
  1. P

    Gday from Asia

    Thanks for welcoming me to the forums I can see myself spending a lot of time here as there are so many knowledgeable people to learn from in this place. I am new to growing so it is great to see so many people showing their grows and sharing their experience and expertise. I am Aussie living...
  2. beez0404

    MLK had a dream - I have a seed!

    Good luck and fortune were shining on me today. An old old friend called me this morning to tell me he had two bag seeds for me and would bring them with him when he came over today. When he got here he handed me a film canister with the two seeds inside. One looked pretty good, like you see...
  3. C

    Airplane Paranoia

    Ever wondered who was in those planes flying overhead? There is an app called FlightRadar24 which shows planes in realtime. Some don't show much info but the N-number can be looked up on the FAA database and you can see who owns it. The app is cool as you can see where it's been and follow...
  4. J

    Bud growth?

    Hey guys im a lil over a week into flowering after 5 weeks of veg in my first grow and im using CFL and im using unknown bagseed, my question is generally when should i start seeing the buds taking form? Out of my 8 bbys 5 of them i can see pistils coming out,but there is still plenty of leaves...
  5. J

    Is this mold?

    I had some problems with an auto strain. Had some calcium problems(again) and almost all the leaves turned yellow. The problem I see is that I see some white little dots on the sugar leaves from the bud, not sure if is mold or is a result of the deficiency. I posted some pics too see if someone...
  6. Ron Strider

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It's Time For A Medical Marijuana Revolution

    I see signs of a revolution everywhere. I see it in the op-ed pages of the newspapers, and on the state ballots in nearly half the country. I see it in politicians who once preferred to play it safe with this explosive issue but are now willing to stake their political futures on it. I see the...
  7. H

    Looking for quality PAR meter - Features for testing bought COB Array

    Hello Everyone, I recently had a situation with the company who built my Vero29 12 Cob Array -- It's a one person business and I am not going to say his name yet to see if he is going to be an adult and respond to my emails. I finally received my array in but knowing now how much this guy...
  8. Mayne

    Mayne, You Sure 4 Inches Is All She Needs?

    How about 8? lol, OK, funny title, i know, borderline ethical, probably. If you follow Neil at Grow Pot Cheaply, you know what this is all about. Going to start this Journal for testing run purposes to learn lightsetup, and maybe perpetual. Beans-- No idea. Bag seed that...
  9. A

    Hey - Help with sex of plants

    Hey, iv'e started my first grow around 6 weeks ago, two plants were planted a bit late after the rest. Thing is, 2 out of the 6 plants, seems like a male. but im not sure, as its my first grow and it make me stressed not knowing. If anyone could see a hint for a male plant let me know, because...
  10. M

    New 250W Closet Grow HPS

    I just started a wee grow a few weeks ago.I ordered some Purple Amnesia auto seeds but I had some problems germing most of them so ended up ordering more of different strains. That's why half of my plants are almost a month old and the other 3 are still seedlings. Anyway I dont know how many...
  11. coralman

    Cheese Bomb Organic AKA Edam Bomb

    What strain is it? 6 Cheese Bomb indica 60/40 Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg If in Veg... For how long? About 35 days from seed Soil or Hydro? Soil - bulrush professionial 3 peats based compost If soil... What size pot? Started in 1 gallon then transplanted to 5 gallon final container Size...
  12. Advocate420

    All nighters club

    How about a late night hang out. Gets lonely after midnight and all. Thought I'd see. Like here. In this thread in case you were guessing
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Colorado AG Invites Sessions, Staff To See Cannabis Industry Up Close

    Denver - Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman wants to give Washington politicians a lesson in pot. She has invited US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his staff to visit Colorado. Coffman thinks it's important for them to see firsthand how Colorado is handling recreational marijuana...
  14. A

    Hi - Questions about THC/CBD percentage and extraction machines

    Hi, I'm a long time weed user, 20 + years but sadly my husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I can't get the oil here so I'm looking into growing. I can see on the RSO site that you need a high THC strain. I can see seeds for strains up to 25% THC but what my first question is what...
  15. C

    Do my bud sites look OK?

    I hope I am on the right path. I do not know how to use a forum and I don't want to get kicked out. I have been snooping around for quite a while and I want to make 420 my home. Example ; When I post this and come back, how will I know where to go to see if anyone responded? Another quick...
  16. cnile

    DIY misting clone machine: cheaper alternative to Ez-Kloner with results

    lots of guides on net for the same one i did. any question just ask. will update daily with pics to see what happen and compare to ez-kloner which cost a lot more money. more details and pics to come
  17. B

    My first nug

    Well Its almost harvest time for this rookie grower so I thought maybe I should try and trim a small bud to see how it turns out. How did I do?? :circle-of-love:
  18. B

    O.G Kush X Money Maker Home Crossed Seeds

    I had both O.G and M.M and crossed the two to get the seeds for my now second gen seeds grow which is well underway. I had a few problems in veg corrected this and so they were in veg 5 weeks now in flower and wanted to share the results to see what people think. They are now 10 days into...
  19. T

    Trikome's - HSO Blue Dream - Organic - Kind Soil - Scrog - 2017

    Hello everyone! It's been a few years since I have posted on here, and I miss it dearly. I have done lots of research and experimenting over this time. I am ready to share with everyone what I have learned. I am no expert by any means, but this KIND SOIL I have just learned about is very...
  20. Dan Ultra

    Wyoming: Medical Marijuana Law Overview and State Fines/Penalties - 1/01/2017

    Wyoming: Medical Marijuana Law Overview and State Fines/Penalties - 1/01/2017 Wyoming Medical Marijuana Law On July 1 of 2015 Gov. Mead signed HB 32 into law. This law extends legal protections to some patients using some high CBD extractions. The law does not contain any provision for...
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