
  1. TheFertilizer

    How do I know when they're done stretching?

    I was just wondering how I will know when they're done stretching? I want to switch to my HPS bulb already but I don't want them to get too stretched without the blue light. Also, does it matter if you take clones after they've stretched out? Like, will the clones still stretch out afterward...
  2. C

    Hi Everyone - Advice Needed

    I'm a 54 year old guy who was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I cannot take Chemo and Radiation is not an option for what I have. I'm at a point where the Lymphoma is closing down my windpipe and eating and breathing through my mouth will be impossible in a month or so. I also have a tumor behind my...
  3. S

    Cloning made easy

    so this is my story,instead of seeding again i thought i would try cloning my kush girls,WOW what a success,this is what i did,5 clones,honey from the grocery store,razor blade,pots,soil--shaved the stem,put in water to keep out air bubbles,dip in honey,put in soil,mist twice aday,water lightly...
  4. Dwight Monk

    New to growing my own

    I'm Dwight, new to growing my own and also I had been away from toking for 20 years due to random drug test jobs (it was prior to 1990 when I quit), back when we smoked all the crap weed as that was mostly what was out there unless you had connections to a grower. Always wanted to try and grow...
  5. S

    Best lights

    hey all!! so i turned out 2 pretty good (small) crops with cfl's 23 in total 100 watts/2700k/5000k,looking to upgrade to a better lights,so my question is what grow lights would be good for me with low heat and without out breaking the bank,6x6 room max 5 plants
  6. K

    Best 1000 Watt Electronic Ballast for the dollar

    Hey everyone, how's it going out there? I'm going to apologize in advance if I'm posting in the wrong place or doing this the wrong way so here goes: My ballasts are all magnetic and at least 17 years old or older. I'm looking to purchase a brand new electronic/digital ( I'm not sure of the...
  7. L

    Should I follow the directions?

    I have received my seeds and on the site that I ordered from it guarantees 80% germination rate if I follow their instructions, which are- soaking in glass of water for up to 18 hours and then the paper towel method. I have been reading quite a bit about the initial germination processes out...
  8. R

    Lesson learned

    So I figured I could cheap out and just use some field dirt to sprout a couple seeds. Soaked the seeds and watered the dirt in preparation, next day I planted the seeds in the soft moist sandy soil and 2 days later I had 2 little green sprouts popping up. By the next day the soil looked quite...
  9. Mag7

    Nutrient Questions

    Long time user, new account. How long are nutrients good from in a non controlled environment? i mean if it's been a year or so, should i just throw them out? PH DOWN FLORALICIOUS PLUSFLORA GROWFLORA BLOOMFLORA MACRO FLORAKLEEN FLORANECTAR KOOLBLOOM
  10. D

    Bubba Kush seeded on me!

    Wow what a kick in the ass. My 3 girls were doing so well. Chopped them down only to find seeds through out the 3 plants. Its my first time using fem seeds. Is this the norm when growing with fem seeds?
  11. Bodhisattva

    Jack Herer Beauty - Check her out - How much will she yield?

    Hey - can you check my gorgeous girl out I'm wondering what she might yeild? Guesses. Im thinking maybe 2 to 3 ounces as a conservative guess. Loads of pics in my grow journal. thanks!!
  12. L

    What can cause the bud to be looking lumpy?

    Hey guys was wondering can somebody tell me what can cause the bud to comes out looking lumpy just like chun li hair on street fighter? lol......... i only get it on a couple of plants out of the bunch, some said is cause by heat stress, any input would be appreciated.......
  13. D

    Any clue what my issue is? Pic

    These were all growing great until a recent watering, then it started to go downhill pretty fast for half of my plants. I've done a lot of searching and my only guess is that maybe my pH was way off when I watered that time (My meter batteries died and I just winged it for awhile). I also...
  14. B

    Dried cannabis root - Anyone tried this?

    I recently read that this is very high in CBN and very low and THC and that it is really a great thing for counteracting chronic pain and I was wondering if anyone has tried this before. The reason I ask is I am a few weeks away from harvest and I want to dry out the routes for a realities who...
  15. C

    Stunting in Autos?

    So for my first grow ever I bought several different varieties of Fastbud Autos from Herbies. I planted in plain peat and in peat pots (first mistake as they dry out horribly fast) and they sprouted within 36hrs and looked amazing. I transplanted them roughly a week later to 3gal Fox Farms Happy...
  16. B

    Genuine hardware safety concern

    im using a 600w metal halide and air cooled reflector, the air comes in my tent from outside and goes out onto my landing in my house. is this air safe to breath? I hadn't thought about it until now but wouldn't it be sucking out burned metals and polluting the air? thanks
  17. Ripples

    Mother Help

    The most frustrating thing involved for me is the Mother! I have 3 strains going at all times, Super Skunk, Chronic and Cheeze. My biggest problem is controlling the mothers. They always seem to want to get out of control and I have a problem preventing that. I try to keep up on them but in...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    BC: Professor Conducting First Clinical Trial About The Effects Of Cannabis On PTSD

    A UBC professor is conducting Canada's first ever clinical trial about the effects of cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Zach Walsh, associate professor of phycology at UBC Kelowna campus, said they've received Health Canada approval to test out two different strains of weed...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    BC: Professor Conducting First Clinical Trial About The Effects Of Cannabis On PTSD

    A UBC professor is conducting Canada's first ever clinical trial about the effects of cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Zach Walsh, associate professor of phycology at UBC Kelowna campus, said they've received Health Canada approval to test out two different strains of weed...
  20. Z

    Turn out the lights?

    So I'm on my first grow and was curious about turning the lights off before harvest. The only trick with this is I'm doing this outdoor. So I live in Oregon where there is a lot of rain so for these coming months I built a little tent to out around them. By little I mean 10x5 ft. My plants...
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