1080w LED Inferno

ok irish,
stuck my nose in that stinking stuff...dark force is right...solves the riddle of jimmy hoffa and some others...believe it or not, it is not the worst i've smelled, and i could stand it, but we have an ozonator right outside the rooms so it goes away real quick...hope it works as strong as it smells...lavendar

wow ur savage!! +rep for that one. Because that stuff is horrible smelling. ive heard nothing but great stuff about that additive. ive aso heard it will shorten flowering time? not too sure if it true? but heard that a few times
wow ur savage!! +rep for that one. Because that stuff is horrible smelling. ive heard nothing but great stuff about that additive. ive aso heard it will shorten flowering time? not too sure if it true? but heard that a few times

The stuff worked real good for me in dirt...

In hydro it made the whole room smell like (inside the bottle) for a few days. so we stopped using it. :thedoubletake:
yep, i r savage....only way to be....as soon as i get done playing nancy nurse and suzy homemaker, i have to do more reading and decide who the victim will be and how i can use it safely on the plant...may choose a couple...i use dirt, so hopefully it wont be too awful, if it is, it will keep hubby totally out of the room, his sinus' and nose are way too sensitive...ever, L
yep, i r savage....only way to be....as soon as i get done playing nancy nurse and suzy homemaker, i have to do more reading and decide who the victim will be and how i can use it safely on the plant...may choose a couple...i use dirt, so hopefully it wont be too awful, if it is, it will keep hubby totally out of the room, his sinus' and nose are way too sensitive...ever, L

your such a good wife! my lady would make me do it for sure. even if my nose was sensitive.lol
hi irishboys,
im new on here, i just a 180w from glh, which should be here very soon. i am askin u cuz u seem u know alot with these LEDS and i am growing 3 small clones, grandaddypurps, bubblelicious and carnival, i am using the fox farm nutrient line. have u tried these nutes before? i am trying to get the most for my yield. are there any recommendation u can give me, like how far to lave lights , or even dont do three, maybe just 2 plants. its my first time growing and ill be starting in a week, any info that u can give me would be very appreciating.
Today is Day 10 of veg The temps have been around the mid 90's this whole week. light is around 28"

I have one runt on the right hand side, i am thinking of untying her and just letting her grow straight up, since she is smaller then the others.





Heres what they should look like at the end, but hopefully fatter since i am using more watts and doing hydro now.

hi irishboys,
im new on here, i just a 180w from glh, which should be here very soon. i am askin u cuz u seem u know alot with these LEDS and i am growing 3 small clones, grandaddypurps, bubblelicious and carnival, i am using the fox farm nutrient line. have u tried these nutes before? i am trying to get the most for my yield. are there any recommendation u can give me, like how far to lave lights , or even dont do three, maybe just 2 plants. its my first time growing and ill be starting in a week, any info that u can give me would be very appreciating.

Welcome to my thread!

As of Fox Farm, ive never used them before but lots of people seem to like them, and i think their up their with the top company's in sales. and are popular with lots of growers. maybe some one could be more of help on that topic since ive never used them.

As far as light hight, mike seem to have good results with his light 10-14" from his plant. maybe 14" at 1st then latter in flowering move it closer. To be honest its hard to say what height to say because i believe its all matters on the strains. just start of higher and work the light down and you plants will let you know when their happy. but 14" sounds like a good starting point to me. You should really ask the owner of the company since he used a 180w and i haven't. whatever he did it worked for him thats for sure 180W Super Lemon Haze Grow - Lots of Pics!

the problem with grow all different strains is they will all grow different heights and the canopy will be uneven. same thing happen to me on my last grow. i had to raise 2 plants on milk crates to keep things even. but since you only doing 3 plants i would just do all 3 if it were me and get the most yield i can and see what strain did better under these lights. I know the GDP is a lower yielder compared to most, so good bud for sure
Holy shit those hindu's are gnarly man. HUGE. were the temps during that grow similar to this current grow?

no thats the thing that worries me about this grow. on my last grow the temps were close to perfect maybe a little on the colder side but not nearly as hot as it is now with this grow. check out my photo gallery this tons of nice pics of my last grow.

I am certain with this grow my yield will suffer with this heat compared to if it was cooler
thanks for the info, i do appreciate it, with your hindu plants where? and why? have u got them string up?

its called low stress training (LST) instead of growing them straight up i tie them down and it tricks the plants into producing more tops and a equal canopy. i just tie her on the last node and bend her over every other day until the mail top is equal to the other branches. its a good way to make the most out of your light since everything is the same level.

This redistributes a hormone called auxins which are responsible for the dominant growth on the plant. Sending auxins to all branching along the stem makes most if not all nodes grow out evenly.

Low stress training does not require any mutilation or damage to the plant which, for some, is the sole reason to use it above high stress training methods. Low stress training is done by tricking the plant into thinking the apical tips are no longer able to be the apical tips. In nature, if a branch gets blocked by another branch, or a large leaf from another tree, the plant will do it's best to navigate the growing tip so that it can continue growing upwards.

If, however, the plant cannot easily find a way to make that growing tip go back towards the light, the level of auxins will shift, and the lower sites will be called upon to try and stretch up to become the next apical tip.

This process can be repeated over, and over again in our controlled, indoor environments: apical tip grows up, apical tip trained down, other tips grow up, other tips tied down, more tips up, and so on.
What up irishboy,

Looks like those plants are doing very nice with the heat, think they may even like it a little, nice job....
I will probably do a DIY on my thread of me removing the glass and how difference it makes. that will be kinda cool to see side by side with the glass removed on one and the other right next to it with the glass still in.

Nice idea. Another nice idea would be duplicate grows in which one fixture had the glass removed and the other one had it untouched. But that seems unrealistic when it is a given that the unshielded light will produce more (and who would willingly set up half of a grow to produce less, lol?).

Nice LST post, BtW. Can't REP you again yet though (tried).
oh ok cool, i think i might have to try this lst. thank you. what do u think about clipping fan leaves off, i have read it is good to do, not good to do it cuz thats where the bud gets most of it energy type thing, i also heard it is good to do towards the end of flowering to stress it and let more light in at the last moment. so many says out there, whats your opinion? what parts of the plant to trim is ok?
Plants do get their energy from the leaves. They're literally nature's solar-collectors (and energy storehouses).

It seems to me that a fan leaf is there to support the part of the plant that is above it. So removing a leaf might help light get to the lower areas of the plant, but at the expense (no matter how small) of the higher buds.

In late flowering when nitrogen levels are low and the plant is consuming its stored resources, those fan leaves often yellow and drop on their own.

I have seen a journal where the plants were really leafy and something caused them to wilt and sort of "stick" to the buds. That wasn't pretty - but it's kind of unusual and the resulting mess made some excellent hash, I believe.

Make sure that the buds you are considering removing leaves to allow more light to are in fact worth the removal. If they're going to end up being cooking buds or if you're likely to lollipop-prune the plants then I wouldn't.

Before removing anything, it's a good idea to see if simply rearranging the plant will achieve the same results.

Many will remove fan leaves, many will not. Your best bet would be to grow one plant (of the same strain) each way and decide for yourself.
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