
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Dem Lawmaker Lashes Out Against GOP For Opposing Giving Veterans Pot

    Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer sent a letter to Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk on Wednesday blasting him for a remark he made over using medical marijuana to treat veterans. "These wounded warriors should be treated with dignity, respect, and concern, and we should be helping them...
  2. superskunkdre

    Hi fellow green thumbed friends out there!

    So hi all im drew just joined so I figured I better do the norm an say a few words about me self lol anyway so I obviously have started to grow my own little green babies which will soon hopefully be big beautiful babies ;-) I live in the country and most of the time prospect for gold an now...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Free Cannabis Fair In North Portland Comes Rife With Restrictions

    Portland, Oregon - On its surface, Sunday's Summer Fair in North Portland was a celebration of the small businesses within Oregon's cannabis community. Upon digging deeper, though, patrons found it to be an education on the evolving state regulations attached to the budding industry. "We were...
  4. V

    Browning leaves - Seemingly very specific pattern

    Hi, I am trying to figure out what this is. I took a picture of a leave developing it and it seems to be quite specific. It's not only on top leaves, so I am excluding light burn. I have checked: Ph. Under/over water. Sprayed BT for gnats yesterday (I did not find any, but just...
  5. dunkindabs

    Best Strain for Pre-Workout?

    Recently I started taking a few vape hits before working out and have been seeing interesting results. I was talking to the bud clinic down the street and they were recommending I switch to sativa's for pre-workout which makes sense. Anyone can recommend some sativas they are using prior to...
  6. Dankster33

    OK so I have a problem - Light or nute burn?

    photo below
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Kills Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

    When antibiotic drugs were first discovered in 1928, they revolutionized healthcare. By the end of World War II, their production had exploded. And then things got a little out of hand. Today, according to an estimate from the CDC, about half of antibiotic prescriptions in the United...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Kills Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

    When antibiotic drugs were first discovered in 1928, they revolutionized healthcare. By the end of World War II, their production had exploded. And then things got a little out of hand. Today, according to an estimate from the CDC, about half of antibiotic prescriptions in the United...
  9. S


    Ok I got my pictures uploaded to random photos. When I tried to load on a post it comes out encrypted. What am I doing wrong?
  10. L

    Started Germ in Peat Pellet

    I am a newbie at growing and I started my germination in a peat pellet. The seedling has already popped through the soil. When I lifted the peat pellet up I noticed the taproot coming out from the bottom of the pellet and I don't know what to do.
  11. Nulife

    Newbie Lady Grower On A Serious Learning Curve

    Hi Everyone, just started learning how to grow. Started with bag seed, made a bunch of mistakes but figured them out one by one. I'm a hands on learner, and have been reading EVERYTHING possible, including many grower's journals. I do not have a green thumb at all. Just moved to an area that I...
  12. Dead Cthulhu

    Auto seeds end up not being auto?

    Has anyone ever popped an auto bean and grown it out only to find out its a photo? I planted 3 Fast and Vast autos all at once. 2 of them are less than 10 days from harvest. The third hasnt even shown a pistil. I'm starting to wonder if maybe a different strain of seed got in my bag or maybe its...
  13. B

    Question on how I should set my soil when first growing pH - Autoflowers

    Hey guys, thanks for stopping by to help out a fellow grower. This will be my first grow, here is my current setup: I am about to grow using Heavyweight Fast & Vast Auto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds (3-pack). I am starting them with Promix HP straight into 3-Gallon pots. I have my Water all...
  14. D

    All my plants are males

    New to growing. Using random seeds from friends weed. Had a few small plants make it to harvest. They were slow growers I assume due to the new environment but I worked out my small indoor growing area to maintain the temp and humidity levels. The last batch had 4 very healthy plants. Using...
  15. G

    Low Odor Varieties?

    I apologize if this has been addressed many times before, but my time is extremely limited for reading threads to pick out this and that from them. I was reading about a DIY odor control systems here and someone mentioned varieties that are high quality and still have low odor. I was...
  16. D

    Outdoor Grow Watering While Out of Town

    Hi, I'm going out of town for a week and have no one to water my 4 plants. They are in 5 gal buckets with holes. Can I water the plants the day I'm leaving, and place the plants, in a tub of water, about half way up the bucket? Can the plants draw in the water through the holes in the...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Patients Hung Out To Dry

    Letters to the Editor It is time for a new vote on medical marijuana: We need to use our vote to address the continued worthiness of the band of politicians who disassembled a working medical-marijuana system and have not gotten around to addressing how to replace it ["State's pot database up...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana Patients Hung Out To Dry

    Letters to the Editor It is time for a new vote on medical marijuana: We need to use our vote to address the continued worthiness of the band of politicians who disassembled a working medical-marijuana system and have not gotten around to addressing how to replace it ["State's pot database up...
  19. G

    Opinions welcome - First time grow - Big brown spots

    So I'm on day 19 of my first grow and there is one plant that has been giving me a bit of a headache so far. I posted another thread about some problems it was having. Thanks to some of you guys I found out the humidity in my grow tent wasn't up to standard so I resolved that by getting a...
  20. N

    Hermie or male plant help!

    Hi guys Im on my first grow about 6th week of flowering. I had 4 plats in my tent. But one was acting odd so i took it out and out it in the balcony. The odd thing was that this perticular plant was not keeping up with the others in flowering so i got scared and took it out. Can any one help me...
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