the buttons to see what they do.

ya i just cut off all the small thin branches that never really bud to good. the more light going down the canopy the bigger my main buds IMO. plus i cant stand trimming little popcorn buds, it takes forever. i rather just run my clippers up a nice fat bud and be done.

the credit thing i think is a way to get status from posting and other good things i think. its probably a way for the for to show status since not everyone reps. maybe a way to show how active we are on the forum
your plants are looking great!

love to watch the secondary branches take off ;)

yeah, those palm to the forehead moments, like with the multi-quoting thing, make me think of how many other things in life I'm doing the hard way, lol

ya its really fun watching how the plants grow when you LST them, allot more control over things. I also like how you can flower then short but still build a nice rook system for flowering. i am expecting them to really push them secondary branches up now that i just trimmed them, put all their energy into those main tops now. I am thinking i will be ready to flower this next week. trying to get them a little taller since last time they only stretched around 6" in flowering. I hope its the same this time and their not going to take off and be 4'?.lol

I untied the little runt girl and she was allot more happy that way because the shot allot more new growth after i let he free. I am gonna play around with her and test different things out on her. and maybe 1 other LST plant. the little run i am gonna try to make her one big cola. and she if i can make y other LST one just have solid fat buds on each branch by cutting at the 1st node up each branch. thats the only way to learn trail and error.

I am a dumb ass i should have gotten stuff to make clones, since i was cutting branches. Ive never cloned before but have book to show me how to. i just dont have the rooting stuff or a dome

funny, I was just thinking about how i wonder how many other things in life i am doing the hard way.lol my fault for never paying attention
I have to change my bookmark daily on this thread it moves so FAST!!

I just click on the green "Go to first new post" button to the left of the thread in my User CP and it takes me there.

I suppose I could bookmark my User CP, but since it's my most-visited page on this browser in this OS on this device (USB stick environment), I just hit CTRL-L (inputs in the address box) and hit F4 for a list (it's at the top) or hit the down arrow (same thing) or type 4 (same thing) or...

101 Ways to Skin a Cat?
I just click on the green "Go to first new post" button to the left of the thread in my User CP and it takes me there.

I suppose I could bookmark my User CP, but since it's my most-visited page on this browser in this OS on this device (USB stick environment), I just hit CTRL-L (inputs in the address box) and hit F4 for a list (it's at the top) or hit the down arrow (same thing) or type 4 (same thing) or...

101 Ways to Skin a Cat?
Have to love the keyboard shortcuts, you running a linux variation of some sort? Man I haven't skinned a cat in awhile, I can only say I did it MY WAY. :)

I like the view first unread so you can continue where u left off(same area you were pointing out). SWEET!!
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