
  1. MickFoster

    Bad Advice

    The title of this forum is Frequently Asked Questions - Growers helping each other learn. As I read through the threads on the different forums, it's amazing to me the amount of wrong and potential harmful advice that is given to people that need help. I have always known that the bad advice...
  2. sumloud

    N deficiency in 2 week old seedling? NL yellowing and curling

    Hey everybody, first time grower here. Germinated 4 seeds (2x AK-48, 1x Bubba's Gift, 1x Northern Lights) and planted in Rapid Rooters and watering with 6-6.5 pH distilled water in 80F, 30% RH, 24/0 from 300W LED. One of the 4 seedlings, the Northern Lights, is experiencing yellowing and...
  3. G

    Am I out to lunch?

    Hi all. I am not new to growing having managed a couple of hydro stores in the 80's but a little rusty having kids and life made me quit for over 20 years. In my opinion the biggest change in the industry has been the recent improvement in lighting and I have found myself in an interesting...
  4. OEF Vet 11B

    Growing is a passion

    I haven't quite introduced myself to the entire community yet. Ive been over to the journals pages and the veterans lounge. Ive helped out with as much as i can with some advice(generally im the one needing it.) Some of you may know I have an active journal going but to others I am unknown. I...
  5. D

    Mars Hydro II 700 Watt

    I am just pathetic when it comes to growing this stuff. I have a 2x4 tent and have grown as many as 10 plants @ a time with terrible yield and small fluffy buds. So I took some advice and now I only flower 2 plants @ a time. Will the 700 watt light be enough to flower two large plants which...
  6. TheFertilizer

    Bloom-from-seed - No Mercy growing? And Scrog?

    So this is an interesting concept I'd never heard of before. You plant a seed and start it at 12/12.. Or in DrZiggy's case 11/13... Conventional wisdom would have it that the plants would just grow one little weak bud but in practice it seems like they turn into pretty nice colas and in not...
  7. B

    Really need an explaination for this

    OK so the situation is that I am monitoring my plant in a Top fed DWC System on a daily basis and up until Monday, the rate of nutrients being consumed was at a fairly predictable Pace, however, since Monday The PPM has been decreasing at an exponential rate. It went from 60-70 PPM's being...
  8. I

    R.O. System?

    As stated in previous post im starting a veg room and my water is terrible... i was looking at r.o systems for 149$? Anyone have a simple method for water? Or am i able to buy water but have to add anything to it? Thanks for any help!
  9. R

    FL: Bill To Let Terminally Ill Use Medical Marijuana Advances

    A proposal to allow terminally ill patients in Florida to use medical marijuana is headed to the Senate floor. Sen. Rob Bradley's measure, which passed the Fiscal Policy Committee on Thursday, has gone back to its original intent – allowing those with terminal conditions to use nonsmokable...
  10. R

    VA: State Lawmakers Debate Medical Marijuana

    Advocates of medical marijuana scored another small victory this week in Richmond. A Senate committee voted to allow cancer patients to use an oil derived from the cannabis plant - a medication that can already be used, legally, in patients with epilepsy. Studies suggest cannabidiol may...
  11. R

    Oregon Medical Marijuana Program At Risk With Over-Regulation

    "The Oregon Health Authority is proposing to destroy the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program by over-regulation that will make criminals out of thousands of patients and the growers who provide for them." - John Sajo Were Oregon voters boondoggled when they "legalized" marijuana? Some say "Yes"...
  12. G

    Hello - Looking for a commercial kitchen to cook edibles

    Hi I am trying to start an edibles company. I currently do not have a place to cook full time. I live in socal. Does anyone know of a kitchen or have used a kitchen that allows marijuana? Thanks.
  13. Mcdankness

    Leaves turning purple near harvest?

    So, I am on about week 6 or so into the flowering stage for this little mamma (Blue Dream , Indica) and just recently I started noticing a strange purple growth on the fan leaves. Primarily, the fan leaves surrounding the highest cola is where it is most prominent. The "purple" begins to...
  14. OlderGrower

    Dry ice method for making hash - Help need advice

    Quick question for those in the know. I just harvested my 2nd grow, well actually chopping it right this second, have 2 plants chopped and have 2 more to finish up tonight, but here is my question. I am planning on taking this whole harvest and making dry ice hash, but the question I have is...
  15. D

    Deptrai's Soil Medical Mass - 2016

    Medical Mass feminized from Royal Queen Seeds, purchased through Bonza Seeds 40% sativa, 60% indica, 10% +/- THC Indoor soil grow in 6 gal space bucket (4 stacked buckets) 180W (109 actual output via 60 3w chips) UFO light with 5050 LED strip (26W actual) lining inside of bucket Germination: •...
  16. R

    ME: Brunswick Policy Would Allow Medical Marijuana In Schools

    A draft policy to permit the use of medical marijuana in public schools will have a first reading by the School Board on Feb. 10. The policy is a response to a change in state law last summer that prohibits schools from keeping minors who have prescriptions for medical marijuana from...
  17. J

    Busy times

    High to all my fellow grows. It's that time of year again,time to decide what strains we want to grow and how we are gonna go about it. Myself I have all but giving up on indoor grow due to an uncontrallable spider mite problem where I grow. Trust me when I say I have tried everything I can...
  18. R

    NY Family Drives 8 Hours For Medical Marijuana

    When the emergency access bill was passed, they thought they'd be first in line... now, almost 3 months later, they're still waiting. Tommy needs a specific type of oil, with certain levels of CBD and THC. Both dispensaries in Erie County told the Williams they don't have the specific...
  19. T

    Best veg lighting for a 3x2x3 tent

    I have a SecretJardin DP90 that is being used for veg only and I am currently trying to figure out what style of light I should go with. I have looked at a T5 fixture but the largest I will be able to fit is a 2ft 6 bulb, other options would be LED, haven't looked at HID because of the heat...
  20. R

    Bipartisan Group Of Lawmakers Pushing To Get Veterans Access To Medical Marijuana

    Under a policy that expired January 31, 2016, Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors were not allowed to discuss medical marijuana treatments to their patients. Twenty-one lawmakers are urging VA doctors to allow medical marijuana to be not only discussed, but sometimes recommended in states where it is...
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