
  1. D

    Question about fertilizing with fish

    Hi I heard organically added fish extractments to the soil can help produce growth in the flowering process. I could give this a try, cause I have some left over fish guts I've kept in a bag. My question is, how do you add it to the soil in a pot? Do I grind up the fish and lather it in the...
  2. L

    Best soil for autoflowers?

    Hey All i am sure this question has been asked 100s of times.. My question is i want to know the best soil to use for autoflowers when growing indoors i am afraid to burn them with the soil heavy with nutes. Will i be okay putting autoflower seedlings in fox farm ocean with 25% perlite mixed...
  3. Smoky da bear

    Hydro bucket question

    Hey guys, I've done 3 successful soul grows. I would like to try a deep water culture bucket grow. Can anyone tell me a specific type or brand? Or what would be important when deciding which to buy
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Supreme Judicial Court Allows Marijuana Legalization Ballot Question To Move Ahead

    Boston - The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court said in an opinion Wednesday that a proposed ballot question legalizing marijuana can proceed to the November 2016 ballot. A group of 57 voters, including Westborough's Josephine Hensley as the lead plaintiff, argued in a lawsuit that the...
  5. S

    I need some help!

    I just transplanted my plant into a 5 gallon bucket, and as i was doing it i noticed i ran out of soil so i had to mix some other soil in with my main soil which is fox farms idk the other brand of soil but it didnt seem to bad, FIRST QUeSTION! Do you all think that it will be okay? SECOND...
  6. H

    White powder mildew?

    Had a problem with this last (also first) indoor grow. I am being more diligent about keeping humidity down. I am also spraying neem oil once a week as a preventive. I read some use sm-90. Question one, is neem oil or sm90 better or the same for preventive? Question two, is spraying once a...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Maine's Question #1 This Fall - Legalize Cannabis?

    Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap announced June 27 that the initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol will appear on the state ballot as Question 1. Historically, the first measure on a ballot gets more votes and has a higher chance of passage. The final wording of the ballot question...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Asking The Right Question On Marijuana

    So Gov. Brian Sandoval, the former attorney general and federal judge, has come out squarely against the legalization of recreational marijuana in Nevada. The governor told the Las Vegas Sun that, while he's personally never used the drug, he's concerned about the impact legalization would...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Local Government Group Opposes Marijuana Legalization In Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Municipal Association, which represents the city and town governments in the state, has voted to oppose a ballot question that would legalize recreational marijuana here. The MMA's board voted unanimously this month, according to its executive director, Geoff Beckwith. The...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Maine Marijuana Question First On November Ballot

    Portland, Maine - Maine residents who vote "yes on 1" this November will legalize marijuana use and possession for those at least 21 years old. The state has randomly ordered this fall's ballot questions: following marijuana legalization is a new education tax, background checks for gun sales...
  11. 7

    Humidity question?

  12. S

    Mainline growing question

    Hello fellow growers! I have a question regarding mainline growing. I've done it before successfully on the last grow and got just over eight ounces from one plant. My question is regarding the main stem. I was stress training and got distracted momentarily and applied to much pressure...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Banking Help For Marijuana Businesses Takes Step In Senate

    The Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act (S.1726 and H.R.2076) has received bipartisan support in both chambers. The U.S. Department of Justice has said it wouldn't spend time prosecuting financial service companies that work with legal marijuana businesses as long as it following...
  14. M


    growing both indica and sativa out side in 7 gal containers in arizona. the past week has been hot 112 -118 during the day.around 11 oo i move them to a somewhat shady area.well i over fert. and my leafs started drying out and turning brown so i did a flush 5 gal.of water a day for 2 days .and...
  15. P

    Simple Question

    Are the stems suppose to be hollow?:thumb::thumb:
  16. ML4T

    Light schedule fast question!

    Hy there. I have a very simple question and need answer from someone who actually been through or witnessed it first handed. Been looking around the web about this but couldn't find anything so here it goes: Does light schedule affect the vegetative growth if you for example work 2 shifts...
  17. J

    Substitution and Synthetic Question

    As the title states, I have a couple questions. I have a drug test that I need to take before next Wednesday. I'm not here to ask how to pass. I will either use synthetic urine or substitute. My test is at Labcorp and is a 10-panel test. My first question has to do with the brand of...
  18. ML4T

    Feminized seeds question

    So as i hear feminized seeds are bread from hermies polinated from male plants. And if i read right they say that big stress or some huge changes during grow could trigger the feminized plant to turn out to be a hermie. So my question is...the plant will have both sexes and produce seeds...
  19. AKgramma

    Quick question on processing a male for pollen

    Because this is so time sensitive, I'm posting from my Journal. I have been waiting for a male from my Bubblelicious grow for 4 months and have finally identified one. This is the post, and a question for those of you who collect pollen. OK! I have a MALE! This morning I found those weird...
  20. L

    First Grow - Seedling Stage - Slow Growth - Should I transplant?

    Hey y'all, First time grower here and I'm wondering if I should transplant my girls into solo cups because they've been growing quite slowly for the past 5 days. I'm not really sure why this may be the case - I know I was over watering a bit but they seem healthy now and just haven't been...
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