
  1. S

    Need some information and tips

    Currently have 4 plants, 2 are about 2 1/2- 3 inches tall, the others are just sprouts, i have one plant that ha one of the bottom leafs eaten a little bit and was wondering if that will ruin it or not, ima post pictures of the plants so you can see them and help me and gi e me your opinions
  2. ThcSnow

    Ever Wonder What Those Spots That Indicate Spider Mites Are?

    I mean we all obviously all know what it is my poor black jack got attacked! I had to take a pic of it though! 100x magnification!! Those are some pretty precise bite marks!! I sprayed with sm-90 and they were dead before I even got my microscope out!!!
  3. G

    what pest is this? Please help

    what do I do to get rid of these guys?
  4. S

    Help spider mite 3.5 weeks into flowering

    Help help 3 and a half weeks into flowering and I've got spider mite, can I use sulphur hotbox or what's the best spray?
  5. D

    Can't Figure Out What This Is

    So I came across this bug while checking on my outdoor clone and can't figure out what it is. I've looked through marijuana diagnosis forums, pest forums, etc. and haven't been able to figure it out. This is my first grow so any help would be much appreciated.
  6. S

    Need Advice! Moldy/musty Smell in Flower Room

    Hi there! I'm currently 3 1/2 weeks into flower on my first coco grow. Things are looking beautiful, but as of yesterday, we've noticed a musty/moldy smell in the main flower room. This is VERY worrying. I do not see any signs of mold on the plants, and they're flourishing, but there is...
  7. W

    Please help! Unwanted pests need gone

    I have 4 plants that im worried about. I have found the Fluffy bum or more commonly knows as the PassionVine hopper spread throughout our 3 sativa and 1 indica plants. Im not sure how to get rid of these but They are only babies at the moment. Id really love it if we could tackle this...
  8. trichomes

    Can you ID this bug that is no bigger than a Trichome?

    This is from Fire-OG that was harvested, it has been re-vegging for about a month. I was looking at trichomes from a small bud still on the plant and this guy was chowing on an amber trichome. I need help ID-ing it. Thank you.:thanks: I got him on video, just added link below. here he is...
  9. B

    Patient new to growing - Need help Please!

    I am new to growing. I live in northern Texas. I have a small 4 banger set up in my bathroom. I have the intake and outake fans running 24/7. I have my CFL running 24 hours. I keeping the ph arround 6. Using flora bloom/ flora grow/ and flora micro as per directions on bottles. The temp stays...
  10. P

    Leaf turn over 180%

    My small 10" tall blue Dog clone is sick and her lower leafs, a few flipped on be bottom is now top? These were five gifted rooted clones that totally upset my room, they came complete with spider mites. But I've never seen this
  11. trichomes

    Is this a whitefly: white fly?

    shown next to tip of a basic bp pen, I think it is, they are swarming, when I flick a branch, I'll try for a better pic. Tried a soap spray today, we'll see what happens, THANK YOU![/B]:Namaste: is this a whitefly / white fly?
  12. trichomes

    What is this? I hope they eat eggs & baby inchworms!

    what next? I found this today, it can hop a foot like a cricket, jumps with lightening speed, PLEASE help identify, I'll start looking online. about 3/16" -1 /4" long at the most. what is it? will it eat baby inchworms? for help with size, you will see it has been harpooned with a sewing...
  13. S

    Outdoor Grows: Companion Planting

    I have not yet seen a post that discusses the possibility of adding companion plants to a Cannabis grow. Does anyone have experience with incorporating companion plants among Cannabis? Are there some plants that will mitigate insect issues? Are there some plants that may improve soil...
  14. D

    help/Advice - Holes In leaves?! NL Auto

    Hi all! Am about 5 weeks from seed on my first Indoor grow, 250wt HPS, 120wt CFL's and 70w t5 Fluro Tube. Have 3 x Northern Light Auto Flowers. It appears that a couple of leaves on each of the plants have holes in them. Only a couple, very small. No signs of pests at all. it does...
  15. trichomes

    Scary in my yard, near my girls

    these are aggressive, sound like Hummingbirds, so big, you can hear their wings as they buzz my head every day right after dark, caught this with my bait net. Ever seen one? I'm on the lookout for eggs , then, caterpillars the size of fingers!
  16. T

    Pest prevention

    hello all I've been doing a lot of thinking and now that summer time is here I was thinking about pest prevention. the reason I'm writing this poses to get peoples ideas and to see what's out there for preventative measures.
  17. G

    White Flies

    Hi everybody. I'm into my 60 days of veg. when i noticed white flies. I just dicovered them, they are few but i know they'll multiply fast and be a prob. soon if i don't do anything about it. Any suggestions to get rid and some info about this pest. Thanks in advance PEACE
  18. D

    White spots on leaves: please help?

    I'm having a problem (with SS Early Girl), which is driving me nuts. The (white) spots have structure early on but also has a sheen to it, catch it in certain angle of light and it shines! The leaf tends to keep structure but then lower leaves die off and the whole plant just does...
  19. basementdwell

    Fox Farms planting mix soil, fungus gnat larve in run off

    ok well last wk i got ffof and it contained fungus gnats and i knew right away its common so i baked it and pretty sure i got it all out. SO watering my other plants with different soils, i notices some stuff floating in the root resv ?? Strange i never saw it B4 so i took closer look with the...
  20. I

    Goat ate my plants

    I had 3 plants growing in a secluded corner of my garden, they were about 2 weeks into flowering stage. One day I came out and found they were completely destroyed. Branches snapped and leaves everywhere. At first I thought somebody had deliberately stomped all over them but on closer...
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