
  1. R

    Virginia: A Small Victory For Medical Marijuana And A Woman It Helped

    We paid a visit to Rita's tiny country house on a rainy morning - meeting her vocal neighbors - a large flock of chickens and roosters -- on the way inside. Perched on her bed, surrounded by family photos and memorabilia from her days in a popular local rock band, Rita recalled being...
  2. R

    The Legal Cannabis Trade Is Now Worth $1 Billion

    In states which have legalised cannabis, American authorities are raking in almost $1 billion in tax. Recreational marijuana sale, which is legal in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia, has increased by 184 per cent. The industry was worth around $351 million...
  3. R

    Something Is Happening In The Hemp Space... Something Big

    And I think I know who's going to benefit. For years, those in the hemp world have been saying 'any day now' and pointing to big stockpiles of industrial hemp that they swore was going to be plastics, paper, clothing, homes, bridges, space shuttles... Of course, that promise has, to this...
  4. TheFertilizer

    Feminized Seeds vs Clones

    What are the disadvantages of using feminized seeds versus buying clones? I'm not going to be running a perpetual harvest and have no cloning room so I'd have to buy them. It seems thst just getting feminized seeds would be cheaper and mor e convenient but I haven't heard of feminized seeds...
  5. B

    Is it possible to build this?

    This is just a random idea, and I'm curious if this can actually be plausible; I have 100 mL hydroponics syringe that's on its way out ( The print is scratching off now) and was thinking of instead of throwing it away, I want to store a nutrient dense solution that can then feed into the...
  6. S

    Help with lighting

    Hello - first time grower and was hoping for a bit of advice. Just setting up my grow space for my first grow - just going to try the one plant to see how it goes before doing anything more heavy duty. Have been researching lighting and trying to figure out what works best. Decided to go with...
  7. G

    Stealth exhaust in winter ideas?

    O.K. here is my problem. I am getting ready to set up my 4x4 grow tent in an apartment back room. I have to exhaust out of window. (only choice) this window directly faces the street and everyone can see. For summer I am not worried since I plan on putting a window fan in window and atach...
  8. R

    Vancouver Medical Marijuana Dispensary Fighting Opposition From Neighbour

    "We believe that we are doing everything within the boundaries, actually we are exceeding all city requirements within that area." The Spokesperson for a Vancouver medical marijuana dispensary says it's jumped through all of the regulatory hoops, but is now facing opposition from a stubborn...
  9. R

    VA: Proponents Of Medical Marijuana Gather Outside General Assembly

    Patients and caretakers for Virginians with severe epilepsy gathered outside the General Assembly building Tuesday. They're asking lawmakers to help them gain easier access to medical marijuana. Last year, the legislature and governor agreed to provide legal protection at state level for those...
  10. R

    Congress Will Extend Cease-Fire On Medical Marijuana, Lawmakers Predict

    Once the Super Bowl clears out, cannabis businesspeople, activists and allies gather Feb. 13 and 14 in San Francisco for the International Cannabis Business Conference – an event packed with influential speakers, including former US Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, and columnist Andrew...
  11. R

    Gramps' Medical Marijuana Benefit Concert Is About More Than Getting High

    You might think the 18th-annual Medical Marijuana Benefit Concert would be a hippie-ridden, dreadlocked-Rasta smoke-out, but the organizer, who goes by the name Flash, would tell you to sit your blunt down. For him, it's education over sedation. "We want people to learn at the event and then...
  12. R

    Long Beach Council Stops Ordinance, Keeps Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban In Place

    City Council members who had supported creating legal medical marijuana dispensaries waved the white flag Tuesday, opting for a continued ban rather than a much smaller delivery-only model. The council has grappled with creating a local law to regulate dispensaries since 2010, when a first...
  13. R

    Rep. Allen Peake On Medical Marijuana, Growing Pot In Georgia, And Civil Disobedience

    Last spring, state Rep. Allen Peake, a Macon Republican, was riding high on momentum from the passage of his medical marijuana bill. He almost became Georgia's House majority leader back in May. When he fell just short, Peake received a nice consolation prize: Gov. Nathan Deal named him one of...
  14. N

    Please help!

    We just started growing a month ago and are in need of any and all help! We bought a 6.5 x 6.5 tent and we already had three 1000 watt lights. Bought nutrients by cyco Cycoflower | Cyco Platinum Series, we were told they were top notch. Bought a pretty nice ph meter and the ph up and down to add...
  15. Krypt247

    LED - Auto's Heaven

    Hi all this is the start of my second journal and for starters I want to say that I am glad to have each and every one of you here! Light Schedule : 20/4 (Suggested for auto's) Tent: 4'wide x 2'deep x 5'tall Substrate : Coco/Per-lite 5 gallon smart pot Feed: AN Sensi Nutes Feed pH: Will feed at...
  16. A

    Newbie grower starting out on a new adventure

    Hey there folks, my name is Peter, joining me on this adventure is my bo Pieter (yes we have the same names :high-five: ) We are from southern Africa, recently started my greatest adventure since the new year started:thumb: Let me skip the yada yada and get to the questions. Do you...
  17. 2Crispy

    Curing while on vacation

    Ok, so I have a problem. My grow took longer than anticipated so I had a late harvest. The buds are at the point where I put them in jars and will open them daily. However I am going away for 10 days. Should I A. Leave the lids off when I go? B. Stick the whole jars in the freezer...
  18. R

    Cloud Of Smoke Obscures Cannabis Debate

    I have some chocolates. They have certain properties. A while ago I was hit with a sudden, inexplicable, profoundly crushing sadness. Oh, well, sadness is normal, even welcome at times. But not like this. I didn't want to call her; nothing she could do. I didn't want to walk over to the...
  19. Lazarus13

    Calcium question

    I'm growing in dwc on a budget. I have epsom salts for mag but am wondering about calcium. I found some chelated calcium supplements at the drug store the other day and was wondering if those would work? Anyone have any input on this idea?
  20. R

    Assistance Required With Deep Flow Technique

    Hi Guys, I have been experiencing a few problems lately with my Deep Flow Technique System. Recently, there have been mosquitoes breeding within the system. Furthermore the plants are not growing well. The atmospheric temperature frequently fluctuates above 30 °C. The temperatures of the...
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