
  1. S

    Newbie MMJ question

    Do medical marijuana dispensaries track how many other dispensaries you go to? (California)? I live in Sacramento. I got my card a few days ago and I've been to 4 different dispensaries in less than 24 hours after I got my mmj card. Everytime I go to a new dispensary they check my card and...
  2. G

    Germination and water question

    OK so I have always used the paper towel method to germinate seeds in the past but I have heard that direct plant into rapid rooters works well so I wanna try it. Now I will be using a top feed dwc system and my question is after I put the seeds in the rapid rooters do I then turn the water pump...
  3. I

    Help on Haze grow

    Hey guy I just upload a picture to my profile but don't no how to put it here to ask a question, can yous plz go take a look and let me know please. my question is on the pic description.. Thanks u all for your help .....:420: :thanks:
  4. S

    Watering Technique For A Seedling?

    Hey All, I have read a ton on this site and have come to learn "you don't know what you don't know" so ask for advice: I have a seedling in a small 1/2 quart pot of Pro-mix which is currently at her 3rd nod of true leaves. I have undoubtedly over watered and the results of this have made...
  5. J

    Question about watering plant with symptoms

    Hey gang, Question... My recent post Bubbas Gift - Veg leaves curling up a touch? Leaf curling on my plants, advised to correct ph and add nutes. I have everything prepared to do this, I last watered them on Friday. So... should I be watering them again with the corrected solution or wait...
  6. Heavens Relic

    New grower - Topping question

    Hello I am a new grower who was suddenly thrown into growing because someone offered me a free northern lights. (feminized) about 27 days old so I took it. He hasn't given it nutrients or even tested the ph so I will be testing ph and starting a small fox farm trio feeding tomorrow. When should...
  7. S

    DWC newb question

    Hi all i just have a quick question about my dwc . I have started seedlings in rock wool i. A small res ,hydroton rockwoll under cfls. My question is as my seedling were germinating i had the rock wool sitting water in the res now that they have should i lower the water to just below the rock...
  8. R

    Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Proposal Draws Support And Opposition

    Supporters and foes of legalizing marijuana gathered at the State House on Monday to weigh in on a proposal that would allow the recreational use and possession of marijuana up to an ounce for those 21 and older. The proposal was the focus of a public hearing before the Legislature's...
  9. G

    No till - No bottle nutes - Pot size and type question

    Okay so this will be my first grow and I have decided to go with the all natural organic grow!!! So I have a question about pot selection. First off I wanted to know if anyone had tried using the Flat GEO Pots.... I am just using basic logic here but having a shorter wider pot would allow the...
  10. B

    24x30inch area accompanied by 4 plants 2 weeks into flower - 400w vs 600w?

    My grow area is 24 inches deep and 30 inches wide and there are 4 plants 2 weeks into flower... I have a 600 watt dimmable ballast and I have the ballast set at 400watts.... someone told me that you only need so much light and it becomes a waste after too much but do you think that a 24 by 30...
  11. B

    Best yielding strain, that doesn't lack qualilty, that isn't blue dream lol?

    Basically can you name off some good strains that are indica dominant that are easier to grow for a novice Grower that have high quality buds but also put out the weight... I know you could arguably say any strain... but throw em at me anyways please... I already know blue dream and i dont want...
  12. T

    Harvest time

    Hi all, question on harvesting. The ladies are full of sugar I would say 70% clear 30% cloudy. Want to harvest when the trichomes are 70% cloudy and 30% . My question is how long from the stage I am in to get to the stage I want to harvest am I looking at a couple of weeks or more, thanks in...
  13. B

    What does it really take to get a proper yield?

    Realistically, if I'm running a 100w a plant or higher with proper transplanting and fertilizing properly or in my world extremely light on the nuts i use fox farm, and cal mag, kangaroots, and molasses and using FFOF soil with a 600, what's a realistic yield for a first time grow with what I...
  14. S

    Quick question about stem oil/sap?

    Hello everyone just a quick question. When I rub the plants stem I get a crazy stinky(beautiful) smell of the plants (no pun intended) and also get a little sticky and oily im guessing from the "oil/sap?" Is there anything I can do with that or just use it as a great way to smell the plants...
  15. Y

    Crop King freebie question

    Not sure if I'm in the right area for this question but, here it goes. First, I ordered 5 Jack Herer autoflower from, Crop King. I got 7 seeds delivered (2 freebies :)) My question is, will these freebies be a total crap shoot, or, can I expect them to be autoflower? I wouldn't normally...
  16. Sypherz

    Question about lighting cycle?

    This is a screenshot of the description from the seedbank.. Only question is should i go with 12/12 for this particular strain ? Ive heard most people say that 12/12 light cycle is a waste of time with autos bc it produces airy buds and isnt great for plant growth.. This will be my first grow...
  17. B

    Capn Style Air Stone Question

    Hello everyone, I've been doing a ton of research for my first grow and came across the capn style of growing. My question is why do the individual reservoir not need air stones? With the pumps only running twice a day for 15 minute intervals I'm curious how the water doesn't become stagnant...
  18. DRM Ranch

    Watts per square foot?

    In veg I'm working with 54w/sq.ft. 432w over a 4x2 SCROG. In the future I'm considering a 600w HID over the same area, 75w/sq.ft. I'm wanting the best return on my electric investment, so my question becomes at what point is there an obvious point of diminishing returns based mainly on the...
  19. M

    Christmas tree lights?

    I know a silly question but I was looking at our new lights on the tree over xmas and they are led and very very bright now I'm growing in a tent and my question is could I drape the lights in my tent up and down the poles to give more light?. Is it worth it or not?.
  20. J

    First time topping - Might have a problem?

    I think I did it right, just took the top off not long after it came in. She's just under two weeks old. It's been 2 days since topping, just noticed the upper leaves got a bit of a curl. This a big deal? Please take a look at the pic and let me know if it looks alright. Few gnats flying...
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