
  1. R

    Medical Marijuana More Accessible But Costly In Barrie, ON

    The first time James Dean Wolfenden had a seizure, he fell in a school hallway, cutting open his head when he smacked it on the floor. The Barrie boy had no family history of epilepsy, but he was having a massive episode in front of his Grade 6 classmates. That was the first of many. Now 17...
  2. R

    How Medical Marijuana Works In New Hampshire

    For patients who have been buying marijuana illegally to relieve pain, improve appetite and alleviate other symptoms, it's been a long wait to come out of the shadows. Lawmakers passed a therapeutic cannabis bill in June 2013, and Gov. Maggie Hassan signed it into law effective that July...
  3. BikerBear

    Set-up of my tent - Carbon ventilation and heat?

    High everyone! I have a new grow tent (see image below). I also have a carbon ventilation system to install. Which ventilation holes do I attach the carbon fan to, and where would I put a clamp-on fan to keep the CO2 circulating? Also, as the grow tent will be kept outside in a wooden...
  4. R

    First Indoor Grow!

    Let me start off by saying that i have limited knowledge and no indoor grow experience.. i have successfully harvested maybe half a dozen or so outdoor summer grows like 10 years ago.. but now that i have the space and privacy i planned and setup my first indoor grow!! i am beyond excited and...
  5. S

    First Grow - CBD Critical Mass - 440W LEDs

    Greetings! New to forum and growing. I have read a ton but still have questions. I am currently growing 3 plants of CBD Critical Mass in a 3x3 Gorilla tent with a California Light Works Solarstorm 440w light. I have the plants in 3 gallon Smartpots running a 18/6 light cycle. The...
  6. 4

    My very first indoor growing - Need help

    Hello ! I haven't grown cannabis indoor or outdoor previously. I have researcher for their sex but i can't decide which they'r and also wanted to know if they'r healty or not. They'r more or less 2 months old. I have 2 plants. Seed from the weed i've bought from my dealer so they'r no name. I...
  7. weenmeoff

    Weenmeoff's Inside Soil Alien Abduction Grow Journal

    Hi All, Strain is Alien Abduction - Indica - 3 plants In Veg stage for about 3-4 weeks (since started the seeds which were from a bag not purchased/feminized.) Doing indoor, soil, organic potting soil mixture, started in paper towel then in plastic cups and just transplanted into 5 gallon...
  8. DeeWeed34

    DeeWeed's Soil Gouda Cheese Comparison Grow Journal - 2016

    Hello all, I have recently been sent a whole line up of nutrients from Humboldt County's House & Garden, so I have decided to do a side by side grow using the H & G and Fox Farms, which is my normal nutes. The following is info on my grow, pics to follow; Strain - Pure Michigan's Gouda Cheese...
  9. R

    Greetings and salutations

    RobTheKnob here. I am a medical/recreational user, growing my own for four years now. Got my medical cert this year, so I'm legal now! Have had pretty good luck just growing clones, outdoors. I've grown Sour Diesel, Blue Dream, Training Day, Killa Watt, and SF-OG. Usually three plants, but this...
  10. R

    Immature clones starting to flower?

    Hi folks, Got four clones, all hybrids. Good shape, older "teenagers". Transplanted them from the bags to pots until it's time to put them in the ground. Been keeping them indoors by windows to keep them warm. Had some warm weather and was taking them outside to be in the full sun for the...
  11. M

    Auto BB at 6 weeks - Is she close to harvest?

    Hello this is my first grow. I have a auto BB that is 6 weeks from sprout, I am just seeing if she might have another 3 weeks left? All the input is greatly appreciated.
  12. Catwhisperer

    Seed Germination - Propagation Setup Advice Needed

    Hi All, Im trying to make a small DWC setup for my plants first weeks then transplant them in to my ebb&flow system. I built something that i think would work ,but i would like to hear opinions and comments on it also I have a few querstions. So lets have a look at my thing: Basically its a...
  13. Kundal1n1

    Need some expertise on sexing these fine specimens

    I made some pictures with a macro lens. Feel free to give suggestions. I've been staring myself blind at these calyxes... or might that be the EMF from the CFL's.. lol (i swear i just got a faceburn from them) Sexing 101. Specimen A; Specimen B; Now the million bud...
  14. R

    Veterans Should Be Allowed Benefits Of Medical Marijuana

    Our system of government can often be messy and confusing, with federal laws saying one thing, then being contradicted by state statutes. Medical marijuana is currently the most glaring example around the country. Once considered the gateway drug to hardcore drug addiction, public...
  15. R

    Canada: With Pot Legalization Coming, What Happens In The Meantime?

    Now that Health Minister Jane Philpott has announced that the Liberal government will introduce legislation next spring to legalize and regulate marijuana, we have a question: What happens until then? Under Canadian law, a person can be arrested and charged with a criminal offence for...
  16. W

    LED lighting & HPS

    hi ive been using 2 mars II 900 for a couple of years now, have tried different strains but never experienced the yield I got from hps. The buds were good to smoke but were light. The last few grows I have used 2 400hps lights as supplemental lighting to the mars, I run 1 for 4hrs shining from...
  17. T

    Help me - I need to find a second LED light

    Hello everybody! This is my first post. After countless hours of browsing the forums I have decided to create an account so that I can hopefully get some help as I'm just not finding the answers I need. I am looking for a second LED light for my small 24x48" area. I already have a Mars II...
  18. AKgramma

    Quick question on processing a male for pollen

    Because this is so time sensitive, I'm posting from my Journal. I have been waiting for a male from my Bubblelicious grow for 4 months and have finally identified one. This is the post, and a question for those of you who collect pollen. OK! I have a MALE! This morning I found those weird...
  19. R

    Mexican President Announces Medical Marijuana Legislation At U.N. Drug Summit

    Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced his plan of legalizing marijuana for medical and scientific purposes at the UN Drug Policy Summit. Peña Nieto spoke at the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs and referred to narcotics as a "public health problem," urging the international...
  20. R

    Medical Marijuana Researchers Playing Catch Up After Legalization In PA

    It could take up to 24 months for the state of Pennsylvania to set up a system for regulating and dispensing medical marijuana. In the meantime, patients who want to use cannabis as medicine do so at their own risk, according to researchers studying the issue. Marcel Bonn-Miller is a...
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