
  1. A

    Fungus gnats - Need some advice

    So i was getting ready to start my grow this year and i noticed i have little flies inside my bag of soil from last year. I'm guessing they are fungus gnats. Does anyone have a suggesting for getting rid of them before i begin growing? I've read about baking the dirt, but if the dirt gets too...
  2. P

    Help not sure what as wrong with my crop

    Hey guys really need some help into what's going on with my outdoor plant, Im pretty sure I have a thripe problem but I've sparred it an next day it looks mighty worse anyone please give me ideas or a solution to it whata going on with it, 2 weeks ago it was going amazing heaps of growth no...
  3. J

    Pests - Lots Of Black Dots & Maggots

    Does anyone know what kind of pest is this? And how to eliminate it? I'm really not a expert on bugs so I really don't know what is this. Its currently on my veg room only and not on my flowering room. Usually when I see pests I spray them with tobacco (it smells like shit, for real) and they go...
  4. D

    insect ID. lightening bug-like insect, blue body orange head

    This does not appear to be a pest as I can determine no direct damage but they flock to my outdoor plants. I use reem oil for pest control and it seems to work well. This critter is usually on the stems or stalk, not the leaves. Over the last two seasons this has been the only insect of note...
  5. A

    Help! Mites? Brown leaves, previous spider mite problem HELP!

    Brown leaves, previous spider mite problem HELP! About a week from harvest they seem to be destroying the buds. Have used mighty wash, no spider mites, sm 90, reduce them some. But not enough. Also used pyrethrum and Beethoven bombs previously.
  6. Sochi

    Preemptive Action Against Pests?

    Does anyone treat their plants before any signs of pests in order to avert possible problems? I am an indoor grower and have no signs of pests, and I'd like to keep things that way, if possible. I use OMRI certified products on my outdoor garden--neem, bt, pyrethrin, insecticidal soap--and...
  7. A

    Calcium deficiency or pests?

    In other words Calcium Chloride or Peppers. LOL. What do you think???
  8. A

    Pest infested soil

    hello fellow growers i have a 3 week old animal cookies ive been trying to work with on my first grow & the used soil i used is now infested with small clear bugs. not 100% sure if its male or not but whats a good solution off the bat if anyone has good advice. & sorry for bad cam its all i got...
  9. hyperluv

    Spider Mite munching on leaf - Video

    Here is a video I took of a spider mite munching on a leaf from one of my plants using a microscope. SM90 seems to have worked better for me. Have not seen any for a while. I previously used Floramite and AzoMax.
  10. T

    Autoflower Pests First Grow - Help Please

    Hey all, I am a noob to this site and in the middle of my first grow. I am growing a blueberry domina auto-feminized from Ministry of Cannabis. It is day 24 and my plant is looking rough. I found some microscopic white bugs on the leaves (does not appear to be any type of mites - i read tons of...
  11. S

    Thrip Problem In Flowering Stage

    Hey folks, well I'm in my 4th week of flowering and noticed an issue on my leaves. After inspection I found Thrips on the bottom of some leaves, there's barely any but I know how quickly they can become a problem. I went out and got some Monterey Garden Insect Spray ( Spinosad) to kill...
  12. G

    New grower - Problems - Need help

    im struggling to fix my plants. i thought with fungus gnats it was messing up my plants but got rid of them with mosquito dunks and mighty wash, but im still having problems idk if they're ph related or deficiencies or toxicities, please help i also FIMed and the top growth is new but a bit...
  13. xave420

    Hurt to have a Citronella candle burning a few feet away from plants?

    was wondering if it would benefit in keeping pests away?
  14. B

    Invasion from wee Beasties

    Hi Folks, I cannot get rid of these evil critters! First started when I noticed some greenfly having the cheek to take up residence on a couple of leaves. It was just coming into flower and on 12/12. I sprayed with dilute soap/water. This worked fine when a few days later the leaves...
  15. A


    Strain - Sativa # of Plants - 4 Grow Stage - Flower Setup- 8x8x4 gorilla Light - 1200 H.P.S Nutrients - General Organics Medium - Happy Frog/Ocean Forrest PH - 6-6.5 RH - 36-45% Room Temperature -78 to 84 Solution Temperature -65 to 69 Room Square Footage - 20 Pests - None Known...
  16. L

    About to start flower and want any ideas about process

    So for stats... 4'x33"x~5' grow tent, 22 3 gallon grow bags filled with about two gallons of a mix of 707 aurora and fox farm coco loco, mars hydro 192 x 5w reflector and 300w galaxyhydro dimmable "seven band" led fixtures. Girls are about 8" to 18" tall. The taller ones are under the...
  17. Lyzardman

    Problem at week 3 of flower

    Strain - Indica - Nl#5 & Sativa dominant Hybrid - J1 # of Plants - 3 (problem only on the two J1's) Grow Type - Soil Grow Stage - Early Flower Bucket Size - 3 Gallon Lights - (1) 1000 Watt HPS Nutrients - DaKine 420 Medium - Roots Organic Soil PPM - unknow PH - very ph layers as you go down...
  18. OGClean

    Pests - White flies out of nowhere!

    So this infestation came out of no where. They look to be white flies, eggs under most/all my leaves they are destroying my ladies any advice would be helpful. Im running a short stack tent with a tek 4 florescent light. 4 mothers and a cloning bucket the mothers are in roots organic...
  19. CanniCulture

    Webbing on leaves even after the Spidermites themselves are gone

    Today, while I was cleaning dead leaves off of my plants, I noticed there was a small amount of webbing on a fan leaf. I am constantly spraying Azamax and Spinosad, and haven't had much of an issue so far with the mites. I'm in week 5 flowering, and I was wondering if the web could be there from...
  20. R

    Help - Aphids

    Got two plants growing outdoors blue dream and platinum bubba started noticing yellowing leaves and little black spots on top of my leaves then on inspection I have concluded I have aphids. Problem is I'm three weeks into flowering any suggestions cost is no issue only two plants thanks for any...
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