
  1. J

    They grew fine, but

    First thanks a lot its a purple kush 7 and 10 weeks old...400W.. as you could see on the pictures what i give them with water. Something seems wrong,but it grows really fine.thanks!!peaceyaall
  2. O

    I hope this is not pests

    I'm noticing this on a few leaves here and there on different plants . I dont see any bugs or signs of them
  3. Chinnubie

    Chinnubie's 2 Feminized White Widow

    So here goes another adventure into keeping plants alive to succeed and thrive. I've built a small closet in the basement roughly 3'x4'x7'. Ran an outlet for easy access to electricity, plus found out this closet will be running on it's own 30 amp circuit breaker. That's a biggie for me, since I...
  4. J

    Learning training

    Good day, everyone! As I have started my first grow and first journal, I do have got disturbing questions about my babies. Like all first-timers I am really confussed about training benefits- - should I train it (done, if increasing yiels) - what type of training should I do (LST or...
  5. J

    Equivalent to a four leaf clover?

    The bean was huge. It is a Candy Cane Auto. When the shell dropped, it looked like it was deformed and then it opened up and three first leaves. Now I guess it would be considered the first set of fan leaves are sprouting. Three leaves! Anyone ever see this and what I can expect to see down the...
  6. P

    Started drying

    Thanks for looking at this. I cut my plants down tonight, Here is a couple of pics you can look at. I chose to dry them in a large boxes. Then I'm going to glass jars. I have read about this, just wanted to show someone to see if I am doing this right If anyone has anything they could...
  7. S


    I'm using a 600w HPS 3 weeks into flowering. I was thinking about getting a 1000w to finish off the grow. would I see an increase in yeild or should i just use a 1000w MH blub i have. Please help
  8. Jacob Redmond

    Lobbyist Says Illinois' Medical Marijuana Program Needs Improvement

    Illinois' medical marijuana program has generated nearly $211,000 worth of sales since the first dispensaries opened on Monday. That's with only a quarter of the eligible patients actually purchasing pot. Chris Lindsey, legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project, said there's still...
  9. Jacob Redmond

    Lobbyist Says Illinois' Medical Marijuana Program Needs Improvement

    Illinois' medical marijuana program has generated nearly $211,000 worth of sales since the first dispensaries opened on Monday. That's with only a quarter of the eligible patients actually purchasing pot. Chris Lindsey, legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project, said there's still...
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