
  1. Katelyn Baker

    WA: Benton City Marijuana Measure Close To Approval

    Voters still favor allowing the growing and selling of marijuana in Benton city by a margin of 52 percent in favor and 48 percent opposed. If approved, the Benton city council would still need to make a decision to approve the advisory measure. If approved, Benton city would be only the...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Pot Brownies And Other Marijuana Products Could Soon Be Made In Sacramento

    Sacramento is one step closer to legalizing the manufacture of pot cookies, brownies and other goods after a proposal cleared a key City Council committee Tuesday. Under the proposal, marijuana manufacturing facilities would only exist in enclosed buildings in commercial zones and could not...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Denver Voters Approve Pot In Bars

    Denver - A glass of wine with dinner? Or maybe some marijuana? Denver voters have approved a first-in-the-nation law allowing willing bars and restaurants to give patrons the option to use marijuana alongside a cocktail or meal. The catch: Smoking pot won't be allowed inside, and the...
  4. I

    Some markings on leaf

    Hi guys, 1 of my plants has some spots/marks on it,i dont think its a problem but thought i would get you guys to check it out,
  5. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Denver Votes To Make Marijuana Cafes A Real Thing

    Denver is making green history yet again. The city's voters appear to have legalized the social use of marijuana in permitted private establishments, according to election results released Monday evening. Supporters of Initiative 300 led 53 percent to 47 percent as of 6 p.m. - a margin of...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Texas Legislators File Bills Aimed At Decriminalizing Marijuana

    Austin - Less than a week after several other states approved measures weakening marijuana restrictions, some Texas lawmakers are looking to do the same. On Monday, the first day of bill filing for the 2017 legislative session, Lone Star State legislators submitted several proposals to...
  7. L

    Need help with my water run off

    Hey guys and gals, i was curious what the more experienced growers have done about their wayer run off. I am starting my second grow as of now (seeds are just soaking) but even tho i lost my first grow 2 weeks into flower due to law enforcement. I was starting to have some problems whail...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    IN: Lake Councilman Pushes Medical Marijuana Plan

    Indiana legislators may not want to tackle the issue of medical marijuana in the Statehouse, but one Lake County Council member is looking to gain the support of his peers for a resolution supporting the practice. Lake County Councilman Jamal Washington, D-Merrillville, said he would like...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    IN: Lake Councilman Pushes Medical Marijuana Plan

    Indiana legislators may not want to tackle the issue of medical marijuana in the Statehouse, but one Lake County Council member is looking to gain the support of his peers for a resolution supporting the practice. Lake County Councilman Jamal Washington, D-Merrillville, said he would like...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    WA: Spokane Marijuana Industry More Concerned About Policies Than What Trump Might Do

    The question marks surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's victory Tuesday extend to Washington's marijuana industry. While two of the rumored candidates for attorney general in the Trump administration have said they oppose legal marijuana, those in the industry say they're still more...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Planning Commission To Consider Marijuana Grow Request For Downtown Tillamook

    Weed is on the agenda at Tillamook City Hall, Thursday night. After failing to meet a quorum on Oct. 6 for a hearing that would decide whether or not the Odd Fellows Building would be able to locate a commercial marijuana grow operation, the City of Tillamook Planning Commission will attempt...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    A Hazy Future For State Marijuana Laws

    Americans woke up Wednesday morning to find the nation's drug-policy landscape radically altered. California, Massachusetts and Nevada legalized recreational marijuana use on Tuesday, while voters in a handful of Southern and deeply conservative states embraced medical marijuana...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Charlie Baker - Lengthy 'To Do' List For Marijuana Legalization

    Boston - Gov. Charlie Baker pledged Wednesday to honor the will of the voters on the legalization of marijuana, but said he would seek assurances that the new law is safely implemented. Massachusetts was among at least three U.S. states added Tuesday to the small but growing list of states...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Mendocino County Cannabis Measures AI, AJ Winning Voter Approval

    Voters on Tuesday night appeared to have soundly defeated a measure written by marijuana growers to regulate the cannabis industry in the county, opposing the initiative by 65.4 percent to 34.6 as of midnight, with 19.8 percent of ballots counted. Separately, voters seemed likely to...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization - Big Changes Across Country

    This year's election season was historic in more ways than one. An unprecedented nine states considered liberalizing cannabis laws, and here's how it broke down: California, Massachusetts and Nevada saw their ballot measures pass. If Maine's ballot measure is also approved, that would bring the...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    CO: Commercial Marijuana Bans Appear To Fail In Pueblo County

    To put it bluntly: Preliminary results indicate that voters defeated Propositions 200 and 300, keeping the commercial marijuana industry in Pueblo County alive and legal. If the large margins hold up in today's vote counting, the victory for retail marijuana supporters will put an end - at...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Antioch Bans Outdoor Marijuana Grows As Prop. 64 Passes

    Antioch - The city temporarily has banned some uses of non-medical marijuana that would be allowed under a state ballot measure to buy itself time while deciding how to regulate the drug. Antioch councilmembers unanimously agreed Tuesday to an urgency ordinance that places a moratorium on...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    California, Massachusetts Approve Recreational Marijuana

    Los Angeles - The marijuana legalization movement scored its biggest victory yet Tuesday as voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada approved recreational pot, making the drug fully legal in the nation's most populous state and giving it a toehold in the densely populated Northeast...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    What California's Prop 64 Means For Package Designers

    We can all agree that this election has been a bit of a slow-mo car wreck, can't we? But while the presidential election is on the forefront of everyone's minds, Election Day is about more than that - by heading to the polls (or mailing in your choices), you're also voting on a number of...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    A Brief Rundown Of Everything You Should Know About Maine's Marijuana Vote

    What's being voted on Today is a big day for the marijuana industry, with residents in five states voting on whether or not to legalize recreational cannabis. One of those states is Maine, with voters deciding on Question 1, or the Maine Marijuana Legalization Measure as it's officially known...
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