
  1. Katelyn Baker

    AZ: Marijuana Campaign Says Prop. 205 Could Be Decided By 'Couple Thousand' Votes

    The chairman of the campaign to legalize marijuana in Arizona is acknowledging the issue could be decided by fewer than 4,000 votes. The acknowledgment by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol's J.P. Holyoak comes as the campaign received an infusion of $750,000 for Proposition 205...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    The Marijuana Election

    I must be the most maladapted pothead in Maine. Since 2013, I have had a Maine medical marijuana authorization card, for treating painful nerve damage in my elbows and hands. The thing is, though, I don't actually like being high; it makes me feel a little sad, a little disengaged. I like...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Three Years Into Legalization, Colorado Lawmakers Continue To Evolve

    Colorado state Sen. Chris Holbert never expected he would sponsor a bill allowing medical marijuana to be used in public schools. But Holbert, like many people living in Colorado after the legalization of medical and then recreational marijuana, said he's had a lot to learn. The bill, which...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    ME: Westbrook Council Approves Moratorium On Marijuana Stores, Social Clubs

    On the eve of Election Day, the Westbrook City Council approved a moratorium on retail marijuana establishments and marijuana social clubs. City Administrator Jerre R. Bryant confirmed in an email that the council approved the moratorium on a unanimous vote during its regularly scheduled...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Massachusetts' Marijuana Vote - What You Need To Know

    What's being voted on This is proving to be a pivotal year for the marijuana industry, with nine states in total voting on some degree of marijuana legalization. Five of those states are aiming to legalize recreational marijuana, with Massachusetts being one of those states. The...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Backers Seek Bible Belt Win In Arkansas

    Little Rock - Arkansas could become the first Bible Belt state to legalize medical marijuana, which pot advocates say would be proof of the drug's popularity even in conservative parts of the country. The fight over medical marijuana has overshadowed the presidential race in the deeply...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Backers Seek Bible Belt Win In Arkansas

    Little Rock - Arkansas could become the first Bible Belt state to legalize medical marijuana, which pot advocates say would be proof of the drug's popularity even in conservative parts of the country. The fight over medical marijuana has overshadowed the presidential race in the deeply...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    TN: County's Marijuana Rule Would Be Limited, Lawmaker Says

    Geography and a specific point of law, according to Shelby County Commissioner Van Turner, should be reason enough for commissioners to pass a controversial marijuana ordinance that would apply only in the unincorporated areas of his southeast district. He hopes those details will gain them...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    AZ: Why I Support Legalizing Marijuana But Will Vote No On Prop. 205

    There's a great deal of fear and loathing about the legalization of marijuana, and I buy just about none of it. In fact, I would not be alarmed, or even displeased, if Arizonans approve Proposition 205. Nor do I think the state would plunge into crime, chaos and hedonism should the measure...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    California's Marijuana Initiative Is Needlessly Punitive And Restrictive

    In recent polls, support for Proposition 64, California's marijuana legalization initiative, ranges from 51 percent to 58 percent, while opposition ranges from 30 percent to 40 percent. The latter group includes not only diehard prohibitionists but also at least some voters who oppose the war on...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    AZ: The Feds, The State, And Legal Pot

    Sierra Vista - If examples from Washington and Colorado are any indication, should Arizona voters pass Prop 205 this November and legalize recreational marijuana use for adults, there should be little to no federal interference with state law, even in areas with a high number of federal law...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Urgency Ordinance Prohibiting Recreational Pot

    While Proposition 64 does allow local governments to decide where marijuana stores could open up, some feel like cities are trying to thwart the will of voters. Regarding Proposition 64, the legalization of recreational marijuana use: I hope common sense prevails against greedy businessmen...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    ME: Audience Gets Rowdy At Legal Pot Debate At Unity College

    Two advocates who previously worked to legalize medical marijuana in Maine together debated the hot topic of recreational marijuana legalization initiative Question 1, taking questions from a raucous audience that ranged from children to medical marijuana caregivers. The debate was held at...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Prop. 64 & Measure N - How Saying Yes To Pot In California Could Impact San Diego

    San Diego, Calif. — To be blunt, things are looking pretty good for California's Prop 64. The initiated state statute, which would legalize recreational marijuana use in California, has support from 58% of likely voters according to a statewide poll released this week. 37% of voters oppose it —...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization Could Reach A National Tipping Point On Election Day

    When Keith Stroup joined the movement to legalize marijuana in the early 1970s, just 12 percent of the American public supported legalization. Today, polls show that a majority of Americans support legalization, and in the past four years four states and the District of Columbia have...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Council To Consider Marijuana Cultivation

    Martinez, Calif. — Should Martinez impose a moratorium on indoor and outdoor cultivation of marijuana? City Attorney Jeffrey A. Walter suggests it should, through interim "urgency" ordinances the Council could pass in anticipation of voters' deciding the fate of Proposition 64 during the Nov. 8...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Majority Of NFL Players Say Legal Marijuana Would Mean Fewer Painkillers

    Most Americans now want to legalize marijuana. This is apparently also true of a majority of professional football players. ESPN reported Wednesday that nearly two-thirds of players in the NFL say the use of chemical painkillers would go down if they were allowed to use marijuana instead. "In...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Virginia Senate Leader - It's Time To Look At Marijuana Decriminalization

    In a switch, one of Virginia's most powerful elected officials said Tuesday that he supports studying the decriminalization of marijuana. "I think it's absolutely crazy that we continue to lock people up for possession of a modest amount of marijuana," said Tommy Norment, the majority leader of...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Maine Will Vote On Legalizing Marijuana With Question 1

    Legal marijuana is well-established in the Pacific Northwest. Now, on the opposite coast, Mainers will have the chance to make their state legal pot's first foothold in New England. If approved, Maine's Question 1 would legalize marijuana use for adults over the age of 21. Individuals would...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Massachusetts Will Vote On Legalizing Marijuana With Question 4

    Four years after voters passed medical marijuana, Massachusetts might legalize weed outright. If Massachusetts voters approve Question 4, marijuana will be legal in the state and regulated like alcohol. Adults aged 21 and over would be allowed to have one ounce of weed on them in public and...
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